Проспера управляет волшебным островом и заботится о своей юной дочери Миранде. После кораблекрушения в ее владения попадают королевские особы и их окружение. Катастрофа не была случайностью. Когда-то эти люди изгнали Просперу с ее родной земли, и теперь она, используя свою магическую силу, направила корабль врагов на остров, чтобы свести с ними счеты. Проспера заставляет своих мучителей проходить через опасные, а порой — очень смешные испытания. Однако между Мирандой и принцем Фердинандом вспыхивает любовь. И это то волшебство, с которым даже Проспера не может справиться…
Ron Gilmore
С грехом пополам закончив колледж, увалень Том возвращается в родной дом, где приходит конец его беззаботной жизни. Внезапная смерть отца перекладывает на плечи Тома управление заводом по производству автомобильных запчастей, а происки мачехи только добавляют проблем.
Lily and her son John live alone in a small town as her husband has been killed fighting the war in France. Or at least that is what she told John, but the arrival of Frank back in the town leads him to find out that she not only has been lying about that but also about the fact that she never married him. When Frank tussles with Lily in her yard she applies for a restraining order, calling on the help of her father (the esteemed judge Stoddard Bell) and his partner (lawyer Harmon Cobb). The case fails and when Frank is found murdered later that night Stoddard is arrested and Cobb has a defence case on his hands.
Как коротка была яркая, но трагическая жизнь «звезды» журнального бизнеса Дороти Стрэттен — «лица обложки» Playboy-80, успевшей стать «девушкой американской мечты», но оказавшейся словно птицей, подстреленной на взлете. Это реально произошедшая историю провинциальной школьницы, в мгновение ока превратившейся в «секс-бомбу», едва вкусившей плоды славы и уже готовившейся к карьере кинозвезды…
Kenneth Knight
One of Bob Hunt's neighbours' electricity is cut off because she cannot pay the bill. She is assisted by contributions, and the bill is paid entirely in pennies, though the clerk is belatedly told that payment is not accepted in such a large quantity of coins. Unfortunately, the electric company fails to reconnect the power due to a communications snafu, and the elderly woman is taken to hospital suffering hypothermia. Hunt sets off on a vendetta of revenge, sabotaging assorted support systems.
Mack Fisher
After his wife is raped, a man struggles to find ways to express the anger and helplessness which the crime has instilled in him.
1st Scientist
The story of a woman who survives the car accident which kills her husband, but discovers that she has the power to heal other people. She becomes an unwitting celebrity, the hope of those in desperate need of healing, and a lightning rod for religious beliefs and skeptics.
The life of a stressed-out air controller falls apart as he battles a court case involving a mid-air collision for which an investigator is trying to hold him responsible.
Bob O'Brian
Three girlfriends -- an author, an artist, and a political activist -- mature and change during the turbulent 1960s.
When boredom, pride and a mad second of misjudgement leaves a hunter shot dead by one of five combat veterans also hunting in the Canadian hills, it is expected a police investigation will follow, but when the veterans discover the incident has not been reported, the leader of the team, Major Rex suspects the other party maybe plotting revenge. Convinced that he, his party, and their families will be targets themselves he decides to beat his suspected assailants at their own game, grouping together more army comrades and stocking up an arsenal of weapons for the forthcoming battle.