Luisa-Céline Gaffron
출생 : 1993-06-06, Vienna, Austria
Abbie Campbell
East Germany, in autumn 1999. Gudrun Pfaff is about to turn sixty when she finds out that the orphanage she grew up in is being sold to turn into a hotel, and she is willing to do anything to stop it.
Ela, a young actress, gets a role with the well-known theatre director Franz Kramer. The production is a great opportunity for Ela, but also comes with pressure. Kramer constantly oversteps Elas boundaries, and the situation worsens when Kramer sexually harasses her. Ela struggles to reconstruct her role as a self-confident character-and realizes that to do so, she has to take the same steps of self-empowerment in her real life.
Love and loss are closely linked in MY SON, an emotional drama about a teenager and his mother who go on a journey together after nearly having lost one another.
법학과에 진학중인 루이자는 어느 날, 친구를 따라 반 나치, 반 파시스트 운동권 단체인 P-31에 가담한다. 파시즘 성향 정치인 연설에 반대하기 위해 집회에 참석한 루이자는 자신을 촬영한 채증 사진이 담긴 핸드폰을 훔쳐 달아나다 경찰에게 잡히고 마는데, 위기에 처한 그녀를 단체 내 강경파인 알파(Alfa)가 구해주고 둘은 이내 가까워진다. 폭력으로부터 거리를 두고 자신들의 정치적 이상을 실현하려는 온건파와 무기사용을 서슴지 않고, 테러리즘을 감행하려 하는 강경파 사이를 오가며 루이자는 혐오세력에 맞서기 위해 무력 투쟁을 하는 것이 과연 정당한 것인지 혼란스러워 한다.
1938. While the Nazi troops march into Vienna, the lawyer Josef Bartok hastily tries to escape to the USA with his wife but is arrested by the Gestapo. Bartok remains steadfast and refuses to cooperate with the Gestapo that requires confidential information from him. Thrown into solitary confinement, Bartok is psychologically tormented for months and begins to weaken. However, when he steals an old book about chess it sets him on course to overcome the mental suffering inflicted upon him, until it becomes a dangerous obsession.
Two Afro-German half-sisters that never met before, get closer through their father's death, search their roots and find themselves.
Jeune femme
Berlin, the Prenzlauer Berg district. Daniel is a movie star accustomed to success. His loft apartment is stylish and so is his wife, and the nanny has the children under control. Everything is tip-top, bilingual and ready for him to jet off to an audition in London where a role in an American superhero film awaits the celebrated German-Spanish actor. Popping into the local bar on the corner, he finds Bruno sitting there. As transpires by the minute, Bruno has been waiting for this moment for a long time. And so this eternally overlooked man – one of reunification's losers and a victim of the gentrification of what was once East Berlin – takes his revenge. With Daniel as his target...
Edith Salzmann
August 13, 1961: The passengers on the interzonal train from Munich to East Berlin learn 3½ hours before crossing the border that the Wall is being built in Berlin. They have 3½ hours to make a life-changing decision: to get off the train or keep going.
These young women are an odd couple. Julie is quick-witted and stubborn. She celebrates idleness and even voluntarily checks into a psychiatric clinic. Nurse Agnes, on the other hand, is always eager to do the right thing and to meet everyone's expectations of her, which is not always easy. When the two of them accidentally meet one day, odds are they won't get along. But they quickly feel attracted to one another, despite their enormous differences.
날이 갈수록 전쟁에 가까워지는 독일의 1939년 여름. 영국의 벡스힐에는 나치 사령부 간부진의 딸들이 생활하는 여학교가 자리하고 있다. 학교를 감시하던 전임 요원이 갑작스럽게 실종되고, 토마스 밀러는 그 대체자로서 학교에 잠입한다. 학교에 들어온 지 며칠이 지나고 나치 동조자들이 모인 영독 친우회에서 그는 독일이 학교의 아이들을 전쟁이 시작되기 전 독일로 빼돌리려 한다는 것을 알게 되고, 이를 육군성에 알리려 하지만 그의 앞에는 수많은 위기가 기다리고 있는데...
페르시아어를 배우기 원하는 독일군 장교 코흐. 살기 위해 페르시아인이라고 거짓말을 한 유대인 질. 질은 살아남기 위해 코흐에게 가짜 페르시아어를 가르치고 매일 밤 거짓으로 단어를 만드는데...
Grete Hader
갑자기 나라 전체가 변화에 휩싸인다고 상상해 보라. 이것이 1933년, 바로 9살 소녀 안나에게 일어난 일이다. 안나는 처음에는 히틀러가 누구인지 몰랐다. 그러나 안나의 아버지가 어느 날 불현듯 실종되었을 때, 안나는 히틀러라는 사람이 그녀의 삶 뿐 아니라 유럽 전체를 바꾸게 될 것이라는 것을 직감했다. 안나는 가장 좋아하는 핑크 토끼 인형을 뒤로 한 채 스위스로, 파리로 떠나야만 한다.
(2021년 제16회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제)
Juno, a twenty-year-old girl becomes obsessed with Pan. Her obsession turns her into an animal.
Three women, three different stories, one room in a psychiatric clinic. A strong and tumultuous relationship erupts among them, evolving into an energetic, honest and erotic bond. This takes them to a point where their hopes may be fulfilled… in very different ways.
Set in the near future, Brooke Brooks is a former supermodel who becomes a successful lifestyle mogul and is the first person to IPO herself. Having commodified herself, she's forced to confront her sense of self and the identity she's created.