After an accident, Ana needs some metal prosthetics in one of her forearms. During her winter vacation, she notices something strange—as though her arm were an antenna, she begins to receive messages in morse code. This happens every day, but the frequency is different. With a little help from her friends, the young woman spends her days trying to decipher the enigmatic code coming from her body. Is it a song? A call from unthought-of places? Is it a game? Or a simple problem with the prosthetics? As she did in her short films, Ingrid Pokropek relies on fiction to tackle the shortcomings of early adolescence and pay tribute to Buenos Aires City’s geography. In Los tonos mayores, the fantastic barges in little by little, with the same conviction Ana enters the adventure of her life.
봉쇄 기간의 코미디? 어쩌면 그럴지도. 봉쇄 조치에 놓인 소녀와 가족의 초상? 그렇게 보인다. 봉쇄 기간에 촬영된 베케트식 부조리 뮤지컬? 정확히 그렇다.
David Samaras, "el Griego", is the general producer of the popular talk show "Hoy se arregla el mundo", where supposedly ordinary people resolve relationship, couple, friendship, work, parent and child conflicts. The most enduring bond in his life is Benito, his 9-year-old son, the fruit of a casual relationship. The story changes completely when he learns that Benito is not his son. The search for the real dad will lead them to a crossroads much bigger than the one they set out to face.
To escape the leader of a satanic metal band and the father of her unborn child, Lucia moves to a remote cabin with her grandmother. Though safe in her surroundings, she is haunted by his memory and knows he will stop at nothing to track her down.
Mario and Silvia are a typical Montevidean middle class couple, going through the trauma of retirement. Due to Mario’s oversight in what was to be one of his last operations a small dog dies. Shortly after, Mario and Silvia find that thieves have entered their house. They have no choice but to leave and stay at their daughter’s house, where they will enter a spiral of insecurity and paranoia that will drag them to violence and nonsense.
독일 음악가 헬무트 라헨만은 안데르센의 동화 『성냥팔이 소녀』를 직접 각색한 오페라를 무대에 올리기 위해 부에노스아이레스에 오지만, 오케스트라단은 파업 중이다. 그럼에도 라헨만은 공연 준비를 강행한다. 다큐멘터리와 픽션을 오가며 불안정한 긴장감을 자아낸다. 비극적 결말을 맞는 안데르센의 동화와 역시 비극적인 운명을 가진 당나귀의 이야기(로베르 브레송의 영화 "당나귀 발타자르")가 교차하며 삶의 모순되고 비극적인 근원에 다가간다.
Union Leader
스튜어디스 ‘레나’는 산티아고 비행 스케줄 기간 동안 칠레에 있는 연인 ‘다니엘’과 잠깐 동안의 달콤한 휴식을 보내게 된다. 하지만 칠레의 자유 정부 모임을 도와 군부 쿠데타에 반대하는 시위에 가담한 ‘다니엘’이 비밀 경찰들에 의해 끌려가게 되고, ‘레나’는 그가 ‘콜로니아’로 불리는 사교 단체에 있다는 정보를 입수하게 된다. ‘레나’는 사랑하는 연인 ‘다니엘’을 구하기 위해 독일인 ‘폴 쉐퍼’가 신처럼 군림하고, 한 번 들어가면 아무도 돌아오지 않는 그곳, ‘콜로니아’에 직접 찾아가 목숨을 건 여정을 하면서 충격적인 사실을 알게 되는데…
Julia and Diego spend a weekend taking care of Diego’s nephew, in a house far from the city. Everything goes on normally until Julia’s visit to the hospital changes completely their relation.