Lalo Rotaveria

Lalo Rotaveria


Lalo Rotaveria


The Major Tones
After an accident, Ana needs some metal prosthetics in one of her forearms. During her winter vacation, she notices something strange—as though her arm were an antenna, she begins to receive messages in morse code. This happens every day, but the frequency is different. With a little help from her friends, the young woman spends her days trying to decipher the enigmatic code coming from her body. Is it a song? A call from unthought-of places? Is it a game? Or a simple problem with the prosthetics? As she did in her short films, Ingrid Pokropek relies on fiction to tackle the shortcomings of early adolescence and pay tribute to Buenos Aires City’s geography. In Los tonos mayores, the fantastic barges in little by little, with the same conviction Ana enters the adventure of her life.
The Middle Ages
A comedy during confinement? Probably so. A portrait of a little girl and her family during confinement? Apparently so. An absurd, Beckettian musical shot during confinement? Exactly, yes.
Vamos Consertar o Mundo
Diego descobre que talvez não seja o pai do jovem Benito. Então os dois embarcam em uma jornada comovente para descobrir a verdade.
Welcome to Hell
Para escapar do líder de uma banda satânica de black metal, Lucia se muda para uma cabana remota na floresta com sua avó. Embora segura em seus arredores, ela é assombrada por sua memória e sabe que ele não vai parar até localizá-la.
A Dog's Death
Mario and Silvia are a typical Montevidean middle class couple, going through the trauma of retirement. Due to Mario’s oversight in what was to be one of his last operations a small dog dies. Shortly after, Mario and Silvia find that thieves have entered their house. They have no choice but to leave and stay at their daughter’s house, where they will enter a spiral of insecurity and paranoia that will drag them to violence and nonsense.
The Little Match Girl
The sad story of Andersen's little match girl; the fate of Balthazar, Bresson's donkey; the impossible love affair between a militant of the Red Army Faction and an Argentinean pianist; the adventures in Buenos Aires of Helmut Lachenmann, who is trying to stage an insane opera; the problems of Marie, Walter and their daughter, who are trying to survive on very little money…
Amor e Revolução
Union Leader
Chile, 1973. Em meio ao golpe de estado que derrubou o presidente eleito Salvador Allende e possibilitou a ascensão do ditador Augusto Pinochet, as massas estão nas ruas protestando, entre eles um casal alemão, Lena e Daniel. Quando o rapaz é levado pela polícia secreta de Pinochet, Lena procura por ele e descobre que seu amado está em um lugar chamado Colonia Dignidad, uma suposta missão de caridade dirigida por um pregador, só que na verdade é uma prisão de onde ninguém nunca escapou. A fim de encontrar Daniel, a moça decide se juntar ao culto religioso da Colonia.
Tomorrow All The Things
Julia and Diego spend a weekend taking care of Diego’s nephew, in a house far from the city. Everything goes on normally until Julia’s visit to the hospital changes completely their relation.