First Assistant Director
평화로운 한때, 어느 날 갑자기 정체를 알 수 없는 외계 생물체들이 지구를 침공한다. 인간으로부터 양분을 빨아먹고 기생하는 ‘에일리언’들! 외계 종족의 번식을 위해 납치된 사람들을 구하기 위한 인류 최후의 전투가 시작된다.
A homeless war-veteran with a chequered past must rely on a side of himself once thought buried when he and his companions are targeted by three vicious psychopaths wearing Santa suits on Christmas Day.
A homeless war-veteran with a chequered past must rely on a side of himself once thought buried when he and his companions are targeted by three vicious psychopaths wearing Santa suits on Christmas Day.
A homeless war-veteran with a chequered past must rely on a side of himself once thought buried when he and his companions are targeted by three vicious psychopaths wearing Santa suits on Christmas Day.