Sound Editor
Unable to meet all the demands of his job and family anymore, Mathieu feels he's in a mid-life crisis and hurriedly leaves for the forest. His relatives are left by themselves, faced with his sudden departure and their choices.
Sound Editor
Yvan De Wiel, a private banker from Geneva, is going to Argentina in the midst of a dictatorship to replace his partner, the object of the most worrying rumors, who disappeared overnight. Between hushed lounges, swimming pools, and gardens under surveillance, a remote duel takes place between two bankers who, despite different methods, are the accomplices of a discreet and merciless form of colonization.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Yvan De Wiel, a private banker from Geneva, is going to Argentina in the midst of a dictatorship to replace his partner, the object of the most worrying rumors, who disappeared overnight. Between hushed lounges, swimming pools, and gardens under surveillance, a remote duel takes place between two bankers who, despite different methods, are the accomplices of a discreet and merciless form of colonization.
Is it possible to replicate the human brain on a computer? To connect it to machines? Research aimed at understanding the functioning of our biological brain is being matched by spectacular progress in the development of artificial intelligence.
Sound Mixer
The small regional hospitals of Vevey, Montreux, Aigle and Monthey are closing in favor of the new, larger, more adapted and more modern hospital in Rennaz. As the construction of the new hospital progresses, emergency physicians Eric and Frédérique tell us about their daily life in the face of illness and death.
Sound Designer
화산섬 거주민들은 끝없이 반복되는 폭발과 지진, 그리고 그들에게 닥쳤던 과거의 트라우마에 갇혀있다. 어떤 이들은 신화와 종교적 믿음으로 그들의 불안정한 상황을 해석하려 하고, 어떤 이들은 화산암으로 마을을 다시 되살려보려 한다.
Sound Editor
1973년 르완다. 어린 소녀들은 언덕 위에 위치한 유명한 가톨릭 기숙학교인, 나일강의 성모학교로 보내진다. 그곳에서 소녀들은 르완다에서 엘리트가 되는 방법을 배운다. 같은 기숙사에 살며 같은 꿈과 고민을 나누던 소녀들은 어느덧 졸업을 앞두고 있다.
(2020년 제15회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제) 원작소설을 바탕으로 20년 후 르완다 대학살을 예고하는 듯한 시점의 선택, 정치분열, 폭력과 은밀한 억압 속에서도 어디선가 명맥을 유지하며 살아숨쉬는 토착문화와 신화의 복원, 퍼포먼스 연출씬들을 삽입하여 소녀들의 생기와 아름다움이 부재의 시공간을 반짝반짝 생기로 채워나간다. 연출과 영상미가 인상적인 수작. (2020년 제15회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제/ 변혜경)
Sound Editor
Five days before D-Day, the day of the last voyage of the Order of Sirius, a sect nestled in the Vaudoise Alps, Switzerland. Five days during which a community of 48 people, women, men, children, fed with esotericism and guided by a narcissistic guru, will test their faith and be deprived of their identity. Five days in which every gesture will be the last. Sirius is inspired by the massacre of the Order of the Solar Temple in 1994 in western Switzerland.
Recording Supervision
세계에서 가장 권위 있는 공연예술극장, 파리 바스티유 오페라극장. 20세기 음악 혁명을 이끈 작곡가 쇤베르크의 오페라 '모세와 아론'이 2015년 가을, 파리 오페라극장에서 초연된다. 한 편의 오페라를 무대에 올리기까지, 당신의 상상을 뛰어넘는 백스테이지의 모든 것이 공개된다.
Sound Editor
세계에서 가장 권위 있는 공연예술극장, 파리 바스티유 오페라극장. 20세기 음악 혁명을 이끈 작곡가 쇤베르크의 오페라 '모세와 아론'이 2015년 가을, 파리 오페라극장에서 초연된다. 한 편의 오페라를 무대에 올리기까지, 당신의 상상을 뛰어넘는 백스테이지의 모든 것이 공개된다.
Sound Mixer
A little girl catches floral patterns with a magic cloth and uses them to make her own pretty dresses. Every night, ants move her house from one field to the next. One day, a seed drops into her mouth and a young shoot sprouts from her navel.
Sound Designer
It is winter at an emergency shelter for the homeless in Lausanne. Every night at the door of this little-known basement facility the same entry ritual takes place, resulting in confrontations which can sometimes turn violent. Those on duty at the shelter have the difficult task of “triaging the poor”: the women and children first, then the men. Although the total capacity at the shelter is 100, only 50 “chosen ones” will be admitted inside and granted a warm meal and a bed. The others know it will be a long night.
Sound Editor
It is winter at an emergency shelter for the homeless in Lausanne. Every night at the door of this little-known basement facility the same entry ritual takes place, resulting in confrontations which can sometimes turn violent. Those on duty at the shelter have the difficult task of “triaging the poor”: the women and children first, then the men. Although the total capacity at the shelter is 100, only 50 “chosen ones” will be admitted inside and granted a warm meal and a bed. The others know it will be a long night.
Sound Mixer
The key to the communal laundry room in the block of flats on the Rue de Genève 85 in Lausanne serves a much greater function than merely unlocking the door. This encounter between a symbol of typical Swiss mentality with a penchant for order and the tenants who have been housed here by the city’s social services department is not something to be taken for granted. Although the laundry room is normally located in the cellar, the tenants in this building share a tiny laundry room off the entrance hall because the cellar is reserved for prostitution. To maintain order and cleanliness, the landlord hires Claudina, a new “laundry woman”.
Sound Editor
The key to the communal laundry room in the block of flats on the Rue de Genève 85 in Lausanne serves a much greater function than merely unlocking the door. This encounter between a symbol of typical Swiss mentality with a penchant for order and the tenants who have been housed here by the city’s social services department is not something to be taken for granted. Although the laundry room is normally located in the cellar, the tenants in this building share a tiny laundry room off the entrance hall because the cellar is reserved for prostitution. To maintain order and cleanliness, the landlord hires Claudina, a new “laundry woman”.
Sound Editor
Pascal, 53, and Carole, 28, are shepherds. In the month of November 2010, they embark on their long winter transhumance: four months during which they will have to cover 600 km in the Swiss-French region, accompanied by three donkeys, four dogs and eight hundred sheep. An exceptional adventure is about to begin: they brave the cold and the bad weather day in day out, with a canvas cover and animal skins as their only shelter at night. This saga reveals a tough and exacting profession, requiring constant improvisation and unflinching attention to nature, the animals and the cosmos. An eventful journey with surprise encounters, moving reunions with farmer friends, nostalgic figures of country life that is shrinking away fast. Αn adventure film, a contemporary road movie, a reflection of our current world, which takes us back to our roots and our inner questions.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Pascal, 53, and Carole, 28, are shepherds. In the month of November 2010, they embark on their long winter transhumance: four months during which they will have to cover 600 km in the Swiss-French region, accompanied by three donkeys, four dogs and eight hundred sheep. An exceptional adventure is about to begin: they brave the cold and the bad weather day in day out, with a canvas cover and animal skins as their only shelter at night. This saga reveals a tough and exacting profession, requiring constant improvisation and unflinching attention to nature, the animals and the cosmos. An eventful journey with surprise encounters, moving reunions with farmer friends, nostalgic figures of country life that is shrinking away fast. Αn adventure film, a contemporary road movie, a reflection of our current world, which takes us back to our roots and our inner questions.
Sound Editor
Sound Editor
The story of Johnny Chicago's brother, Ray, and his friend Chuck Moreno, both petty criminals. The latter wants to take the ashes of Johnny, who was fatally wounded by the police after a bank heist, to Chicago.
Supervising Sound Editor
Today, Buck is going to spend the afternoon with his girlfriend who's so happy to see him (she's pretty much happy always). But when Buck finds out that her father is not the tolerant and sympathetic guy he expected, the Sunday afternoon turns really bad.
Sound Editor
평화롭게 살던 가족이 집에서 얼마 떨어지지 않은 곳에 고속도로가 개통되면서 위협을 받는다. 하지만 마르타와 미셀, 그리고 이들의 세 아이는 이주를 거부하고 새로운 환경에 적응할 수 있는 혁신적인 방법을 찾아낸다.
Sound Editor
Ira is Russian. Ivan Tashkov, too. She is 23 years old, lives in Geneva with her mother and knows very little about her homeland. Tashkov is a supposed gangster of the Russian mafia, and is in jail waiting to be judged. Ira, who is searching for her roots and her own path in life, happens to be the interpreter of Tashkov's defense lawyer, and gets instantly captivated by of this powerful, cultured and manipulative man.
Sound Editor
A man and a woman meet to fulfill her sexual fantasy.
Céramique and Louis are a carefree and charming young couple. But soon the whims of love appear. They have to face up to it.