Denis Vaslin

참여 작품

Determined to do his utmost to protect his homeland from ever-imminent invasion, young Luka – a talented sniper – makes the lengthy trek from region 27 north to Fort Kairos, an outpost on the Steppe where the General and her council maintain guard against the pending onslaught from the North. In this desolate industrial complex, fear of an attack that never seems to come by an enemy that perhaps does not exist has morphed into a sort of serene paranoia. Military training has congealed, becoming a series of bizarre, animalistic rituals; punishment for minor infractions ranges from shovelling excrement to death by thirst. When at last there is dim evidence that the North is mobilising its troops, it becomes apparent that dogma now trumps truth, compassion and common sense.
Stilleven met vrouw, thee en brief
모범생 아논
새 학기를 맞이한 방콕의 사왓디 고등학교. 국제수학올림피아드에서 금메달을 딴 아논(Arnold의 태국식 발음)은 학교의 ‘모범 학생’이 되어 교장 선생님의 총애를 받는다. 좋은 대학에 진학하는 것이 지상 목표인 이곳에서 검은 유혹의 손길이 다가오자 갈등하기 시작하는 아논. 한편 학교에서 일어난 체벌 사건이 소셜미디어에 공유되며 학생들의 공분을 불러일으킨다.
Sans soleil
A few years from now, the sun is on the verge of exploding and spatial shock waves flow the Earth. Most humans suffer auditory pain and Cyril's mother becomes a prominent drug dealer for those who decided not to take shelter underground. When she suddenly disappears, Cyril is adopted but he soon feels the need to embark on a journey to find her back.
A Place Called Dignity
Pablo, a 12-year-old boy, receives a scholarship to attend school in the mysterious and isolated Colonia Dignidad established in Chile by German settlers. It seems to be quite a privilege for a kid like him, and he quickly becomes the favourite of the leader of the colony, Uncle Paul. Over time, Pablo witnesses some kind of strange things which happen there and make him act differently than the other students.
요양원 비밀요원
83살의 할아버지 세르지오는 어떤 여인이 요청한 특별한 비밀 임무를 맡는다. 한 노인 요양원에 잠입해 자신의 어머니가 잘 지내고 있는지, 혹시 직원들에게 학대를 받는 건 아닌지 감시해달라는 것이다. 세르지오는 낯선 분위기 때문에 처음에는 요양원에 잘 적응하지 못하지만, 시간이 흐를수록 사람들과 예상외의 즐거운 시간을 보내며 복잡한 감정에 빠진다. 임무만 간단히 수행할 계획이었지만 이곳의 노인들과 어느새 정이 들고 만 것이다. 유머러스한 화법으로 나이듦과 외로움의 문제, 그리고 노인들이 나누는 우정의 순간을 따뜻하게 그린 논픽션 기반의 극영화.
Dragon Girl
Nine year old Sara befriends a newborn dragon, together they will turn Christmas upside down and literary put it on fire.
Mrs. F.
Ifeoma Fafunwa, Mrs. F., takes up the challenge of staging her play HEAR WORD! about the abuse of women in male-dominated Makoko, a slum with houses on stilts in the lagoon of Lagos. Besides the original cast of Nigeria’s most acclaimed actresses, Ifeoma will cast young women in Makoko who are subject to the same fate as many of the women in Nigeria. Ifeoma connects with them through her personal struggle with her background. Can Ifeoma set a transformation in motion in the heart of the fastest growing city in the world that breaks with the silence culture in Nigeria?
I Will Cross Tomorrow
The brief but intense encounter of a Greek police officer and a Syrian refugee changes the way the two see this world.
La omisión
In a snowy and industrial city in the south of Argentina, Paula, a 23-year-old girl from Buenos Aires, starts an intense job hunt with the sole purpose of saving money. The lack of a job, a home and a stable emotional environment will end up turning that search into a personal and introspective journey.
Headbutt portrays the desire of Tobias (15) to restore the old relationship he had with his brother Lucas (18). While they used to do everything together, Lucas now has no interest in his younger brother anymore. When Tobias fantasizes that Lucas will commit suicide, Tobias has no other option than to restore the relationship with his isolated brother.
우리 사랑 이야기
40년째 다운증후군 환자를 위한 학교에 다니는 친구들은 학교가 지루하기만 하다. 어느새 50대에 가까워진 그들은 이제 독립한 성인으로 존중받을 자유를 원한다. 집을 사려 돈을 모으고, 사랑하는 연인과 미래를 약속하며, 직업을 찾기도 하지만, 가족들은 여전히 그들을 성인으로 인정해주지 않는다. (2017년 제 14회 EBS 국제다큐영화제)
Stranger Eyes
Following the disappearance of their 2-year-old daughter, Darren and Tara receive mysterious videos of their family and intimate life. When they find the voyeur, Darren decides to reverse the roles and spy on him in turn, without suspecting that this will lead him to confront his own image.