Director of Photography
The filmmaker Théo Angelopoulos died on January 24th, 2012, knocked down by a motorbike on the set of his final film. In his unfinished film, he was telling the destinies of the victims of the Greek crisis. The list of victims of the crisis has only grown longer, this destitution echoing another that Théo had sensed was coming: that of the massive arrival of refugees who find themselves trapped in Greece by the closure of the borders. Yet citizen resistance is being organized and fights every day to bring those in danger of obliteration out of the shadows. Ironically, the ambulance supposed to come to his rescue broke down because budgetary restrictions had made it impossible to maintain the vehicle. The crisis itself killed Théo. This is a letter addressed to him in the form of a film.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The twins Eden and Léandro were born severely premature. Once out of the belly of their mother, Laurence, they find themselves propelled into the hostile and worrying world of the hospital, full of the sounds of machines and of doctors in white coats. As the weeks pass in the neonatal service, mother and children fight for survival. Haemorrhages, respiratory problems… Surrounded by the medical team, Laurence lives to the rhythm of the twins, caught between the hope for improvement, fatigue, the ever-present possibility that things will go wrong and the fear they will die. The bond between mother and children is organic, vital. Together, they fight fiercely for life.
Director of Photography
After the sudden death of one of them a group of friends grieves trough sexual encounters.
Director of Photography
도나 해러웨이는 과학 기술 분야의 저명한 학자이자 페미니스트이며 SF 애호가다. 1980년대 젠더와 정 체성, 테크놀로지에 관한 작업을 통해 당시 유행하던 학계 경향에서 벗어나 종의 경계를 넘어선 페미니즘을 제창하며 큰 유명세를 누리게 되었다. 파브리지오 테라노바 감독은 해러웨이의 자택에 몇 주간 머무르면서 그녀의 인생에 관한 인상 깊은 작품을 탄생시켰다. 해러웨이가 편안하게 이야기할 수 있도록 그녀의 자택에서 촬영을 진행하고, 흥미로운 연출로 이 과학자의 놀라운 지적 감수성을 선보였다. 이렇게 탄생한 이 작품은 누구보다 독창적으로 사고하는 한 학자의 솔직하고 지적인 모습을 담아내고 있다.