Sylvia Hernández

참여 작품

Verónica's Mother
유명 축구 선수의 아내 베로니카는 SNS 인플루언서를 꿈꾸고 있다. 팔로워 200만명을 돌파하면 유명 뷰티 브랜드의 홍보대사가 될 수 있고, 부부 관계도 다시 행복해질 것이고, 온종일 시끄럽게 울어대는 갓난아이도 사랑스러워질 것이고, 10년 전 죽은 딸 사건의 재조사도 해결될 것이다. 그러니 베로니카는 “좋아요”를 받기 위해서라면 무슨 짓이든 할 것이다.
First Born
While Thomas spends his last weekend in Chile with his family, before traveling abroad for the first time, a flaw in the sewage system produces a flood of smelly water. The problem shows the essence of family relationships.
Nuri Bahamondes
Camila Sepúlveda has been unemployed for over a year. Now she is trying to get a job as a secretary. Through six chapters and brief interviews we will find out what this long unemployment time has meant to her. Everywhere Camila goes for a job interview, she will listen to other unemployed women's points of view and experiences. She knows that after all this time of being unemployed she will never be the same person again.