Under small-town scrutiny, a withdrawn farmer’s daughter forges an intimate friendship with a worldly but reckless new girl in 1960s Oklahoma.
First Assistant Editor
취미는 유튜브 동영상 올리기. 학교에선 가장 조용한 학생. 친구는 별로 없고 성격은 내성적. 고등학교 진학을 앞두고 걱정이 많은 편. 모든 것에 조금씩 서툰 8학년 사춘기 여학생의 중학교 시절 마지막 한 주를 담은 이야기.
Todd grew up under the strange shadow of his older mentally challenged brother Shonzi. As kids, Shonzi forced Todd to make action movies. As adults he pressures him to share love life details, even showing Shonzi a sex tape he made with an old girlfriend to help him cope when family tragedy hits. When their dad suffers a heart attack, Shonzi (now 40, and still a virgin) moves in with Todd and his new girlfriend Lindsay. Shonzi wants desperately to be included in their relationship like old times. When Shonzi’s begging become threats to reveal secrets from their past, Todd must find the courage to be honest with Lindsay, even if it means the end of their relationship.
In writer/director Jonathan Steckley's beautifully subtle and naturalistic film, a young youth worker goes beyond the call of duty to help a weary teen-aged girl but quickly finds himself in over his head dealing with her dysfunctional family.