Evelien van der Molen

참여 작품

Future Me
Sound Designer
In this electrifying journey filmmaker Vincent Boy Kars will try to understand in fiction how he became the person he is now, and who he wants to be in the future. The film challenges the very fabric of identity, eagerly pondering the possibilities of personal transformation. Can one truly break free from the weight of their own story?
크립토 보이
Sound Designer
아버지와 갈등을 겪은 청년이 경제적 자유를 장담하는 어느 사업가의 거창한 약속에 속아, 암호화폐라는 매혹적인 함정에 빠진다.
Ik ben geen robot
Sound Designer
“Do people think your conduct is aloof?” When the young music producer Lara fails to convince her computer she is not a robot, she has her doubts too. Because no matter how often she identifies the traffic signs and trees in the tests, the computer will not accept her ticks. In panic, she calls her boyfriend for comfort, but this only complicates the situation further, in this absurd comedy full of black humour involving Lara's existential dilemma.
캡틴 노바
Sound Designer
한 전투기 조종사가 환경 재앙으로부터 세상을 구하기 위해 과거로 돌아간다. 하지만 시간 여행의 부작용으로 어려지는 바람에 아무도 그녀의 말을 진지하게 받아들이지 않는다.
Sound Designer
벨라 체리는 포르노 영화 배우의 꿈을 안고 로스앤젤레스에 도착하지만, 그녀는 그녀의 야망과 교활함을 활용하여 이 매혹적이고 독특한 세계의 정상에 오르기 위해 노력하지만 그런 명성이 쉽게 오지 않는다는 것을 곧 알게 된다.
Sound Designer
When Nova (15) brings her little sister to soccer practice, she exchanges a glance with the new coach, which results in a feeling she can’t seem to put a finger on.
Rundfunk: Jachterwachter
Sound Designer
The harried manager of a rundown RV park gets pulled into chaos after a troubled former child star arrives with problems in tow.
Love Letters
Sound Designer
They still exist: young people who know how to write a love letter. Five people in their twenties read aloud the most intimate letter they've ever written.
Producer's Assistant
Within a dream, a man and woman find each other. But as the dream seems to turn into a nightmare, the couple risk losing their special connection.
브라더스: 자유를 찾아서
Sound Designer
세상에 대한 궁금증은 많지만 소극적인 ‘루크’는 대학에 진학하면서 암스테르담에 있는 자신감이 넘치고 활동적인 형 ‘알렉산더’를 찾아간다. 항상 사람들에 둘러 쌓여 있는 형의 모습만 바라보던 동생 ‘루크’는 어느 날 ‘알렉산더’의 즉흥적인 히치하이킹 여행에 함께하게 된다. 자유를 찾아 떠난 두 형제는 서로가 있어 두려움 없이 자유를 만끽한다. 암스테르담을 떠나 프랑스 어느 마을에 도착한 두 형제는 ‘조세핀’이라는 아름다운 소녀를 만나게 되고, ‘알렉산더’는 소녀를 따라 프랑스에, ‘루크’는 다시 네덜란드로 돌아가면서 형제는 헤어지게 된다. 그 후, ‘루크’는 ‘알렉산더’의 뜻밖의 사고 소식을 듣게 되는데… 과연 두 형제는 다시 만날 수 있을까?
The Intruder
Sound Effects Editor
In this smart and incisive thriller, a Dutch cop of Moroccan heritage goes undercover in a Moroccan drug ring and finds there a feeling of belonging he never experienced in "normal" society.
The Happy Housewife
Sound Editor
Lea is an immaculate 30-something wife whose husband’s job in real estate allows her an enviably glossy lifestyle. The word ‘emancipation’ simply isn't in her vocabulary and as long as the money rolls in, all is rosy. So, when Harry Jr. arrives, she is a little traumatized at having to swap canapés for nappies.
Time Within Time
Sound Designer
A documentary in which the filmmakers search for forgotten moments. Moments in which we come to a halt in the hectic of everyday life and in which we have to surrender ourselves to time.
Making of Oorlogswinter
A behind the scenes look at the production of Martin Koolhoven's film, Oorlogswinter.