Naoto Ihara lives happily with his wife Miyuki and their son Haruto. Their happiness is crushed when Miyuki suddenly dies in a car accident. Naoto falls into deep grief over the death of his wife. Meanwhile, Naruto buries his dead mother Miyuki's finger in their garden and prays everyday for her to come back to life. The family is visited by video director Hiroko Kurasawa, who used to work with Naoto Ihara. There she sees Haruto shouting a strange spell in their yard. Unexpected and bizarre phenomenons soon take place around Hiroko Kurasawa.
Adapted from the manga series "Sefure no Hinkaku" (セフレの品格) by Minato Yoriko (湊よりこ).
This is Kamikai
Kotaro Shinoda
어려서부터 사랑한 그녀가 매 맞는 아내라니. 10년 만에 재회한 사랑을 위해 그 남편을 없앤 여자. 도망치며, 두 사람은 서로에 대한 감정에 불이 붙는다. 같이 죽을까, 같이 자수할까. 멈출 수 없는 도주 끝에, 선택의 시간이 온다.
Kazuomi Sakaki
서점에서 근무하는 미카도 코스케(시손 쥰)는 어릴 적부터 죽은 자의 혼령이 보이는 특이체질로 인해 불안에 떨며 괴로워하고 있었다. 그런데 어느 날, 서점에 제령사 히야카와 리히토(오카다 마사키)가 찾아온다. 「나랑 있으면 무섭지 않을 겁니다」라는 말 한 마디에 미카도는 히야카와와 함께 심령탐정 일을 시작하게 된다. 그러던 중, 두 사람은 형사 한자와로부터 1년 전 발생한 연쇄살인사건의 수사협력을 의뢰받는다. 두 사람은 곧이어 유체를 발견하지만 그 유체에는 수상한 저주가 걸려있었다. 진상을 파헤치는 두 사람에게 종종 들려오는 죽은 살인범의 목소리. 그리고 두 사람은 그 말소리에 담긴 단서 하나에 겨우 다다른다──。 「히우라 에리카에게 ・・・・ 속았다 ・・・・。」
대체 히우라 에리카는 누구일까? 과연 그녀의 목적은──?
Seizo Tomizawa
주인공이 평행으로 가던 다른 열차에서 살인 현장을 목격하게 되면서 일어나는 이야기를 그린 드라마
Sugita Genpaku
Maeno Ryotaku (Kataoka Ainosuke) is a doctor of Buzen Province, Nakatsu domain. Aspiring to learn Western knowledge, he comes across a Dutch-language translation of the German medical text Anatomische Tabellen while studying in Nagasaki. After returning from Nagasaki, Maeno is invited by a doctor friend Sugita Genpaku (Niiro Shinya) of Wakasa Province, Obama domain to observe an autopsy.
King / Kamen Rider Dark Kiva
Kamen Rider 4 is a web series which was released as an accompanying special to the film Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3. It introduced a new rider, Kamen Rider 4, who is the fourth Kamen Rider cyborg created by Shocker after Kamen Riders 1, 2, and 3. The plot goes around a time loop created by the Shocker that resets whenever someone dies, but whenever the loop resets Shocker itself somehow grows stronger and stronger. Thus, it is up to the Riders to decide whether to keep on fighting a useless battle... Or end the loops for good by sacrificing one of their own.
In year 20xx, the world was plagued with zombies.
Human race was on a verge of extinction and clock was ticking for those who were still alive.
When a young male protagonist, Toshiyuki (Ryouta MURAI) was running alone from a horde, he comes across a safe house. The place seemed like a paradise, with endless food supplies and other humans for a company. However, to Toshiyuki's horror, he soon realized that the real nature of the place was to breed humans so zombies won't starve to death!
Toshiyuki was paired up with a girl named Mitsue (Nagisa ODAJIMA). Although things are very awkward between them, Toshiyuki is aware that he is slowly falling in love with her.
Is this the last sanctuary or sugar-coated hell? As emotions and speculations entwine, the "Human Farm" is facing a bloody fate.
The most pleasurable way to survive in the Zombie-filled apocalypse!
In 1897, actor, director, producer and theatre company leader Kawakami Otojiro set off on a tour of the USA with his wife Sadayakko and theatre company members, but in a foreign country where he could not speak the language, he had to struggle against a succession of adversities, including lawyers absconding with the proceeds and actors going on strike. One day, however, Otojiro arrives in Boston on his arduous tour and sees a packed house for a performance of The Merchant of Venice by the famous British actor Henry Irving. In just one night of rehearsals, they concoct a Japanese version of The Merchant of Venice, and perform the play to a foreign audience with bullshit dialogue and a reckless performance that can be cut short by "Sucharaka poko poko" when they get stuck on a word.