Roger, Annika's Brother
젊은 두 남녀의 사랑을 다룬다. 이들이 함께 경험하는 불확실성, 두려움, 상냥함 그리고 즐거움이 영화 속에 묘사된다. 하지만 그 이면에는 복지 사회에서 길을 잃은 부모 세대들의 현실이 존재한다. 그들은 자동차 수리센터와 냉장고 대리점에서의 무료한 일상을 이어가며 미래를 향한 꿈을 잊고 살아간다.
Berndt Claesson
During his military service, a man meets a woman who works in the kitchen at the camp and they start a relationship. When the man is out on combat exercises, he becomes a witness to his Sergeant being paralyzed by a snake.
A young man,Erik, breaks into a photo store. But he is discovered by the night watchman and has to fly. During the flight he is picked up by cabaret singer Margot, who offers him protection. Erik, now wanted by the police, stays for a longer time with Margot and becomes her lover. Margot, however, is not alone in recruiting Erik: even the young Li is interested in him.
"Wild birds" - A Swedish film noir with the character of a French noir ('Quai des brumes', 'Le jour se lève'). Two worlds meet for a brief experience of happiness ended by a violent tragedy. In one world the unhappy prostitute (Ulla) finds a drunken young man (Nisse) who had previously failed in many occupations. She takes him home. Her feelings are like those for a younger brother.