Following the success of his miniseries, Marc "Kemar" Jarousseau brings back his character Detective le Blanko in a bigger and longer adventure five years after the last episode aired.
Following the success of his miniseries, Marc "Kemar" Jarousseau brings back his character Detective le Blanko in a bigger and longer adventure five years after the last episode aired.
Following the success of his miniseries, Marc "Kemar" Jarousseau brings back his character Detective le Blanko in a bigger and longer adventure five years after the last episode aired.
At 21, Zoe is sick and tired of everyone taking her for granted, just because she’s young. She dreams of a day when all millennials go on strike, so that people finally recognize their true value.
상어 전문가로 영국에 초청받은 핀은 노바로부터 급한 연락을 받고 그녀를 찾아간다. 핀과 노바는 고대 선조들의 비밀을 알게 되고 유물을 손에 넣지만, 균형이 무너지면서 상어 떼가 세상 밖으로 나온다. 한편, 길이 샤크네이도에 휩쓸려 날아가자, 핀과 에이프릴은 아들을 구하러 나서는데...