Violetta Kamińska

참여 작품

A story about two sisters - Małgorzata, who is single by choice, and her younger sister, Łucja, a mother of two and an assistant in Małgorzata's law firm. The women embark on their first first trip in many years. It quickly turns out that one of them is terminally ill and her destination is Switzerland, where euthanasia is possible.
1990년대 우크라이나의 산업 지역에 라이노라는 한 젊은 청년이 있다. 어린 시절 공격적인 비행청소년이었던 그는 이제 폭력 범죄자가 되었다. 포스트 소비에트 시대, 혹독한 경쟁 사회를 누비며 지역 범죄조직에서 빠르게 성장해가지만, 그의 인생과 주변 사람들의 희생이라는 혹독한 대가를 치러야만 한다. 라이노는 너무 늦기 전에 구원을 찾을 수 있을까?
Ten figures walk around in a circle. All they have is a number. The “Great Zero” monitors them. Based on a dystopian parable by Oleg Sentsov, this film was created between Kyiv and the Siberian penal colony where Sentsov spent five years as a political prisoner.
When the Trees Fall
In the rural Ukraine, in a ghostly world where fantasy tears the veil of reality, life fiercely fights death every day and old values and vengeance reign over people's souls, Vitka, an imaginative and rebellious little girl, is the fascinated witness to the crazy love that Larysa, her teenage cousin, feels for Scar, a young criminal.
명석하면서 아이러니한 성향을 가진 작가 세르게이 도블라토프의 일생 중 6일간의 삶을 기록한 작품. 알렉세이 게르만 주니어는 철권통치 시대에서 금지당한 작가의 삶을 우아한 스타일로 형상화한다.
The Trial: The State of Russia vs Oleg Sentsov
August 2015, a courtroom in Rostov-on-Don. A man is peering through the bars of his cage, his eyes reveal that his nerves are about to snap. Today he will be handed down a sentence to which he must submit: 20 years’ imprisonment in Siberia for terrorism. The man is Oleg Sentsov, a film director and Maidan activist born in Simferopol in the Ukraine. He is charged with leading an anti-Russian terrorist movement and having planned attacks on bridges, power lines and a monument of Lenin. Sentsov defends himself, courageously and without flinching. He responds to the verdict with an emphatic denial of his crimes and instead accuses the accusers themselves ...
어 크리티컬리 인데인저드 스피시즈
An internationally respected poet announces she is going to kill herself and needs an heir and executor. Young writers drive up the mountain to compete for the position and are challenged intellectually, emotionally, and erotically.
전자 구름 아래에서
러시아혁명 100주년인 2017년을 배경으로 푸틴식 전체주의가 만연한 러시아의 초상을 그리고 있다. 이 장엄한 부조리극은 블랙코미디와 잔혹드라마를 오가며 정형화된 형식을 거부한다.
Strawberry Wine
This is not a love story though it is full of love. It is not a comedy though the characters often say funny things. It is not a detective story even though the hero is trying to solve a murder. It is not a nature drama though it shows the splendid colours and customs of the countryside. It is not a musical though Lubica expresses her longing in a passionate dance. Nor is it a film about ghosts though a ghost does ask the hero for a favour. A few draughts of Strawberry Wine are enough to take us into a magical world in the true centre of Europe, where love, crime and penitence are just as much a part of life as the changing of the seasons, the migration of birds or the flowing of a mountain stream.