Stephanie Fayerman

Stephanie Fayerman

프로필 사진

Stephanie Fayerman

참여 작품

당신의, 혹은 나의 크리스마스 ?
Students Hayley and James are young and in love. After saying goodbye for Christmas at a London train station, they both make the same mad split-second decision to swap trains and surprise each other. Passing each other in the station, they are completely unaware that they have just swapped Christmases.
징글 쟁글: 저니의 크리스마스
Old Lady in Window
화려하고 생기 넘치는 코블튼 마을을 배경으로, 전설적인 장난감 제작자 제로니커스 쟁글의 이야기를 보여준다. 상상 속에서나 볼 법한 그의 발명품들은 기발함과 경이로움으로 가득하다. 그런데 쟁글이 신뢰했던 수습생이 그가 가장 아끼는 장난감을 훔쳐 간다. 이제 희망은 쟁글 못지않게 영리하고 창의적인 손녀에게 달려있다. 그리고 오랫동안 잊고 있던 발명품에. 오랜 상처를 치유하고 내면의 마법을 다시 깨울 수 있을까?
10년의 수감생활 끝에 출소한 에디는 가족들과 함께하는 평범한 일상을 되찾고자 애쓴다. 그러던 중, 동생 션이 경찰들의 끄나풀이라는 소문이 돌며 거대 마약 조직들의 표적이 되고 설상가상 그의 마지막 희망과도 같던 가게의 존립까지 위태로워진다. 이에 에디는 누구도 상상하지 못한 충격적인 일을 계획하게 되는데…
Eaten by Lions
Omar and Pete are half brothers. When their parents are eaten by lions they embark on a journey to find Omar's real father. What follows is a funny, heart-warming journey of self-discovery for both Blackpool. The Choudray family represents a truly contemporary example of modern multicultural Britain - but what will the brothers make of their eccentric newfound family? Will they be going to Mecca or Mecca bingo? In contrast to the old fashioned stereotypes about Blackpool, the comedy is sharp, current and non-stop.
August Saturday
Mavis Duddy
Grania did something 15 years ago that brought her great happiness but also great pain. The events of that day have been a heavy secret to bear that, if discovered, would devastate those closest to her.
Biting the Hands
Linda and Gail are Hell's Belles - an alternative comedy double act. When success begins to beckon, they must decide whether to change their act or keep doing what they believe in. Are their principles justified - or are they just 'biting the hands' that feed them?
Thin Air
Labour Councillor
Set in a commercial radio station in an enterprise zone called ‘Riverside’, Thin Air involved property development on a massive scale, the disruption and forced exodus of a local community, the stripping away of local authority powers, left-wing activism, designer drugs, media hacks.
Doctor Who: Dragonfire
As trouble brews on the space trading colony of Iceworld, the Doctor and Mel encounter their sometimes-ally Sabalom Glitz and a new friend who goes by the name "Ace".
Tartuffe, or The Imposter
Royal Shakespeare Company's televised adaptation of Moliere's play with Antony Sher in the title role of Tartuffe.
Carol Dean
Drama based on the case history of a Liverpool boy, Graham Gaskin, who spent most of his youth in care.