In a moment of desperation, Ruby Chase makes a vow of servitude to a monster (Frank). She breaks her vow by committing suicide, setting Frank on a course of bloody revenge against the people she loved the most.
함장 어니스트 크라우스(톰 행크스)는 수 천명의 군인과 방대한 양의 군사 물자를 실은 37척의 호송 선단을 이끌고 대서양을 횡단해야 하는 위험천만한 임무를 맡았다. 제2차 세계 대전의 실화를 바탕으로 한 영화.
Daft Art Fan
An artistic couple living in Austin, Texas, wake up one day to discover they are the last two people left on Earth.
It's 1982, Marsh is 24 years old, and struggles with a tormenting secret. One random night, he crosses paths with Rivers, a stranger so striking that Marsh is instantly smitten. Marsh pursues Rivers until an opportunity presents itself for him to take the boldest risk of his life.
A group of young friends on a road trip decide to take a hiking trip into a remote forest and stumble upon the lair of a powerful vampire.
Outside a street of bars and nighttime cityscape, a young filmmaking crew embarks on a low-budget short film production, fueled by stress-induced creativity and burgers, to dramatize the story of a couple's painful breakup. Tension mounts on set from the crew's own exes-turned-friends, Eric (the director) and Connor (the screenwriter), as they clash on the script's personal interpretation to them, throwing the project's completion into question.