Alexandr Dudarev

참여 작품

Nota Bene
Just outside the city of Genoa, Italy, lies a vast, monumental cemetery. Alongside its graves, through the arcades and galleries, all kinds of people work and wander. For a place that’s all about death, the cemetery is curiously alive.
The Dream #9-2380 (IK-6)
Sound Director
The film from a correctional colony explores the theme of self-awareness of a person in captivity. The director shows the prison from an unexpected angle. This is a hypnotizing, oneiric vision. There is no moralizing here. The author is interested in a person and the most precious thing he has - his dreams and his reality. The film contains documentary footage from a correctional colony (a plastic recycling workshop and a residential block), mounted with a monologue of a prisoner in order to understand what is happening with human reality on the other side of the fence.
Doctor, I Want a Baby
Sound Director
A documentary melodrama about the birth of twins, conceived with the help of IVF. For several months, the film crew led the heroine to childbirth, facing the problems of late motherhood along the way. The film immerses us in the experiences of a woman and shows the true synergy of doctors and patients, united by a single goal – the birth of a new life.
Rock Beyond
Sound Director
The film "Rock Beyond" is dedicated to Viktor Tsoi, Boris Grebenshchikov and Sergei Kuryokhin, who became the Main Heroes of Russian rock in the 1980s and 1990s. The authors strive to show the atmosphere and energy of those years, as well as the opinion of modern young people about Rock culture before they were born.
Sound Designer
가장 순수한 형태의 체험적 영화로, 어미 돼지와 닭, 소의 일상을 가까이에서 담는다. 감독은 담담한 흑백 화면으로 뛰어난 영상미를 구현하고, 농장에서 들리는 현장의 소리를 그대로 담아 관객을 "군다"의 세상으로 초대한다. 영화가 선사하는 이 마법 같은 체험 속에서, 영화 속의 동물들처럼 일상의 걸음을 잠시 멈추고 자연이 허락한 새로운 관점과 시간을 경험할 수 있다. 영화는 동물들이 가진 신비로운 의식(意識) 세계를 탐험하며, 이 세계 속에서 인류의 역할은 무엇인지에 대해 질문한다. (서울환경영화제)
Mr. Starlings Lost Train
Sound Director
Film-portrait of documentary filmmaker, photographer and screenwriter Sergei Skvortsov. Sergei Skvortsov was a filmmaker and cameraman at the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) Documentary Film Studio, who shot a number of iconic works that had a noticeable impact on documentary filmmakers in the late 80s - 90s.
초당 96프레임의 카메라로 촬영한 "아쿠아렐라"는 물의 변형적인 아름다움과 날 것의 힘 속으로 관객들을 깊숙이 인도한다. 이 작품은 물의 변덕스러운 의지 앞에서 무력할 수밖에 없는 인류의 깨달음을 보여준다. 물을 주인공으로 한 이 여정에서 감독인 빅토르 코사코프스키는 꽁꽁 언 러시아 바이칼 호수부터 마이애미, 허리케인 일마가 덮친 플로리다, 베네수엘라의 앙헬 폭포에 이르는 과정을 통해 물의 다양한 모습을 놀랍도록 아름답게 포착한다.
Where Man Returns
A man, a dog, a cabin near the sea. Steinar, age 75, has chosen to live a life in communion with nature. He lives in an isolated, frozen universe at the outermost point of Europe, barely one kilometer from the Norwegian-Russian border. In this seemingly inhospitable landscape, Steinar not only finds peace, he feels free. This is where he belongs, it is his home, even if it at times it can be both lonely and overwhelming.
I often find photos of strangers… This film is a collage of frames shot on an old camera in different cities and countries over the last three years
A Hellish Chaos
Sound Director
Year 2017 would be the 100th Anniversary of the revolution in Russia. Film researches the reasons of the “Russian revolution”, First World War, external and internal conspiracies, which led to the collapse of the monarchy and traditional world order. Narration is build of quotes, memoirs and inferences of eyewitnesses. The facts are told based on the views of the authors of the film.
86일의 69분
Sound Designer
A 3-year-old girl and her family's long journey from a Greek refugee centre to Uppsala.
Gatherers of Sea Grass
Sound Director
Every year teams of seasonal workers come to Solovki islands to harvest sea kale. They go out to sea and mow it from car-basses. As the last of the teams go back to Arkhangelsk in October, only a watchman and his dog are left to pass the winter.
Sound Director
The film is a portrait of a young writer Alexander Sarapov (literary pseudonym of Bronsky) from a small closed city of Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarsky kray. His work had a great influence on people close to him and aroused interest among the leading figures of cinema and literature.
Sound Director
There are places in which space is turned inside out, and time is flowing backwards.
The thirst for a miracle lives in every person. The hero of the film, Fedor, witnesses an accident, as a result of which people close to him die. He decides that he was not saved by chance and now must change his life. Fedor is trying to live the way Orthodox hermits lived, tormenting himself with prayers and fasts. In this new world, he finds a guide - Father Hilarion. The hermit finally has hope that he will soon become an eyewitness of Revelation. But Father Hilarion is being killed absurdly and senselessly. Having experienced deep despair, Fedor will return to the people, experience love and jealousy, hatred and fear. And only when he reaches the edge - having decided to kill - will he become a witness of a miracle...