A noir thriller set in Miami, the film follows an enforcer who discovers his femme fatale boss has branched out into cyber sex trafficking, putting a young runaway he’s befriended at risk. He sacrifices everything to save the young girl from the deadly organization he’s spent his life building.
다른 차원의 행성에서 지구로 추락한 히어로 맥스 피스트. 지구로 떨어지며 힘까지 잃은 그의 말을 믿어주는 존재는 ‘햄스터’라는 소년뿐이다. 그러던 중 ‘햄스터’와 유일한 가족인 그의 누나 ‘인디고’가 마약 범죄 조직에 연루되며 목숨을 잃게 생기고, 맥스 피스트는 다시 한번 범죄와 싸워 이겨야 한다.
A transgender teenage girl on summer vacation in LA fights to survive after she falls in with four queer feminist vampires, who try to rid the city's streets of predatory men.
Alison Black
Feature film inspired by the pranks performed by the comedy troupe The Janoskians.
A 53-year-old widow believes she's turned into the wrong person in this bittersweet tale based on Anne Tyler's best-seller. Beck's (Blythe Danner) plate is full: She runs a catering business and cares for her large family, but feels lost inside. Determined to find herself, Beck embarks on a journey, starting with her ex-beau (Peter Fonda) and ending with an unexpected soul mate. Jack Palance, Peter Riegert, Faye Dunaway and Ione Skye also star.