Heartbroken, Maite arrives at a coastal town where the few residents live out their lonely lives. The peace soon disappears, when they come across an unconscious sailor on the beach one day, prompting Maite to decide whether to move forward and create a new life or remain stranded on those shores.
After going off to kill a vampire, a man returns home at the magic hour, between night and day. His family has doubts about whether he's still human or whether he's been bitten by the undead. His teenage daughter is determined to defend him, but their doubts and fears grow as the darkness of the night approaches.
라우라는 약혼남 다니엘과 결혼식을 올리기 위해 아버지의 전원주택으로 향한다. 다음날 결혼식을 앞두고 마음이 싱숭생숭한 라우라는 홀로 산책에 나선다. 그러다 파티에 한창인 집을 발견하고, 모르는 사람들과 한데 섞여 춤추고 노는 도중, 갑자기 나타난 남자에게 성폭행을 당한다. 남자의 친구들은 그 장면을 휴대폰으로 몰래 촬영하고, 서로 돌려보기까지 한다. 돌이킬 수 없는 충격과 상처를 받고 정신 없이 집으로 돌아온 라우라는 총을 들고 범인들 사냥에 나서는데...
La Patagonia, southern Argentina. After his mother's death, Nahuel, a violent teenager, meets his biological father, Ernesto, a skillful hunting guide; but their reunion is harsh, since their souls are only ruled by pride and resentment.
A man who travels from Spain to Argentina for a vacation at his family home, where he becomes attracted to a childhood friend. But their relationship is full of misunderstandings as they try to hide it from family and friends.