Heartbroken, Maite arrives at a coastal town where the few residents live out their lonely lives. The peace soon disappears, when they come across an unconscious sailor on the beach one day, prompting Maite to decide whether to move forward and create a new life or remain stranded on those shores.
After going off to kill a vampire, a man returns home at the magic hour, between night and day. His family has doubts about whether he's still human or whether he's been bitten by the undead. His teenage daughter is determined to defend him, but their doubts and fears grow as the darkness of the night approaches.
За день до свадьбы пара приезжает в загородный дом, чтобы завершить подготовку к торжеству. Возможно, из-за нервов, неуверенности в грядущем, или возникшего кризиса невеста кажется несколько беспокойной. Посреди ночи она решает перебраться в соседний дом, где группа подростков устраивает собственную вечеринку. То, что там происходит, меняет реальность девушки.
La Patagonia, southern Argentina. After his mother's death, Nahuel, a violent teenager, meets his biological father, Ernesto, a skillful hunting guide; but their reunion is harsh, since their souls are only ruled by pride and resentment.
A man who travels from Spain to Argentina for a vacation at his family home, where he becomes attracted to a childhood friend. But their relationship is full of misunderstandings as they try to hide it from family and friends.