Self (archive footage)
An authorized feature documentary about Catherine E. Coulson, best known as the Log Lady in David Lynch & Mark Frost's "Twin Peaks".
This film traces the unbelievable true story of the Calderón family, who built grand movie palaces in Mexico and the U.S., employing thousands to produce incomparable, hugely successful, and often reprehensible populist-genre films that were utterly and uniquely Mexican.
Head of Council (voice)
당신 발 밑으로 펼쳐지는 미지의 세계 파괴자 루카스의 행동에 더 이상 참을 수 없던 개미들은 마법사 개미 조크(니콜라스 케이지)가 완성한 묘약을 가지고 루카스를 개미만큼 줄어들게 만든다. 개미왕국으로 끌려와 재판을 받게 된 루카스는 현명한 여왕 개미(메릴 스트립)의 명령에 따라 개미들의 생활방식을 배우게 된다. 이제 루카스는 예전에는 상상도 못했던 낯선 풍경 속에서 생사를 건 모험을 시작한다.
OSS 최고의 특급요원인 부모의 피를 물려 받아 천부적인 스파이 기질을 선보이는 주니와 카르멘 남매. 아빠가 남몰래 연구한 인공두뇌를 노리는 거대한 적의 음모에 맞서 부모를 구해내고, 가공할 만한 위력의 무기를 손에 넣어 세계를 지배하려는 악당과 맞서며 스파이 키드로 맹활약을 펼쳤다. 그러나 사설 탐정이 되고 싶은 마음에 주니는 OSS 요원직을 그만 두기로 결심하지만. ‘게임오버’에 갖힌 누나 카르멘을 구하기 위해 직접 비디오 게임 속으로 들어가야 하는 새로운 미션을 받게 된다. 어린이들에게 선풍적인 인기를 모으고 있는 ‘게임오버’, 하지만 이는 OSS 조직의 오랜 숙적이자, 폭력과 광기가 흐르는 토이메이커가 어린이들을 황폐하게 만들기 위해 고안한 비디오 게임이다. OSS의 스파이 키드 요원으로서 위협적인 악당들과 맞서며 누구보다 훌륭히 임무를 수행하던 주니지만, 상상을 초월하는 디지털 세계 속 가상현실에는 그를 위협하는 위험천만하고 스릴 넘치는 미션들이 기다리고 있다. 무서운 음모가 도사리고 있는 게임을 중단하고 누나를 구하기 위해 각 레벨들을 무사히 통과해야만 하는 주니, 검은 힘에 굶주려 있는 악당 토이메이커로부터 누나와 세상 모든 아이들을 구원할 수 있을 것인가…
스파이키드로 활약중인 카르멘과 주니, 이들의 아버지 그레고리오가 OSS 새국장이 될 기쁨에 온가족이 잔뜩 부풀어 있으나 엉뚱하게도 그들의 라이벌 개리와 개티 기글스의 아버지인 도나곤 기글스가 새국장이 되고 만다. 임명식이 있던날 수상쩍은 웨이터들의 샴페인 반격으로 가공할만한 위력을 지닌 무기인 트랜스무커를 빼앗기고 만다. 이에 격분한 미국 대통령은 갓 임명된 OSS의 새국장 도나곤에게 트랜스무커를 회수하라는 중책을 맡긴다. 외딴섬에 본거지를 두고 있는 악당들의 우두머리는 알고보니 도나곤! 그는 트랜스무커를 손에 넣어 전세계를 지배해보겠단 야심에 차있는 사람이다. 그런데 이 섬은 보이지 않게 위장하기 위해 시각 차단 장치인 트랜스무커를 작동시켜 놔서 그 부근만 가면 모든 게 증발돼 버리는 결과를 빚는다. 물론 그 위력 때문에 모든 전기장비는 나가버리고… 이에 카르멘과 주니가 접근하고 도나곤의 아이들인 게리와 게르티도 뒤따라온다. 그 섬을 만든 사람은 유전학자인 로메로, 그는 유전학을 잘못 활용해 그 섬에 희귀한 생물체들을 퍼뜨려놓는다. 그리고 카르멘과 주니를 돕는데, 이로써 두 스파이키드는 트랜스무커가 악당 손에 넘어가는 걸 막는데...
Roddy McDowall takes you, film by film, from production meetings to make-up sessions, then right onto the movie set to see the actual filming of the science fiction masterpiece. The most comprehensive history of Planet of the Apes ever created, this fascinating 127-minute documentary explores one of the most imaginative and influential series in movie history.
(archive footage)
Some of MGM'S musical stars review the studios history of musicals. From The Hollywood Revue of 1929 to Brigadoon, from the first musical talkies to Gene Kelly in Singin' in the Rain.
This documentary is hosted by William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy and they take us through the history of Trek. We also get to see bloopers from the original series and the current space program and how progression has been in reality, hosted by LeVar Burton.
Vincent Ludwig
LA 시경의 드레빈 경관(Frank Drebin: 레슬리 닐슨 분)은 마약 밀수범에게 중상을 입은 동료 놀드버그(Nordberg: O.J. 심슨 분)의 업무를 인수받는다. 마침 영국의 엘리자베스 여왕(Queen Elizabeth II: 쟈넷 찰스 분)이 방문 중이라 경비 업무로 바쁘기 짝이 없는 가운데, 경찰 서장은 마약사건을 24시간 이내에 처리하라고 한다. 그러나 사건의 열쇠를 쥔 루드비히(Vincent Ludwig: 리카도 몬탈반 분)의 여비서 제인(Jane Spencer: 프리실라 프레슬리 분)에게 반한 드레빈은 갈피를 잡지 못한다. 이를 틈타 루드비히는 제인에게 드레빈을 감시하라고 한다. 몰래 사장실에 들어간 드레빈은 LA 구장에서 시합을 관전하는 여왕을 암살하려는 내용이 적힌 쪽지를 발견한다. 그가 암살 음모를 눈치챈 것을 안 악당들은 그를 습격해 오지만 드레빈은 올가미를 피한다. 그리고 여왕 암살을 위해 최면술에 걸린 선수 한 명이 이용될 것이라는 사실을 알고 계획을 저지하기 위해 심판을 가장해 야구장에 나타난다.
수천년 동안 아라비아 사막에서 '가장 빠른 부족'이란 영예를 지켜왔던 중동 어느나라 왕이 캘리포니아에서 커네티커트까지 대륙 횡단 경주의 우승을 노리고 특수 제작한 롤스로이스로 압둘 왕자를 참가시켰으나 우승을 놓친다. 이에 분개한 왕이 100만 달러의 상금을 걸고 '캐논볼 2'를 개최해 전세계 레이서들이 몰려든다. 그런데 상금을 노린 악당들에게 압둘 왕자가 납치되고 돈도 강탈당한다. 레이스를 중단하고 참가자들이 힘을 합쳐 왕자와 100만달러 탈환 작전을 벌여 왕자를 무사히 구하고, 이에 감사한 왕자가 상금을 200만달러로 올려 그 다음날 대륙횡단의 대장정이 시작된다.
This 60-minute documentary uses the reported miracle at Fatima in 1917 as a springboard for an examination of the relationship between religion and science in the 20th century. Participants include: Pope John Paul II, James H. Billington, philosopher Paul Kurtz, and writers Malcolm Muggaridge and Alexandr Solzhenitsyn. It is hosted by Ricardo Montalban.
Khan Noonien Singh
서기 23세기. 세티 알파 5호 행성 근처에서 렐리언트호가 미세한 생명체의 움직임을 포착한다. 이에 확인 차 행성에 내려간 체코프 항해사와 테렐 함장은 그만 칸에게 포로로 잡힌다. 커크 제독(윌리엄 샤트너 분)에 의해 추방당했던 칸은 오랜 세월동안 복수의 기회만 노리고 있었던 인물. 렐리언트호를 탈취한 칸은 새로운 생명체를 창조할 수 있는, 일명 제네시스라고 불리는 기계를 탈취하기 위해 과학선 레귤라 1호로 향한다. 한편, 생도들의 처녀항해를 지켜보기 위해 엔터프라이즈호에 탑승해있던 커크 제독은 레귤라 1호의 캐롤박사로부터 의문의 메시지를 받는다. 이에 커크 제독은 제네시스 계획을 확인하고 초고속으로 레귤라 1호가 있는 곳으로 향한다. 하지만 이미 그 곳은 칸이 길목을 지키고 있었고, 렐리언트호를 전혀 의심하지 않았던 커크 제독은 칸에게 일격을 당하고 마는데...
Designed for class instruction and career education, and to prove that space exploration isn’t just for the boys. The film interviews women employed in the space transportation programs of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and shows the variety of positions that they hold as electrical engineers, aerial photography analysts, safety specialists and astronaut mission specialists. It notes how the women obtained their training and qualified for their positions. Astronaut Anna Lee Fisher, Dr. Patricia Cowings, Shirley Chevalier, Sue Norman, Sharon Orkansky, Brenda Willis, and Astronaut Catherine Sullivan are profiled. Narrated by Ricardo Montalban.
Winner of NAACP Image Award For Picture Of The Year
Directed by African American William Greaves and narrated by actor Ricardo Montalban, Where Dreams Come True is a 1979 NASA film highlighting the contributions of women and minorities and encouraging more to consider a career at the agency. The documentary includes interviews with astronaut-scientists Kathryn Sullivan and Ronald McNair, research psychologist Patricia Cowings, engineer Ruben Ramos, and former astronaut and deputy administrator Frederick Gregory. Much of the work depicted in this film relates to the fledgling Space Shuttle program - which was two years away from its first mission.
Felipe (archive footage)
In the style of Woody Allen's "What's Up, Tiger Lily?", this is a comedic redubbing of "Los Amantes del desierto (1957)" that became a spoof of the Spanish political situation of its day.
Mr. Roarke
A second feature-length pilot film for the wish-fulfillment series sees six lucky people having their dreams fulfilled on the luxury resort island. Career woman Margo Dean's assistant, Lowell Benson, hopes to romance her; Brian and Lucy Faber want to see the daughter they gave up for adoption; Janet Fleming, who lost her memory on her honeymoon, wants to relive it to cure her amnesia.
A spoiled little rich boy learns what life is really like after he falls overboard in the middle of the ocean and is picked up by a crusty old sea captain.
Gen. Lafuente
Father Kino , a 17th-century Jesuit missionary, dedicated his life to helping Native Americans in the Southwest by teaching them agricultural skills as well as building missions and spreading Christianity. An explorer, astronomer and map maker, Father Kino surmounted numerous challenges as he journeyed through California, Arizona and Mexico.
Turtle George
A young Seminole indian boy comes of age outside the Florida Everglades by trying to enter the establishment (white man's world). He gets work as crew member on (Brian Keith's) fishing boat, hunts for alligators and has cathartic encounters with bad guys trying to bring illegal aliens into Florida on fishing boats.
Silent Film Star
A would-be filmmaker and actress shake up the industry with a trick dog who gets discovered by a studio bus driver in the 1920s.
Captain Esteban
The swishing fop Don Diego de la Vega becomes the swashbuckling masked hero Zorro when tyranny threatens his people in nineteenth-century California.
Abner Smith
A super-hero uses her powers to thwart an international spy ring.
A sophisticated Hollywood film editor, on location for a film she is working on, falls for a local cowboy who is hired to work on the film.
The Pinkerton Man
로우라는 과부가 레인을 고용하여 남편이 숨겨놓은 금괴를 찾으러 간다. 그녀의 남편이 열차강도를 하여 금괴를 숨겨 놓고 사망했고 그 장소는 미망인인 로우 부인만이 안다는 것이다. 이 소문을 듣고 서부 전역에서 불량스러운 집단들이 이 금괴 찾기 작전에 돌입한 레인 일당의 뒤를 쫓는데... (채널 더 무비)
원숭이를 기르던 인간들은 그들을 점점 노예처럼 부리며 살아간다. 20년 전 인간에 의해 희생당했던 코넬리우스와 지라의 아들 시저는 서커스 극단의 단장 아만도에 의해 보호되고 있다. 그러나 원숭이들을 혹독하게 다루는 인간을 보고 참지 못한 시저가 군중 속에서 욕설을 내뱉고, 시저는 말을 하는 원숭이로 지목되어 추적을 당한다. 시저는 간신히 도망치지만 아만도는 말하는 원숭이에 관한 사실을 밝히려는 주지사에 의해 조사받던 중 심한 고문으로 숨을 거둔다. 시저는 주지사의 보좌관인 맥도날드의 노예로 팔리고, 비밀리에 다른 원숭이들을 선동해 서서히 혁명을 준비하는데...
A hard-nose general takes over a division with a bad combat record.
Sergeant Frank Ortega
A young Iowa schoolteacher, thinking she is dying of leukemia, goes to San Francisco, where she hires a mob killer to take her life. However, she soon changes her mind, and with the help of the local police, tries to find the killer before he fulfills his part of the bargain.
원숭이가 지배하는 지구의 미래 모습을 알고 있는 코넬리우스(로디 맥도웰)와 지라(킴 헌터)는 인간들에게 이 사실을 알려주기 위해 시간을 돌려 현재로 온다. 사람들은 원숭이 종인 줄만 알고 그들을 동물 보호소에 가두어둔다. 처음엔 신분을 드러내지 않았던 그들은 우연찮게 말을 하게 되고 그것을 보게 된 사람들은 그들이 예사롭지 않다는 것을 인정, 증언대에 세우게 된다. 코넬리우스와 지라는 그들이 미래에서 왔으며 미래에서는 그들이 인간들을 지배한다는 충격적인 발언을 한다. 이 광경이 TV로 전세계에 방영되자 이들을 우습게 보던 사람들은 극진한 대접을 하기 시작하는데...
Sentinels of Silence is a 1971 short documentary film on ancient Mexican civilizations. The film was directed and written by Mexican filmmaker Robert Amram, and is notable for being the first and only short film to win two Academy Awards.
Al Matteo
After his wife is murdered, a veteran cop quits the police department and becomes a priest. Several years later he is assigned to a parish where he meets the man who killed his wife -- and discovers that the killer was gunning for him instead. The first of two feature-length pilots for the series "Sarge."
A young cavalry officer finds his woman tortured by the Apaches and blames the Army for not properly protecting the outpost, so becomes a deserter and an avenger, stalking and killing Indians without warning.
Dr. Luis Delgado
A scientist and his team of underwater explorers search for the culprit who has stolen the world's supply of nerve gas and hidden it somewhere in the ocean.
Alejandro Zayas
A scuba team, a marine archaeologist and a Mexican historian join forces to reach the wreck of an historic Spanish galleon before a well-armed commercial expedition does.
John Stambler / Kane
A private eye is hired to protect a young woman who has a black book on a crime syndicate.
여주인공은 예쁘지만 마음이 여린 매춘부다. 타락했으나 무구함을 간직하고 있는 그녀의 삶을 뮤지컬로 옮겨 연혼의 고양과 구원이라는 주제를 격정에 실어 묘사
Joaquin Murieta
A man who has lost everything joins others paid to convey a wealthy man's wife - and a mysterious treasure - to safety in San Francissco.
A young man is torn between the woman he loves and his loyalty to his father, the leader of a mexican gang.
Government agent Sol Madrid travels to Mexico with hooker Stacey to bring mobster Villanova and drug kingpin Dietrich to justice.
Father Sanchez
During the Japanese invasion of the Philippines, an assorted group of refugees, including an American soldier, an Army nurse, a priest and a group of local children, try to make their getaway aboard a rattletrap, creaky bus.
A man who dies on an operating table is brought back to life, but he has total amnesia. A government agent decides that he would make a perfect undercover operative.
The White King
Alice returns to Wonderland through the looking glass in this TV musical.
Father Clementi
빌보드 차트 1위곡 'Dominique'을 불러 '노래하는 수녀(The Singing Nun)'로 알려져 있는 벨기에 출신의 수녀 자닌 데케르(Jeanine Deckers)의 이야기를 담은 작품.
Phil Benton
우아한 미모의 부인이 부유하고 잘 나가는 남편과 결혼하여 부자집에서 행복한 생활을 하다가 한 순간의 실수로 인하여 사랑하는 가족을 떠나게 되는데...
Pete Delanos
A cop turns to crime to keep his spoiled sexy young wife happy. When the money starts coming in his partner was in on the action.
Backstage comedy; singer-dancer and her songwriter husband pretend to have an open relationship, because it makes them look smart and modern.
El Gallo
Neighboring widowers plot to romantically unite their son and daughter by pretending to feud and forbidding the two children to associate with each other. Their scheme works and the two youngsters fall head-over-heels in love. To end their "feud" the fathers hire a bandit and his henchmen to fake an abduction and allow the son to rout the assailants. The plan works, but the two love birds discover that requited love is much less exciting than forbidden romance and they break off their relationship. Matt, the son, resolves to see the world and receives a severe buffeting, while Luisa, the daughter, has an unhappy romance with the bandit, who steals her most precious possession, her mother's necklace. Matt returns, sadder but wiser, and the two former lovers reunite.
Little Wolf
1878년 황폐한 오클라호마 인디언 보호지역
이곳에서 질병과 기아에 굶주린 최후의 샤이언족 1천 여명이 그들의 원래 고향인 와이오밍으로 대 이주를 결심하고 감행하지만 그것을 저지하려는 백인들과의 처절한 사투가 벌어진다.
Duke Gaspard Ducluzeau
Etienne makes a good living out of marrying off poor but titled young men to rich but untitled young ladies. Millicent is now in his sights on the Riviera, and Grand Duke Gaspar is the bait. But what if Millicent starts to fancy planted chauffeur John instead, and Gaspar takes a shine to Etienne's secretary Janine?
Don Raspi
The Reluctant Saint is based on the life of Saint Joseph of Cupertino who was sent to work at a monastery circa 17th century Italy because his mother believed him too simple for anything else.
Major Padula
오만한 어머니와 심약하지만 자존심 강한 의사 아버지 사이의 외동 아들 닉 애덤스. 늘 답답하고 불만스럽게 느껴지는 현실을 벗어나고자 닉은 그가 자란 시골 마을 미시간을 떠나 모험 가득한 대륙 횡단 여행을 하게 된다. 여행중 우연히 만난 펀치 드렁크로 고생을 하고 있는 전직 복서와 여행을 즐기는 알콜 중독자등이 그의 평범했었던 일상에 큰 영향을 주게된다. 뉴욕에서 직업을 구하기 위해 리포터로 활동을 하고 싶었지만 번번이 실패한 후 구급차 운전병으로 1차 세계 대전이 한창인 이태리 육군에 지원한다. 동료 병사와 우의를 다지고 새 생활을 열어 나가는 중에 부상을 입게 되고 간호사 아가씨와 사랑도 나누게 되는데...
Captain Gordon, the Black Buccaneer
Gordon, The Black Pirate, battles the slavery trade.
Claudius (voice, English dub)
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, returns home to find his father murdered and his mother remarrying the murderer, his uncle.
Louie Ramponi
Nick Romano lives in a poor tenement building on the south side of Chicago with his well-meaning but drug-addicted mother, Nellie. She encourages him to pursue his piano-playing talent in hopes that it will bring him a better life. Nellie's neighbors, like the alcoholic ex-lawyer who secretly loves her, help her in keeping Nick away from Louie, the resident drug dealer. But a chance meeting between Nick and Louie could change things forever.
2차대전 후의 일본을 무대로 미군과 일본인 여성간의 국적을 넘어선 로맨스를 그린 작품. 아카데미 남우조연(레드 버턴스), 여우조연(우미키 미요시)상 수상작. 우메키 키요시는 아시아인으로는 최초로 아카데미 연기 부문 수상자가 되었다. 한국전쟁에서 격추왕의 별명으로 알려진 글루버 소위는 인사이동으로 일본으로 갔다. 어느날 가극단의 꽃인 하나오기와 만난 글루버는 그녀와 뜨거운 사랑에 빠진다. 과거 부하인 켈리 중위가 일본인여성과 사랑을 할 때 그 결혼식에 참석했을 정도로 친일적이었던 글루버는 약혼녀와 헤어지고, 하나오기와의 사랑을 선택한다. 한편 하나오기는 글루버와의 이별을 결심하나, 퇴역각오로 결혼을 설득하는 그의 사랑에 다시금 미래를 약속한다.
Prince Said
Omar Sultan's army has been defeated. However, Prince Said, son of the Sultan died, encourages people to form an army and fight again to Ibrahim. The town gets excited and running quickly, while crossing the desert, they encounter the enemy caravans and raid without knowing that one of them is Fatima, daughter of Ibrahim, who poses as a singer of the harem. Said, dazzled by the beauty of the girl, released. But soon after, Fatima, who also doesn´t know the origin of the robber, sees him again, and among them born a strong attraction.
George Lorenz
An unscrupulous attorney attempts to rig the jury vote in a murder trial. Released in 1956.
Antonio Gómez
A widower's young son leads the police to a killer of sinners in Mexico City.
In this Biblical epic, a brave Chaldean rebel takes on his evil nemesis, a cruel Assyrian king. En route to his fateful meeting, the rebel hides in the humble hut of a luscious peasant girl.
Federico Vascon
With the purpose of using barbasco roots in the production of cortisone, a pharmaceutical company sends a scientist to investigate the possibilities of exploitation in Veracruz, but the man gets lost in the jungle and lives a strange romantic adventure in a remote location called Paradise.
Pietro Donati
Based on the book of the same name by Frank Yerby. Pietro is an orphan who is raised by a family friend in 15th century Italy. When the friend is killed by the same nasty baron who murdered Pietro's father as he led the peasants in revolt against the baron's tyranny, Pietro vows vengeance against the entire family. This will prove difficult, since he's been in love with the daughter of the nasty baron since he was a child and wants to marry her.
Roberto Santos
An heiress searches for true love while vacationing in Brazil.
Pepe Gonzales
Mexican love stories follow a dying man, a bullfighter's sister and lovers from feuding villages.
Chu Chu Ramirez
In California, a Mexican-American is falsely accused of killing the farmer he was working for after the racist farmer stiffed his immigrant employee with a bad check.
Short subject anti-communist 'documentary' in which foreign-born movie stars such as Leslie Caron and Ricardo Montalban urge the audience (in their native tongues, subtitled) to write letters home speaking of how wonderful life in the United States is.
In the 1830's beaver trapper Flint Mitchell and other white men hunt and trap in the then unnamed territories of Montana and Idaho. Flint marries a Blackfoot woman as a way to gain entrance into her people's rich lands, but finds she means more to him than a ticket to good beaver habitat.
Marcos Zappa
An agent of Mexico poses as a pirate to foil a would-be emperor in 1820s California.
Demi Armendez
The Robinson family are spending two weeks of summer vacation at a resort in the Catskills. Older daughter Patti vies with her friend, Valeria, for the affections of Demi Armendez but Patti is at a disadvantage because her parents think she is too young for boys. But with Patti singing at an amateur show and a dance, her adventures in quest of Armendez ends happily.
Johnny Monterez
A sportswriter forms a ring triangle with a fight manager's daughter and her Mexican-American boxer.
Peter Moralas
매사추세츠 해변에서 젊은 여성의 유골이 발견되자, 반스터블 경찰 피터 모랄라스는 보스턴 경찰과 팀을 이루어 하버드 교수의 도움을 받아 법의학을 통해 여성의 신원, 그녀가 어떻게 죽었는지, 누가 죽였는지 알아내고, 모랄라스는 그녀가 어떻게 죽었는지 알고 싶어하는데...
바스통에 진을 친 101 사단은 동서남북에서 밀려오는 독일군에 완전히 포위를 당한다. 더군다나 물자도 부족한 상황에서 사력을 다해 분투한다. 1944년 크리스마스까지 3개월간 버틴 끝에 바스통을 사수한 부대는 패튼 장군이 독일군의 포위를 뚫을 때까지 혹한과 물자 부족으로 시달리지만 결국에는 바스통을 지켜낸다.
Pablo Rodriguez
The story concerns two agents, one Mexican (PJF) and one American, who are tasked to stop the smuggling of Mexican migrant workers across the border to California. The two agents go undercover, one as a poor migrant.
Jose O'Rourke
Scatterbrained Betty Barrett mistakes masseur Jack Spratt for Jose O'Rourke, the captain of the South American polo team. Spratt goes along with the charade, but the situation becomes more complicated when they fall in love. Meanwhile, Betty's sensible older sister Eve fears Betty's heart will be broken when Jose returns to South America. She arranges to meet with the real O'Rourke and love soon blossoms between them as well.
Fiesta Specialty Dancer
Ricardo, the milquetoast son of a Mexican bandit, would rather lead a quiet life in Boston. But the family would rather that he follow in his father's footsteps and become "The Kissing Bandit".
Ricardo Montalban
A young navy lieutenant is brought in as technical adviser on a song-dance-and-swim film being made by screen star Rosalind Reynolds. Having once done a number with her at a Forces show, the young lad somehow believes she should be his girl. Her boyfriend is just one of those disagreeing.
Mario Morales
When a matador leaves town to focus on his music, his twin sister takes on his identity in the bullfighting ring.
Young composer in a small town where everyone is very nurturing of his talent finishes his first opera and goes to Mexico City to get it produced. Over half the movie is taken up with a performance of his masterpiece.
Luis Vargas
On March 22, four days after returning to his home in Andalusia, Luis de Vargas writes the first of his letters to his uncle and favorite professor at the seminary. He reports that his father intends to fatten him up during his vacation, to have him ready to return in the fall to finish his training for the priesthood. He mentions in passing that his father is courting a twenty-year-old, attractive widow, Pepita Jiménez; his father is fifty-five years old. Pepita had been married for only a short time to an eighty-year-old moneylender named Gumersindo. Luis is not eager to see his father marry again, but he promises his uncle not to judge Pepita before he knows her.
The owner of an illegal gambling casino witnesses all the problems in the life of her dissolute son and finally acts in a way that'll help him rehabilitate himself.
Two young men go through military training, then enlist to fight in WWII
A stagecoach full of conflictive passengers makes its dangerours way from Mexico to Veracruz during the days of the French Intervention.
Cinco fueron escogidos taking place in Slavko, a "peaceful town in Yugoslavia," with only Yugoslavians and Germans as characters, not a Mexican or Spaniard in sight. Another interesting point about Cinco fueron escogidos is the existence of an alternate version, shot in English with a different cast (at least in major roles). Sadly, this film, usually referred to as "Five Were Chosen" but sometimes called "Hostages" (not to be confused with the somewhat similar 1943 Hollywood movie with that title), appears to be lost. García Riera indicates the English-language version was screened in Mexico, at least for the press, but does not seem to have been released commercially in the Mexico or the USA. Since Herbert Kline was well-known for his leftist views, it's not surprising to note that many of the imported Hollywood actors were also left-leaning (and in fact more than one was blacklisted during the Red Scare era).
Santa is a beautiful and very humble young girl living in Chimalistac, a small and quiet spot south of the 1930's Mexico City. After Santa is cheated by arrogant soldier Marcelino, she's rejected by her family and friends and expelled of Chimalistac. Santa finds shelter in a whorehouse and becomes a cinic and bitter woman, mistreated by bullfighter "Jarameno" and silently loved by blind pianist Hipolito
Cantinflas and three friends return a stolen necklace to an actress who invites them to be extras at Clasa studios. While on the set, he falls asleep and dreams that he is d'Artagnan, fighting on behalf of Queen Anne.
1941 Soundies short starring Ricardo Montalban