Fikha Effendi

참여 작품

Tuhan, Minta Duit!
Adi tried all the conditions so that his prayer was granted, but his prayer "God, ask for money" did not come true. The prayer that he originally said was only to repair the leaking roof tiles of his house and buy Mbah Kedah Nasi Padang, increased when his grandmother who took care of him from the baby fell in the bathroom, was hospitalized, and required a lot of money. Instead of being granted, Adi lost his job as a polisher because his friends in the profession revealed that Adi was a woman. Women are prohibited from participating in polishing, because it can cause "excessive" compassion from potential customers. It was at the lowest point that his prayer was answered, Adi found a bag containing hundreds of millions, but led him to disaster.
Hijrah Cinta
The story of the late Ustadz Al-Jeffri Buchori aka Uje, also known as sociable Ustad. Young Uje drift in the pleasures of the world. He wastes his talents: talented actor, famous model, even a future. Because of his behavior, he is shunned by friends and companions. Even the hope of a mother who wants her children not to waste life, must surrender to face reality. Acquainted with a girl named , his life. He is so impressed after the first glance. also believe that the man she loves has a determination to change his life. not only to witness the of life, but also to save Uje from drugs.
레이드 2: 반격의 시작
정부 고위층과 손잡고 마약 거래 등을 통해 권력을 키우며 자카르타를 접수한 두 개의 범죄 조직 '반군'과 '고토' 세력, 그리고 이들에게 매수된 경찰들로 인해 범죄의 소굴로 변한 도시. 경찰국의 내사반 반장은 두 범죄 조직과 부패 경찰들을 척결하기 위해 신입 경찰 '라마'를 잠입시킨다. 스스로 범죄자가 된 '라마'는 '반군' 가문의 후계자 '우초'가 복역 중인 감옥으로 들어가 그에게 접근한 뒤 출소 후 그의 조직에 들어가게 된다. 한편, ‘우초’는 새로운 범죄 조직인 ‘베조’ 일당과 함께 아버지를 배신하고 새로운 보스가 되려는 야심을 품는다. ‘우초’의 계획을 눈치챈 ‘라마’는 경찰들조차 적으로 돌아선 상황에서 홀로 범죄 조직 모두와 전쟁을 시작하게 되는데…
레이드: 첫번째 습격
Rama's Wife
10년 동안 경찰을 포함해 외부인의 습격을 단 한차례도 받아본 적이 없는 낡은 30층 아파트. 마치 치외법권 지역과도 같은 이곳에 모든 범죄의 정점에 서 있는 갱단의 보스 ‘타마’를 제거하라는 비밀 작전 수행을 위해 20명의 정예요원으로 구성된 SWAT 대원들이 출동, 건물 안으로 잠입한다.
Glitch: Tersesat Dalam Waktu
Right before tsunami happen in Indonesia, there was a time glitch in various parts of the world, including in Jakarta. At that time, three friends who back to Cibubur, West Java suddenly moved to Bukittinggi, West Sumatra.