Adi tried all the conditions so that his prayer was granted, but his prayer "God, ask for money" did not come true. The prayer that he originally said was only to repair the leaking roof tiles of his house and buy Mbah Kedah Nasi Padang, increased when his grandmother who took care of him from the baby fell in the bathroom, was hospitalized, and required a lot of money. Instead of being granted, Adi lost his job as a polisher because his friends in the profession revealed that Adi was a woman. Women are prohibited from participating in polishing, because it can cause "excessive" compassion from potential customers. It was at the lowest point that his prayer was answered, Adi found a bag containing hundreds of millions, but led him to disaster.
The story of the late Ustadz Al-Jeffri Buchori aka Uje, also known as sociable Ustad. Young Uje drift in the pleasures of the world. He wastes his talents: talented actor, famous model, even a future. Because of his behavior, he is shunned by friends and companions. Even the hope of a mother who wants her children not to waste life, must surrender to face reality. Acquainted with a girl named , his life. He is so impressed after the first glance. also believe that the man she loves has a determination to change his life. not only to witness the of life, but also to save Uje from drugs.
Из трех полицейских, выбравшихся из кровавого ада первой части, в живых остается только офицер Рама. Уволившись из спецназа, он пробует начать жизнь заново, но вскоре прошлое жестко напоминает о себе — преступники убивают его брата. Чтобы отомстить, он внедряется в мощный криминальный синдикат, где быстро поднимается до самых вершин бандитской иерархии. Врагов здесь еще больше, и каждый неверный шаг может оказаться последним. Здесь нет ни близких, ни друзей, ни любви, ни тоски, ни жалости!
Rama's Wife
Отряд спецназовцев получает задание проникнуть в многоэтажный дом, расположенный в самом сердце трущоб Джакарты, и арестовать обосновавшегося там наркобарона, которого охраняет целая армия вооруженных до зубов головорезов. Операцию нужно провести без лишнего шума, но нелепая случайность нарушает планы служителей закона. Теперь бойцам негде спрятаться и некуда бежать. Перед ними 30 этажей ада, где смертью грозит каждый неверный шаг. Война по правилам кончилась. Выживает сильнейший!
Right before tsunami happen in Indonesia, there was a time glitch in various parts of the world, including in Jakarta. At that time, three friends who back to Cibubur, West Java suddenly moved to Bukittinggi, West Sumatra.