Olivier Blanc

참여 작품

Wolf and Dog
Ana was born in São Miguel, an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean ruled by religion and traditions. Growing up as the middle child of a family of three with her mother and grandmother. Early Ana realized that girls and boys were given different tasks. Through her friendship with Luis, her queer best friend who loves dresses as much as pants, Ana questions the world that is promised to her. When her friend Cloé arrives from Canada, bringing with her the glowing days of youth, Ana embarks on a journey that will take her beyond the horizon.
내림 마장조 삼중주
호르헤는 에리크 로메르가 쓴 유일한 희곡인 "내림 마장조 삼중주"(1987)를 영화로 제작하고 있다. 아델리아와 폴은 이혼한 지 오래다. 어느 날, 아델리아가 폴을 찾아온다. 이들은 1년 동안 일곱 번 만난다. (제23회 전주국제영화제)
Maria starts to show signs of wanting to belong somewhere else: scales appear on her skin, roots appear on her legs, and she hears the sound of water - she dreams of being a fish. One day her daughter comes across her disappearance and reconstructs, through the memory of her gestures and meetings with her mother, a possible explanation for her escape.
Hotel Royal
'In the course of my cleaning duties, I examined the belongings of each guest of the hotel and observed through the details, lives that will remain unknown', says the temporary Chambermaid in a large seaside hotel, which, unable to communicate, lives through a rigid methodology of analysis of the exterior and a ritualised quotidian. Until the uncontrollable comes to disrupts this dynamic. Hotel Royal is fragmented and incomplete mosaic of contemporary societies. It could be dubbed a film about the horrors of the soul, about voyeurs or simply about misfits.
Adeus Senhor António
Film adaptation of "The letter from the hunchback to the locksmith" by Fernando Pessoa's heteronym Maria José.
Patrick, 20-years-old, lives in Paris with his older boyfriend. He runs a teenage pornography website, which results in a prison sentence following a raid at a party. Mário, 8-years-old, was kidnapped 12 years ago in Portugal. Patrick and Mário are the same person with two conflicting identities: a life in Paris filled with parties, drugs, and promiscuity and a new rural life in Portugal, where he feels obliged to reconnect with a broken family.
컬러 아웃 오브 스페이스
Sound Mixer
원래 마의 황무지는 나훔 가드너라는 농부의 땅이었는데, 어느 날 나훔의 밭 한가운데에 운석이 떨어졌다. 이 운석은 어떤 수용액에도 녹지 않았고, 가만히 놔두면 열을 내면서 증발하여 사라졌다. 분광 스펙트럼을 분석한 결과 지구상에는 존재하지 않는 '색채(Color)'가 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 그러나 이후 나훔의 밭은 완전히 못 쓰게 되어버렸고, 밭에서 나는 식물이 괴상한 색을 띄었다. 나훔의 가족들은 점점 미치거나 죽거나 하면서 점점 파멸해갔다. 운석에서 발생한 괴상한 색채에 잠식되어 죽은 존재는 잿빛으로 변해서 부서져버렸다. 나훔의 집을 자주 찾던 아미는 나훔의 집에 사람이 얼마 남지 않은 걸 확인하고는 마을로 돌아가 경찰을 불러 나훔의 집으로 돌아오나, 나훔과 다른 가족들은 모두 죽은 것만 확인되었고, 도리어 색채가 아미 일행이 있는 나훔의 집을 습격하면서 일행은 위기에 처하게 된다. 겨우 뒷문을 통해 나훔의 집으로부터 멀리 떨어진 언덕까지 도망친 아미 일행은 나훔의 집이 잿빛으로 변해 스러지고, 집터 상공에 우주공간으로 연결된 것으로 보이는 포털이 열리면서 색채가 그곳으로 들어가는 걸 목격한다.
죽음의 무도, 해골 그리고 환상들
Sound Designer
‘죽음의 무도’가 민간 신앙에 그치는 것이 아니라 중세를 지나 15세기 유럽 근세의 시작을 알리는 것이라면? 이는 프랑스의 대표적인 영화와 이미지 이론가이자 철학자, 예술평론가, 작가이기도 한 장 루이 쉐퍼의 가설이다. 히타 아제베두 고메스와 피에르 레옹 감독은 쉐퍼와 함께 프랑스와 포르투갈 곳곳을 누비며 그의 생각을 대화의 형태로 담아냈다. 또한 그의 생각을 뒷받침하는 그림과 벽화에 대한 해설은 물론, 장 르누아르와 루이스 브누엘 등의 영화 자료와 쿠르트 바일, 모차르트의 음악을 통해 관객에게 깊이 있는 인문학 강의를 듣는 것과 같은 느낌을 전해 준다.
Ave Rara
They all say that you killed an Angel. Who says that ? They. It’s not an Angel. It isn’t ? No. It’s a rare bird, just like you and me.
포르투갈 여인
이탈리아 북부, 폰 케텐은 먼 나라 포르투갈에서 신붓감을 찾아 나선다. 신혼여행을 마치고 고향으로 돌아온 그는 주교를 물리칠 기회가 왔다는 소식을 듣곤 집을 떠나 전장으로 발길을 옮긴다. 그와 혼인한 포르투갈 여성은 고국으로 돌아가라는 남편의 뜻을 거절하고 10년 넘게 성에 머문다.
Sound Designer
세계적인 축구 선수 디아만티노는 특유의 경기 감각을 잃고 불명예 은퇴에 이르게 된다. 그는 여전히 국제적인 아이콘으로서 새로운 목표를 좇아 광란의 여정에 나선다. 그 속에서 그가 마주하는 네오파시즘, 난민 위기, 유전자 조작 그리고 천재 발굴 등의 다채로운 이슈가 펼쳐진다.
Sound Engineer
Alentejo, Portugal, 1950. In a desolate region, where the wind seems to speak, where misery and hunger reign over poorest, a desperate man takes his revenge on those who caused his ruin during the darkest night, unable to get honestly the bread needed to feed his family in the daylight.
The Dead Queen
Sound Designer
Inspired on the true events of the Portuguese king Don Pedro (14th Century) which unburied his mistress to make her queen after dead. This film tells the story of Pedro, a man admitted to a psychiatric hospital for traveling by car with the corpse of his beloved, recalling simultaneously three different lives: one from the past, another from nowadays and another one from an distopic future.
Ermera Roses
A few months before WW2 a family is torn apart: Maria goes to Timor, her brothers to Portugal. After Japan invaded Timor and Maria is sent to a prisoner’s camp, her family fears the worst. A documentary about a silenced period in Portuguese history.
Terceiro Andar
Which language shall we use to tell the stories we have been told? In which language shall we write a declaration of love? Lisbon, Bairro das Colónias, third floor. Conveying and translating an insightful encounter between different worlds, Fatumata and Aissato, mother and daughter, discuss love and the happiness. Their feelings have been determined by narratives and languages acquired at different stages of life and in different places. At 7pm, from the third to the fifth floor, where I live, a regular sound, always the same, like the beating of a heart, reverberates through the building.
발디오스, 황무지
19 세기 말 포르투갈의 소작농들은 더 나은 노동 조건을 위한 용기 있는 투쟁을 시작했다 극도로 굶주렸던 세대 이후 포 루투칼에서 일어난 카네이션 혁명은 농지개혁에 대한 희망의 씨를 뿌렸다 남부 포르투갈의 알렌테조 지역의 시골 농가 일꾼들은 지주들의 권력의 상징이었던 거대한 재산을 차지했다 알렌테조에는 다음과 같이 전해지는 말이 있다 아마도 다른 과 일 의 잃어버린 씨앗들 어떤 것을 잃어버렸을 때 그것을 찾는 사람들은 처음부터 다시 걷기를 시작해야만 한다 고 그리고 세상을 더 잘 인식하기 위해서는 반드시 성녀 루시아에서 기도하고 물어서 우리의 시각을 깨끗하게 해야 한다 고 이 다큐멘터리의 주인공들은 어렸을 때부터 일해왔고 대부분 문맹이며 투쟁을 이끌어나가는 저항 세력들인 오늘날 의 젊은 세대에게 자신의 언어로 그들이 직접 겪었던 이야기를 하고 있다
Saint George
Sound Designer
In 2011 Portugal began the so-called "year of the Troika" (EU, IMF and ECB budget cuts and economic restructuring), with the level of debt among the Portuguese people reaching staggering amounts and a growing number of families and companies unable to repay their installment loans. Jorge is an unemployed boxer on the verge of losing his son and his wife, who has decided to return to Brazil. As a means of paying off his debt and persuading his wife to remain in Portugal, Jorge accepts a job with a debt-collection agency, which will drag him into a world of violence and crime.
Sound Mixer
Manuel Teixeira Gomes the Portuguese President who left everything behind with only one premise: become who he really wanted to be
서신 교환
정치적 이유로 망명을 떠나야 했던 포르투갈의 시인 호르헤는 소피아와 약 20년간 편지를 주고 받으며 우정을 나눈다. 시인 소피아 안드레센과 호르헤 데 세나가 주고 받은 실제 편지들을 바탕으로 만들어진 독특한 형식의 영화. 여러 출연자들이 각자의 공간에서 편지를 낭독하는 가운데 과거 포르투갈의 기록 영상, 뉴스 클립 등이 섞여든다. (2017 포르투갈 영화제_포르투갈의 여성 감독들)
서신 교환
Sound Designer
정치적 이유로 망명을 떠나야 했던 포르투갈의 시인 호르헤는 소피아와 약 20년간 편지를 주고 받으며 우정을 나눈다. 시인 소피아 안드레센과 호르헤 데 세나가 주고 받은 실제 편지들을 바탕으로 만들어진 독특한 형식의 영화. 여러 출연자들이 각자의 공간에서 편지를 낭독하는 가운데 과거 포르투갈의 기록 영상, 뉴스 클립 등이 섞여든다. (2017 포르투갈 영화제_포르투갈의 여성 감독들)
Sound Designer
The lives of two women intersect.
Sound Designer
Day breaks on the eighth floor in a suburban neighbourhood of Lisbon and 14-year-old Bruno’s grandfather is still in hospital. Doctors give him only a few days to live. The imminence of death and the void that it will leave force Bruno to become the man of the house, where he lives with his mother Mónica, who is in her 30s, and his three-year-old sister Érica.
호스 머니
Sound Designer
병원의 침대에 누운 한 남자가 1974년의 혁명을 기억한다. 옛 가요가 흐르는 가운데 병원과 거리, 숲에서는 유령들이 등장하고 카메라는 종종 하염없이 그들을 바라본다
If I Were a Thief... I'd Steal
Sound Designer
1920s. Vitalino, a small farmer from São Vicente sees his father die of the epidemic which decimated the country. Some years later, of all the brothers, Vitalino is the strongest and takes his father’s place in the house. But the village is too small for his aspirations and he decides to head to Brazil, leaving his sisters in charge of the household. In parallel with Vitalino’s story, If I Were a Thief… I’d Steal portrays the world of Paulo Rocha rummaging through his films and ghosts over the years.
Historic Centre
Sound Designer
Four voices and their visions of Guimarães, cradle city of the Portuguese nation and European Capital of Culture in 2012.
Sound Designer
Rafa is a 13 years old kid concerned with his mother, held in a police station for driving without a license. The director shows a day in the life of a teenager who lives on a problematic area and discovers that her mother was arrested because of an automobile accident.
O Fantasma do Novais
Blood of My Blood
Sound Designer
A regular family living in the outskirts of Lisbon sees the serenity of their lives shaken beyond any remedy within a week.
Journey to Portugal
Maria, a Ukrainian doctor, comes to Portugal to spend a year with Greco, her husband who is also a doctor. Upon arrival at Faro airport she is the only person from Kiev approached by agents of Immigration and Customs that lead her to a room of interrogation, without any explanations. All this occurs because the authorities suspect that something illegal should be behind her trip, since she is from Eastern Europe and her husband is Senegalese.
Luz da Manhã
On a summer's day, a mother, daughter and granddaughter's care-free day trip comes to an abrupt end. Beautiful and restrained.
Perdida Mente
Sound Mixer
The story of a man who sees his life change radically upon confronting his progressive loss of memory. As his neurological condition advances, it affects not only his own life but the lives of all those who surround him.
Humberto hanged himself. Catarina, Paulo and Victor want the company where Humberto used to work for to take responsibility in his death, leading them to kidnappe the company’s director in an act of despair. Who is Humberto? What company is that? In which paths will he take us, after his death? Cinerama is an edgy, enigmatic, but not distant film that brings up genres of cinema as well as other forms of art like dance, theatre and poetry. The film reflects ways of being in life.
The Invisible Collection
Sound Recordist
A story about art and educated men, and how their art and culture reveal themselves useless in the face of the harsh realities of the 20th century life.
Lúcia is misbegotten, unloved and the eternal widow of her own father. A cry of rage in bodily form, she is mad, maltreated and humbled. She wears mourning in remembrance of her mothers crime and betrayal, and gives vent to her inconsolable pain to make sure theres no rest or respite for the killers of her father. She lives in hope of her brothers return so she can fulfil her promise of avenging her fathers blood.
Previously focused on Asian directors, “Jeonju Digital Project 2007” takes a look at Europe. The Portuguese filmmaker Pedro Costa, the German filmmaker Harun Farocki, and the French filmmaker Eugène Green participated in this project.
Handing Over
A man has to sell the home he has spent such happy times in. His daughters have grown up and left. Reluctantly, he shows the house for some buyers: a young couple with a kid. When they arrive, in love and so happy, the house owner sees a reflection of himself years before. This unexpected glimpse of his past makes handing over somehow easier to bear…
Colossal Youth
Sound Recordist
After the Portuguese government demolishes his slum and relocates him to a housing project on the outskirts of Lisbon, 75-year-old Cape Verde immigrant Ventura wanders between his new and old homes, reconnecting with people from his past.
The Conquest of Faro
Sound Designer
Arriving in a hotel in the city of Faro, a couple learns there are no available tables left. When another couple agrees to share a table, they spark a conversation on the city’s history, unfolding the tales of King Afonso III, who betrays his wife, and of a Moorish woman, who betrays her father.
O Arquitecto e a Cidade Velha
A documentary about Álvaro Siza Vieira in Cape Verde and his project to restore the old town of Ribeira Grande, the first city to be built by the Portuguese in Cape Verde on the island of Santiago in 1462.
Lisboners (people of Lisbon) celebrates the ancient notion of citizenship, the right to the city in the making, in each migrant’s daily life, living and working. It is set in Lisbon but it happens in London, New York, Paris, Rome… anywhere. The Lisboners are people from Brazil, Guiné-Bissau, Nigeria, China, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, Ukraine, Moldavia, Russia, and Estonia.
Undo - um Conto de Fadas do Séc. XXI
A fairy tale from the computer age: a 15 year-old boy finds a computer, which has the magical power of undoing short periods of his life.
Nameless Heitor
"I've been on this cliff for almost a year, here on the lookout. Always aware of the sea and the enemy, even though I've never seen him. The man riding a horse gave me a new order, to be even more on alert, waiting for a mirage, for a ghost that will not come."