In this dark comedy, a young woman has her quiet life turned upside down when she receives an empty coffin in the mail. She then sets off on a twisting journey to find out who sent it and why.
TSA Trainee (uncredited)
겁은 많지만 호기심은 가득한 소녀감성, 다이앤, 연애는 쿨하게! 일은 뜨겁게! 호텔 CEO, 비비안, 내 남편의 속사정이 궁금한 불타는 청춘, 캐롤, 겉으로는 엄근진, 알고 보면 허당인 연방판사, 섀론, 라이프 스타일은 다르지만 20대부터 한결 같은 우정을 쌓아온 ‘북클럽’ 4인방. 우아하고 품격 있는 그녀들이 한 권의 특별한(?) 책을 만나면서 인생의 터닝포인트를 맞이하게 되는데…
Associate Producer
Over a series of video chats, a teenage outcast reaches out to his childhood friend, but finds that behind the veneer of popularity and a seemingly perfect life, she hides a disturbing secret.
Over a series of video chats, a teenage outcast reaches out to his childhood friend, but finds that behind the veneer of popularity and a seemingly perfect life, she hides a disturbing secret.
Associate Producer
Todd grew up under the strange shadow of his older mentally challenged brother Shonzi. As kids, Shonzi forced Todd to make action movies. As adults he pressures him to share love life details, even showing Shonzi a sex tape he made with an old girlfriend to help him cope when family tragedy hits. When their dad suffers a heart attack, Shonzi (now 40, and still a virgin) moves in with Todd and his new girlfriend Lindsay. Shonzi wants desperately to be included in their relationship like old times. When Shonzi’s begging become threats to reveal secrets from their past, Todd must find the courage to be honest with Lindsay, even if it means the end of their relationship.
Micky Littleton
A Catholic schoolboy gets a dream job as a screener at a European-style resort. Unbeknownst to them, Micky Littleton harbors a supernatural secret. He can zap anyone he doesn't like into an alternate dimension where they are comically tortured by their greatest fears, but when the resort decides to host an old-school beauty pageant, Micky soon learns that not all threats to this bohemian community come from the outside.
Ben and his girlfriend are catapulted into a bizarre, small town funeral for his uncle, Randy Todd. At the service, Ben is thrown to the wolves when he is forced to referee between Randy's two feuding families.