Costume Design
Evgeniy Onegin lives in grand style: balls, receptions, theater premieres and other frivolities the capital can offer a young man. But social life has long tired him, so he perceives the news of the illness of his uncle living in the village as an opportunity to escape. However, having reached the estate, Onegin learns about the death of a relative, which, however, does not upset Evgeniy too much. His financial affairs are very sad, and his uncle is rich and has no other heirs. Onegin locks himself in the estate, living in aimless solitude until the owner, who has returned from abroad, appears at the neighboring estate – a young, enthusiastic Vladimir Lenskiy, not yet satiated with life, who introduces Evgeniy to sisters Tatyana and Olga Larin.
Costume Design
1945. The International Military Tribunal begins its work in Nuremberg. A huge number of people from all over the world come to the trial, which will later be called the Trial of the Century: the city is crowded with journalists, lawyers, translators, witnesses and many participants and employees of the process.
Costume Design
Costume Design
The film tells the story of the legendary Soviet boxer Valery Popenchenko, USSR and European champion and winner of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. His life was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs - from his childhood in Tashkent’s Suvorov Military School and service as a border guard, to his first victories and failures, and his friendship with Dynamo sports society coach Grigory Kusikyants.
Costume Design
One of the deputies of a certain city, after the curse of the deprived old woman, becomes physiologically incapable of taking bribes.
Costume Design
The story of several Russian emigrants who moved abroad forever. Despite the complete change of scenery and immersion in another culture, they cannot get rid of their love for their motherland, no matter how hard they try.
Costume Design
젊고 재능은 있지만 세상에 인정받지 못한 건축가 ‘빅터’는 갑작스러운 사고를 당한 후 잠에서 깨어난다. 어떤 과학적 논리로도 설명할 수 없는 중력, 물리 법칙을 무시한 건물들과 공간이 있는 이곳은 혼수상태에 빠진 자들만 올 수 있는 곳 ‘코마’라는 세계이다. 이곳에 있는 사람들은 ‘리퍼’라는 정체불명의 괴물에게 쫓겨 안전한 섬을 찾으러 떠나게 되고, 그 섬과 관련해서 엄청난 비밀이 드러나는데 과연 ‘빅터’는 혼수상태에서 현실세계로 빠져나올 수 있을까…
Costume Design
Based on true and tragic events in the life of Vitaly Kaloyev, an architect and family man. In 2002, his wife and children die in a mid-air collision along with 70 other people, mostly children. Vitaly is one of the first people to discover the bodies of his family at the site of the crash. The blame is put on the company responsible for monitoring the air space, as well as the lone air traffic controller on duty at the time. Two years later, after much obstructed efforts to get apologies and answers, Vitaly flies to Switzerland to obtain justice.
Costume Design
Three young couples are getting ready for the weddings and each of them faces different problems.
Costume Design
제2차세계대전 중 악명 높은 나치 학살수용소중 하나인 '소비보르'포로인 러시아군 장교 '알렉세이'는 수용소 나치 친위대 병사들을 살해하고 수용소를 탈출하려는 비밀결사를 조직한다.
Costume Design
제 2차 세계대전 이후 비밀 군사 조직 ‘패트리어트’에서 특별 프로젝트가 진행된다. 여기에 참여한 레어, 아서스, 칸, 크세니아는 강력한 능력을 얻게 되지만, 프로젝트는 실패로 끝나게 된다. 한편 계속해서 실험을 강행하던 닥터 쿠라토프는 지구상의 모든 기계를 조종할 수 있는 힘을 갖게 되고, 세상을 위협할 무기를 만들어 낸다. 그를 막기 위해 다시 모인 4명의 히어로 군단 가디언즈는 닥터 쿠라토프를 막기 위한 전투를 준비하는데...
Costume Design
히로시마 원자폭탄 10배의 위력을 지닌 지진이 닥치고 아르메니아의 300개에 달하는 도시들이 지구상에서 사라졌다. 폐허가 된 도시 ‘레니니칸’에 가족을 찾으려는 사람들이 모이기 시작하고 과거 군인이었던 ‘콘스탄틴’의 지휘로 구조를 시작하는데…
Costume Design
A story about how different men can be.
Costume Design
자동차 매매를 위해 파리로 떠난 정비사 '안드레이' 낭만의 도시 파리에서 우연히 젊은 여인을 만나게 되고, 낯설지 않은 미소를 띤 그녀에게 눈을 떼지 못한다. 그날 오후, 공원묘지를 찾게 된 '안드레이'는 '베라'라는 이름의 비석을 발견하고, 비석 속 새겨진 얼굴이 우연히 만났던 젊은 여인임에 놀라움을 금치 못하는데... 마치 누군가를 깊이 사랑했던 듯 알 수 없는 이 감정! 그녀는 누구일까? 세기를 뛰어넘은 운명적 로맨스가 시작된다!
Costume Design
Is it fun to be panda? May be... But not for Misha whose job is to work as a panda during birthday parties.
Costume Design
Five real-life stories of Olympic athletes of Russia. Five stories which intertwined love, betrayal, friendship. Each of these victories worth hard work, respect and belief in yourself, in your family and to your country.
Costume Design
New Year's Eve stories intersect promoter for the first time to stay home with five years old, three musicians from the Philharmonic, dared to rob stern businessman at a house party to which they sent the same promoter, and a poor student, invited on a first date to an expensive restaurant daughter of most severe businessman. As a result, each of the characters fall into the absurd, naughty, dangerous, but still very funny situation out of which it will certainly help, friends ...
Costume Design
Tolik didn't succeed in life, sports career did not work, his wife left him. Unsuccessful, unloved, hopeless, he has lost faith in himself. All changes when he encounters a strange stranger Anna Ilinichna, who invites him to take part in an unusual marathon in faraway America.
Costume Design
When four friends escape their worries in Moscow for a relaxing vacation in Spain, their trip turns into a rowdy getaway filled with juicy revelations.
Costume Design
A continuation of a famous Russian comedy "Mamy" ("Mommies").
Costume Design
A big mall security guard becomes friend with the attractive woman. The only problem: he doesn't know yet that she is a mall owner.
Costume Design
The hero of Mikhail Galustyan, known in our world as KarlOson, lives in a magical and colorful world of metrics - chubby flying big-ear humanoids one meter tall, whose mission - to help kids. Metrics can show themselves to children, but are forced to carefully hide the fact of their existence from boring adults.
Costume Design
Eight different greetings and situations on March 8th... Eight different Moms.