Detective Krainer
Trapped in a loveless arranged marriage to the immature future Czar, a young German Princess proves a skillful political infighter and rises to become Catherine the Great.
Marco, a young Roman reporter, travels to Zaire to carry out a report commissioned by an important naturalistic magazine, but when he arrives in Africa he comes across an illicit drug trafficking.
Lothar Steingruber
Conrad Kolberg
Baron de Lefouet
The series, based on the novel by German author James Krüss, tells the story of Timm, the boy who traded in his infectious laugh for the ability to win any bet. The man who did the devilish deal with Timm is wealthy businessman Baron de Lefouet, who is even more successful in business now that he has Timm's engaging laugh to win him friends. Timm, on the other hand, soon realizes that life is not the same without the ability to laugh, and he sets out to find the evil Baron and try to regain the ability to laugh.
Friedrich is a wealthy, handsome German soldier fighting in World War II. His unit is stationed in Poland and occupies the estate of Countess Elzbieta. Forced to remain in her presence, Friedrich begins to pursue Elzbieta out of boredom.
A spaceship returns to Earth after several years of space exploration and finds it desolate. Landing in what they believe is Mexico, the crew decides to travel north, and try to find out what happened to Earth during the years they were gone.
Pepe Coronado
The murder of the well-known Frankfurt high-class prostitute Rosemarie Nitribitt kept the Federal Republic in suspense at the time, but the crime could never be solved. Although almost twenty years have now passed, the unpleasant matter for those involved at the time comes back on the table, because Annemarie Meier-Wippertal, the daughter of the murdered, causes unrest as she wants to solve the murder of her mother.
Monk Medardus, administrator of the relic chamber of a Capuchin monastery, drinks from the elixirs of the devil and is confronted with the dark sides of his soul.
Whispering Death
A colonial police officer in Rhodesia hunts down the albino terrorist who raped and murdered his fiancee.
Oberst Rudschenko
Himmel - The Boss
Corinna witnesses how three guys chase and shoot a man in front of her lonesome house. As only witness, they force her to come with them and care for the guy's wound. But she manages to flee shortly after and takes Blondi to a doctor. He tells her his story, how he used to smuggle drugs, but one day fled with a suitcase full of money. Corinna inexplicably falls in love with him and decides to accompany him on his further flight. But the villains are close behind them.
Richard Rolander
Pater Hermann Baving
Coby is an ex-soldier and billiard champion. He and his friend Len accept the sum of 50,000 dollars to investigate the trafficking of arms across the Mexican border, but the pair come across a new revolutionary revolver.
Clifford Irving
Viktor Brandner
David Saxon / Patriarch
제퍼슨 역에서 출발한 역마차 한 대가 길라 벤드라는 마을 근처를 지나던 중에 현상금 사냥꾼들에 의해 저지당한다. 이 현상금 사냥꾼들은 살인죄로 현상금 3천 달러가 걸린 필립 버미어라는 인물을 찾는 데 혈안이 돼 있다. 역마차에 타고 있던 전직 보안관 클레이튼은 숨어 있던 필립을 가장 먼저 찾아내 도주하도록 돕는다. 필립이 가는 곳마다 현상금 사냥꾼들이 들이닥치지만, 필립은 번번이 클레이튼의 도움을 받아 목적지인 색슨 시로 향한다. 필립은 자신이 죽인 걸로 판결이 난 색슨을 결단코 죽이지 않았으며, 단지 자신의 아버지를 살해한 범인에게 복수하고 싶을 뿐이라는 속내를 털어놓는다. 색슨 시로 가는 길에 클레이튼은 자신이 색슨 살인사건의 진범을 알고 있다고 주장한다. 하지만 색슨의 아들들은 오로지 필립을 제거하고 필립의 아버지가 찾은 은을 손에 넣는 데 혈안이 돼 있다. 진범은 따로 있다는 클레이튼과 필립의 주장은 받아들여지지 않고, 결국 색슨의 아들들과 클레이튼, 그리고 필립의 운명을 결정할 최후의 총격전이 벌어진다.
A photographer on an archaeological expedition digging up Etruscan ruins in Italy begins to suspect that not all the Etruscans buried there are actually dead.
Julie (Rosemary Dexter) is disturbed by the disappearance of her psychiatrist boyfriend Luca (Horst Frank) following a bizarre dream where she witnessed him murdered. She travels to a seaside village where he might be and encounters Frank (Adolfo Celi), who tells her Luca has indeed been there. Julie's investigation leads her to the house of Gerta (Alida Valli), where the mystery deepens among the odd characters residing at this artists enclave.
In the Southwest of 1915 Carlos backs an intended uprising of the common countymen against his father Phillip, a despotic landowner who exploits the rural poors in his silver mines. But Carlos' indecision and his love for his young and beautiful stepmother leads into a failure.
Willy Jensen
The dangerous violent criminal Willy Jensen flees from a prison in Hamburg and seeks shelter at his brother Heinz' apartment. Heinz, an honest taxi-driver, believes in his innocence and helps him - until Willy kills another man in a robbery. After an argument Willy takes his wife Vera, who now lives with Heinz, as hostage on his further flight from the police. Heinz feels responsible for his brother and trails him, which makes it look to the police as if he's helping his brother.
Georg Jürgens
Heinrich Müller
The son of an Argentine chemist travels to Vienna, to solve the murder of his father. Step by step, he realizes that his father was internationally entangled in secret service machinations and chemical weapon sales, and ends up in mortal danger himself. Meanwhile, he also realizes that there is no connection between his father's murderess and those dubious activities. Her motive for killing him goes back much futher, to a court hearing during the Third Reich...
Dr. Braun
범죄성향을 결정짓는 것으로 추정되는 XYY 염색체 전문연구소에서 경비원이 살해된다. 사건 발생 당일 그 앞을 지나다 우연히 두 남자의 대화를 들은 시각장애자 프란코는 리포터 카를로와 함께 범인 찾기에 나선다. 살인사건이 줄을 잇는 가운데 복잡한 실타래를 서서히 풀어간다.
Waldemar Klingel
Jim Downs
Industrialist Jean is living a jet set life in late sixties Paris. He comes to the aid of a frightened young woman (Nicole) who is under the domineering control of her abusive boyfriend, Klaus. Although married, Jean develops a romantic relationship with Nicole. However, he may have gotten himself involved in more than he bargained for.
Jule Nickels
Angels of the Street or The Angel of St. Pauli is a 1969 West German crime film directed by Jürgen Roland and starring Horst Frank, Herbert Fux and Werner Pochath. It is set in the St. Pauli red light district of the port of Hamburg.
Duke Philippe
Müller, Gestapo
During World War II an Italian secret agent is sent undercover to kill the head of the resistance in Budapest.
Marquis de Bressac
Without a family, penniless and separated from her sister, a beautiful chaste woman will have to cope with an endless parade of villains, perverts and degenerates who will claim not only her treasured virtue but also her life.
Traumatized by the War of Algeria and by the accidental death of his wife and his son, Manu left the right road. His last caper was the attack of the Antwerp-Tangiers Express, carrying a precious cargo of industrial diamonds. But the whole affair was bungled and all of his accomplices got shot. The only survivor of this disaster, Manu now finds refuge in the mountain house of Lucia, the widow of a smuggler who lives alone there with her little boy.
Jason Forester
Two famous gunmen, Lord and Bull are called to a southern western town by a judge to retrace a gold reserve, worth $500.000 which was hidden in the last days of the Civil War, by a Confederate colonel and people have been looking for it ever since.
Chris Malone
Ken Dakota's search for the murderer of his brother, killed by bandit Gary Stevens, at the behest of land owner Chris Malone. Dakota attempts to bring the men responsible for his brothers death to justice.
Claudio Hamilton
On his way back from the Civil War, Johnny Hamilton is visited in his sleep by the ghost of his father who lets him know that he has been murdered and who asks him to avenge him. Back in the family ranch, Johnny finds that not only has his father been killed but that Gertrude, his mother, has married her late husband's brother Claude. The latter is now the owner of the ranch and of all the properties of the deceased. Polonius, a ruthless bandit, is supposed to have killed Johnny's father. But couldn't it be Claude...?
David Barry
어느 날 장고가 처 루시와 함께 금괴 운반을 하고 있을 때 다비드와 루카스 일당의 습격을 받는다. 장고를 배신한 다비드는 장고와 루시에게 총을 쏴 루시는 죽고 장고는 중상을 입는다. 장고는 얼마 후 교수형 집행관이 되어 처형당할 사람의 생명을 구하여 그들을 부하로 삼는다. 어느 날 장고는 술집에서 루카스를 발견하고 그를 사살한다. 한편 장고가 찾는 다비드는 부하들을 거느리고 장고를 해치우고자 한다. 두 사람은 묘지 근처에서 대결하게 된다. 격렬한 총격전이 전개될 때 데빗드 부하들이 나타나 장고는 잡히며 스스로 자기의 무덤을 파게 된다. 거기에는 관이 나타나고 그 관 속에서는 장고가 숨겨두었던 장고의 유명한 기관총이 들어 있었다. 장고가 기관총을 들고 일어나는 순간 총구에서 불을 뿜는다. 다비드 일당은 하나하나 쓰러진다. 드디어 다비드도 쓰러진다. 장고는 악당들이 탈취한 금괴를 은행에 돌려주기 위해 떠난다.
Hauptmann Bruck
An episode from the war in 1806 when a small troop of Prussian soldiers digs in at a mill in order to defend itself against the overwhelming advance of the French army.
Lt. Roland Wolf
German commandos are dropped behind enemy lines in the Sahara Desert tasked with getting to Casablanca in an assassination attempt on allied leaders.
A thief gets hold of some top secret papers and is chased around Europe by the sinister Organisation.
Rudy / Ronald "Ronny" Moss
In his remote China hideaway the evil Fu Manchu plots the death and discredit of his arch rival, Inspector Nayland Smith of Scotland Yard.
Compilation of the show Blue Light.
Dr. Soarez
NY private eye Jeff Milton is investigating a case of kidnapping in Caracas.
Raphaël, a former paratrooper, is unable to adapt to the constraints of social life. One day, he becomes the unwilling accomplice of jewel thieves and falls in love with Electre, the mistress of Alaphène, their boss. Electre gives herself to Raphäel and incites him to run away with her. The couple tries to reach Monte-Carlo, where the diamonds are hidden, but they are chased by Federico, one of the gangsters who craves the loot as well...
Larry Link
Third Jerry Cotton Adaption. A big shipment of Nitroglycerine, enough to make a shambles of New York, mysteriously vanishes! It's a race between agent Jerry Cotton and the underworld to see who can find the deadly explosive first. To complicate things further, the nitro must be found before a torrid heat wave causes it to blow much of the city sky high.
Pierre Lamastre
Sven Broderson
Three soldiers find they can no longer handle the battlefield slaughter of World War II. They desert and make their way to a serene South Seas island hopeful that they can find peace. Mutiny in the South Seas
CIA agent Jeff Larson is sent to investigate suspicious activities at a U.S. base located in southern Spain. He discovers the base is being heavily monitored by the KGB via hidden cameras and moles within the base, and he must find a way to ferret the traitors out whilst avoiding discovery of his investigation.
An FBI agent goes to Hong Kong to short-circuit a smuggler of electrical parts to the communists.
Blade Carpenter
When Comanches go on the warpath, settlers take refuge in Ft. Eagle Rock commanded by Capt. Jackson. Undercover agent Cliff McPherson arrives at the undermanned fort to lend advice and support. He learns that the Comanches have been stirred up by local rancher Morton who wants to take control of the oil under the Indians' reservation.
Dan McCormick
Based on the novel by Friedrich Gerstäcker, the film, set entirely in the state of Arkansas, tells of the conflict of interests between the local townspeople and homesteaders on the surrounding land, miners arriving during the gold rush, cowboys and cattle thieves who cause problems in the area, and the native tribes of the region. Two adventurers arrive in town and try to restore peace to it and its inhabitants.
Leutnant Legget
Professor Wilkens has invented a formula for a new type of fuel and puts it on a microfiche that he sends to his daughter and her bodyguard, but multiple different mysterious groups, including the "Chinese Carnation", would kill to get their hands on it.
Billy Clanton / Clayton
On his own wedding day, sheriff Pat Garrett must leave and try to arrest two bank robbers.
Jack McLean (falscher Vermeeren)
Some guys try to locate a evil guy's secret diamond mine somewhere in Thailand.
Manning / Dr. Steininger
Detective C.G. (Klaus-Juergen Wussow) begins to investigate the death of an attractive woman (Heidelinde Weis) whose naked body was found in Beverly Hills. When he recovers her journal, he is taken into her past where he finds that she lead a sexually promiscuous life. Perhaps in the pages of the diary will be a clue to her killer's identity. This thriller was the first German feature to be shot in Hollywood after WWII as well as the first feature for German television director Michael Pfleghar. Based on a bestselling novel by Curt Goetz, Die Tote Von Beverly Hills/The Corpse of Beverly Hills was adapted to the screen only a few short years after his death.
Robert Perkins
A suave gangster tries to get away from his boss with a suitcase full of heroin. Two pilots and lots of beautiful women get involved in the affair. Soon blood begins to flow.
An aging gangster, Fernand Naudin is hoping for a quiet retirement when he suddenly inherits a fortune from an old friend, a former gangster supremo known as the Mexican. If he is ambivalent about his new found wealth, Fernand is positively nonplussed to discover that he has also inherited his benefactor’s daughter, Patricia. Unfortunately, not only does Fernand have to put up with the thoroughly modern Patricia and her nauseating boyfriend, but he also had to contend with the Mexican’s trigger-happy former employees, who are determined to make a claim.
European produced Western based on the novel by Friedrich Gerstäcker, set in the 19th century in a town on the banks of the Mississippi River. The area is plagued by a gang of pirates under the leadership of Captain Kelly, who live on an island in the river, from where they operate raids on passing steamboats and traders rafts, robbing them of their cargo and murdering the crews. Townspeople and settlers do their best to put an end to the crimes and rid themselves of the pirates and their daring leader.
Kiddie Phelips
After an automobile accident, in which a man is unrecognizably burnt to a crisp, his wife's only able to confirm the corpse's identity by his talisman: a small, white spider. However, soon, there are more corpses walking around than at a comic con convention and every single one of them was a white spider sitting on or nearby the body.
Jack Roller
Frank Marek
German journalist Peter Holberg arrives in Hong Kong and, by accident, he is carrying a microfilm that was destined to local gang lord, Marek. Peter is helped by another German journalist, Joan Kent, and falls in love with a night-club dancer, Colette. Colette is actually working for Marek, but betrays the gang for love - at the ultimate cost to her. The HK Police will intervene just in time to prevent Peter from further losses.
Klaas Steensand
A young man living in Africa is send to Hamburg by his parents to learn about business. There, he falls in love with the mistress of a friend.
Miguel and Verónica meet in a plane and lie to each other about their true self: she tells him she's a secretary while she actually is the billionaire niece of a duchess, and he tells her he's a trumpet player while he is a Teutonic king. Eventually they fall in love, without knowing about each other's true identity, all of this while Miguel is being urged by his ministers to choose a wife of royal blood and get married as soon as possible, and a revolutionary group, one of which members is Verónica's brother, plans a terrorist attack against the king.
Emil Frenzel
A young doctor saves head secretary from a group of hired murderers and frees her from suspicion.
At the end of World War II, a French pacifist is arrested for refusing to fight. In prison, he befriends a German priest arrested for murder of a French Resistance fighter. They discuss morality, obedience, and religion.
Christy Mahon
Hauptmann Feder
General von Stauffen
Dr. Gerd Schneider
Von Hollwitz
Bubi Lausch
Willy Schneider
Dr. Brandt alias Dr. Ood
A scientist invents a serum that keeps a dog's head alive after its body dies. When the scientist dies of a heart attack, his crazed assistant cuts off his head and, using the serum, keeps the doctor's head alive and forces it to help him on an experiment to give his hunchbacked nurse assistant a new body.
Lo Sposino
At some point, somewhere in the relentless events of the Second World War: A submarine returns from a long, successful patrol. Shortly before their native coast, however, they are bombarded by enemy aircraft. The submarine sinks and for the men begins a fight for survival at 110 meters depth.
Feldwebel Böse
In the winter of 1943, against the background of battle scenes, a young German Lieutenant who increasingly distrusts the inhuman Nazi ideology struggles with the concept of war.
Richard Marshall
A group of criminals hijacks a plane, intending to fly it to Cuba.
Jonny der Husar
Jan Lindgren
Beautiful young Helga gets publicly shamed because a rich land owner seduced and impregnated her but refuses to take responsibility in a story of love and death in Sweden.
During WWII The German 'Wehrmacht' is heavily under fire after the invasion of Normandy. There are also a lot of women participating in the war, working at the front line as couriers for the air force. In this war, everyday, they put their lives on the line.
West Germany in '50s is becoming an economic superpower. In such climate, Rosemarie is just one of many enterpreneurs who wants her piece of new fortune. She uses her charms to bring members of West German industrial elite to her bed. There she finds business secrets and later sells them to French competition. However, when scandal errupts, Rosemarie would find that she can't beat the system.
Josef Schmitz
Otto Friedrich Dennert is a celebrated veteran of the Essen police force. While investigating a series of killings of women he reaches retirement age. The case is taken over by a new team, including Dennert's son Harry. Convinced that they have arrested the wrong person, Dennert begins investigating by himself with assistance from the criminal underworld.
Four young German naval cadets begin their military service in 1940; only one of them will survive.
Albin Droste
Biographic Movie of the German fighter ace, who was killed in a plane crash after over 150 kills in North Africa.
T. Barrington Chamming
Kristof Wolters
Sascha Gudjenkin