Clara Della Torre

참여 작품

La Génération Salut les copains
Color Grading
우리 사랑 이야기
40년째 다운증후군 환자를 위한 학교에 다니는 친구들은 학교가 지루하기만 하다. 어느새 50대에 가까워진 그들은 이제 독립한 성인으로 존중받을 자유를 원한다. 집을 사려 돈을 모으고, 사랑하는 연인과 미래를 약속하며, 직업을 찾기도 하지만, 가족들은 여전히 그들을 성인으로 인정해주지 않는다. (2017년 제 14회 EBS 국제다큐영화제)
Barbra Streisand: Becoming an Icon 1942–1984
Barbra Streisand grew up in working class Brooklyn, dreaming of escape from her tough childhood. A stellar student, she resisted the pressure to go to college as her sights were firmly set on Broadway. She was determined to become an actress and landed her first role aged 16, but it was two years later, when she started to sing, that her career took off. Subverting stereotypes and breaking glass ceilings, this programme looks at her rise to stardom and the remarkable achievements of her early career.
Burning Hope
Color Timer
"Burning Hope" is at once the story of an unlikely friendship and the portrait of a fragile country haunted by so many ghosts. Between investigation and intimate story, the movie tells the crossed destinies of two young women and a teenager in a post-revolution Tunisia, swinging between hopes and disillusionment.
Marine le Pen - The Last March?
Color Grading
This film is an uncompromising portrait of a woman who no-one could have imagined in a position of power a few years ago . A look at the woman and, through her, at the party that continuously raises concerns and stirs up the media.
François Delabre, billionaire on the decline, has locked himself inside his mansion. For several days, he has been hearing mysterious noises which seem to come closer… Actually, everything may have started on the day he found his wife overdosed. For weeks, her dead body has been left to decompose…