Various Roles (archive footage)
A look at the forces that shaped Pre-Code Hollywood and brought about the strict enforcement of the Hays Code in 1934.
Self (archive footage)
Until 1932's Grand Hotel, never had there existed an all-star ensemble cast on film. Conceived by MGM's production genius Irving Thalberg, the film boasted names like Greta Garbo, Joan Crawford, Wallace Beery and John and Lionel Barrymore and went on to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. This short documentary takes a look at the making of the classic film.
Self (archive footage)
An overview of the making of John Huston's 1948 classic "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre."
Part of Frank Capra's World War II propaganda series made for the U.S. Armed Forces, this program presents newsreel footage addressing the Battle of China and shifting opinion as the United States moves from isolationism to supporting the war. Highlights include Madame Chiang Kai-Shek's moving address to Congress, Edward R. Murrow's reports from London during the Blitz and Charles Lindbergh expressing his opposition to America entering the war.
Self (archive footage)
Stephen H. Bogart narrates the rise to fame of his father, Humphrey Bogart through the use of film clips, written material and interviews of friends and co-workers.
Self (archive footage)
Biography of risk-taker and raconteur John Huston from his childhood to become one of the most highly respected filmmakers in the world.
(archive footage)
Robert Preston hosts this documentary that shows what people of the 1930s were watching as they were battling the Depression as well as eventually getting ready for another World War.
Himself (archive footage)
Out-takes (mostly from Warner Bros.), promotional shorts, movie premieres, public service pleas, wardrobe tests, documentary material, and archival footage make up this star-studded voyeuristic look at the Golden age of Hollywood during the 30s, 40, and 50.
Self (archive footage)
Period music, film clips and newsreel footage combined into a visual exploration of the American entertainment industry during the Great Depression.
A collection of behind the scenes and home movies from the golden age of Hollywood.
Dr. Kurin
A Ukrainian village must suddenly contend with the Nazi invasion of June 1941. Re-edited version of The North Star (1943), to remove positive references to Soviet Union and include narration about the Hungarian Uprising of 1956.
T. C. Jeffords
멕시코 국경에 인접한 "T.C.제포드" 일가의 대목장을 운영한다. 그의 아들 "클레이 제포드"(죤 브롬휠드)가 집으로 돌아오면서 영화는 시작된다. 대평원의 목장과 부를 함께 가지고 있는 "제포드"에게는 아들 외에 딸이 하나 있는데 그녀의 이름은"반스 제포드" (바바라 스탄웍) . 그녀는 그의 집에서도 가장으로서의 권위와 힘을 함께 가지고 있다. 그는 아들이 있음에도 딸인 반스에게 소유권을 넘겨주려고 하며, 딸이 사랑하는 남자를 데려왔을 때 둘의 사이를 갈라놓기 위해서 이간질도 서슴지 않는다. 아들이 정상적으로 결혼함에도 반스는 사랑하는 남자와 결혼하지 못한다. 그 뿐 아니라, 후일 아버지에게 애인이 생기자 딸의 질투는 극에 달해 딸이 아버지의 애인에게 상해를 입히는 지경에 이르고 만다. 그러나 아버지가 파산에 이르게 되면서 딸은 아버지를 돕게 되고, 결국 아버지는 자신에게 원한을 품은 사람이 쏜 총알에 맞아 딸의 품안에서 죽는다.
General Ostrovsky
A young man succumbs to gambling fever.
Mr. Nat Miller
Danville, Connecticut at the turn of the century. Young Richard Miller lives in a middle-class neighborhood with his family. He is in love with the girl next-door, Muriel, but her father isn't too happy with their puppy-love, since Richard always share his revolutionary ideas with her.
멕시코 탐피코 마을. 일거리를 찾지 못하던 돕스는 팻에게 고용되어 목수 일을 하게 된다. 팻이 임금을 주지 않자 돕스는 커틴과 함께 팻의 돈을 훔쳐 달아난다. 여관에서 우연히 만난 노인 하워드가 사금이 나온다는 계곡 이야기를 들려주자 둘은 함께 금을 찾으러 떠나는데...
존 휴스턴의 페르소나라 할 수 있는 험프리 보가트와 아버지 월터 휴스턴이 함께 연기한 작품으로, 인간의 탐욕을 적나라하게 그려냈다.
The Sinkiller
백인 아버지와 인디언 어머니 사이에서 태어난 혼혈 처녀 펄은 아버지가 품행이 깨끗하지 못한 어머니를 살해한 뒤 교수형을 당하자 아버지 친척인 남부의 대 목장주 잭슨 맥캔리스의 부인인 로라벨 아주머니 집에서 살게된다. 로라벨의 두 아들 제시와 루트는 곧 펄을 좋아하게 된다. 서부에 철로가 생기면서 철로부설을 반대하는 맥켄리스는 철도회사 편을 든 아들 제시와 의절하고 집에서 쫓아낸다. 루트는 펄을 유혹해서 친하게 되나 아버지의 반대로 펄과 결혼할 생각을 버린다.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
The final entry in a trilogy of films produced for the U.S. government by John Huston. Some returning combat veterans suffer scars that are more psychological than physical. This film follows patients and staff during their treatment. It deals with what would now be called PTSD, but at the time was categorised as psychoneurosis or shell-shock. Government officials deemed this 1946 film counterproductive to postwar efforts; it was not shown publicly until 1981.
Ephraim Wells
For Miranda Wells, moving to New York to live in Dragonwyck Manor with her rich cousin, Nicholas, seems like a dream. However, the situation gradually becomes nightmarish. She observes Nicholas' troubled relationship with his tenant farmers, as well as with his daughter, to whom Miranda serves as governess. Her relationship with Nicholas intensifies after his wife dies, but his mental imbalance threatens any hope of happiness.
Edward Armstrong
일면식도 없는 10명의 남녀가 미스터 오웬이라는 남자의 초대로 외딴 인디언 섬에 모인다. 그러나 막상 그들을 초대한 남자는 섬에 나타나지 않고, 섬에는 오웬이 고용했다는 고용인만이 기다리고 있었다. 그날 별장에서 벌어진 저녁 식사 자리에 그들이 모였을 때 축음기에서 이들의 숨겨진 죄상을 폭로하는 음성이 흘러나온다. 그들은 모두 살인죄를 저지른 적이 있음에도 불구하고 법에 의해 처벌을 받지 않았으며, 이제 그들을 단죄할 것이라는 내용이었다. 그리고 그 자리에서 초대받은 손님 중 하나가 목을 움켜쥐고 쓰러진다. 살인이 시작된 것이다. 살인이 벌어질 때마다 인디언 인형이 하나씩 사라진다.
Frank Capra-directed propaganda film produced during World War II depicting the United States' new enemy: Japan.
The seventh and final film of Frank Capra's Why We Fight World War II propaganda film series. This entry attempts to describe the factors leading up to America's entry into the Second World War.
Abraham Lincoln
The sixth film of Frank Capra's Why We Fight propaganda film series illustrates Japan's occupation of China, including Madame Chiang Kai-Shek's stirring address before congress, the rape of Nanking, the great 2,000 mile migration, and Claire Chennault's Flying Tigers.
Ling Tan
The lives of a small Chinese village are turned Upside down when the Japanese invade it. An heroic young Chinese woman leads her fellow villagers in an uprising against Japanese Invaders.
This short celebrates the 20th anniversary of MGM. Segments are shown from several early hits, then from a number of 1944 releases.
Know Your Ally: Britain was a 45-minute propaganda film made in 1944. It was narrated by Walter Huston and produced by the United States War Department and Signal Corp to solidify Anglo-American solidarity within the ranks as well as counter Nazi propaganda aimed at weakening the Alliance.
Narrator (voice)
WWII propaganda film.
Dr. Kurin
A Ukrainian village must suddenly contend with the Nazi invasion of June 1941. Later re-edited and released as "Armored Attack."
The fourth of Frank Capra's Why We Fight series of seven propaganda films, which made the case for fighting and winning the Second World War. It was released in 1943 and concentrated on the German bombardment of the United Kingdom in anticipation of Operation Sea Lion, the planned German invasion.
Voices of officers (voice)
A documentary propaganda film produced by the U.S. Army Signal Corps about the Aleutian Islands Campaign during World War II. The film opens with a map showing the strategic importance of the island, and the thrust of the 1942 Japanese offensive into Midway and Dutch Harbor. Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.
The story of the U.S. Army Chaplain Service as dramatized in the stories of three chaplains, Father Michael O'Keefe, Arnold Miller, and Tom Manning.
Ambassador Joseph E. Davies
Ambassador Joseph Davies is sent by FDR to Russia to learn about the Soviet system and returns to America as an advocate of Stalinism.
Dr. Martin Stensgard
The film pivots around the local Norwegian doctor and his family. The doctor's wife (Ruth Gordon) wants to hold on to the pretence of gracious living and ignore their German occupiers. The doctor, Martin Stensgard (Walter Huston), would also prefer to stay neutral, but is torn. His brother-in-law, the wealthy owner of the local fish cannery, collaborates with the Nazis. The doctor's daughter, Karen (Ann Sheridan), is involved with the resistance and with its leader Gunnar Brogge (Errol Flynn). The doctor's son has just returned to town, having been sent down from the university, and is soon influenced by his Nazi-sympathizer uncle. Captain Koenig (Helmut Dantine), the young German commandant of the occupying garrison, whose fanatic determination to do everything by the book and spoutings about the invincibility of the Reich hides a growing fear of a local uprising.
Doc Holliday
Newly appointed sheriff Pat Garrett is pleased when his old friend Doc Holliday arrives in Lincoln, New Mexico on the stage. Doc is trailing his stolen horse, and it is discovered in the possession of Billy the Kid. In a surprising turnaround, Billy and Doc become friends. This causes the friendship between Doc and Pat to cool. The odd relationship between Doc and Billy grows stranger when Doc hides Billy at his girl Rio's place after Billy is shot.
Jerry Cohan (archive footage)
This short traces the history of sound in the movies, beginning with French scientist Leon Scott's experiments in 1857. Featured are snippets from early sound pictures.
Uncle Sam 'U.S.'
"Docudrama" about the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 and its results, the recovering of the ships, the improving of defense in Hawaii and the US efforts to beat back the Japanese reinforcements.
Using footage taken by Soviet battlefront cameramen, this penetrating documentary about Russian life during World War II is narrated by Walter Huston and features the likes of Joseph Stalin and Marshal Timoshenko.
Jerry Cohan
루스벨트 대통령의 초대를 받아 백악관에 간 코핸은 지난날을 회상한다. 그는 유년시절에 가족의 보드빌에서 잘난 체하는 아이 역할을 맡아 연기한다. 그 후 그는 단독으로 나설 결심을 하고 작가이자 제작자인 샘 해리스와 손을 잡는다. 'Little Johnny Jones'로 브로드웨이에서 성공리에 첫 공연을 마친 코핸은 연기지망생인 매력적인 여인, 메리와 행복한 결혼을 한다. 제1차 세계대전 중에 그는 전쟁의 비공식적인 성가 'Over There'를 쓰면서 절정에 달한다.그러나 부모님과 누이의 죽음을 겪고 은퇴를 시도하나 결국'I'd Rather Be Right'로 성공적으로 브로드웨이에 컴백한다.
Self - Narrator (voice)
Prelude to War was the first film of Frank Capra's Why We Fight propaganda film series, commissioned by the Pentagon and George C. Marshall. It was made to convince American troops of the necessity of combating the Axis Powers during World War II. This film examines the differences between democratic and fascist states.
Bartender (uncredited)
An unhappy, self-centered woman runs off with her sister's husband, wreaking havoc and ruining the lives of those around her.
MacKenzie Scott
A man is pardoned from prison and returns to Santa Rita, CA to be with his family, but discovers his children have been told he's dead and his wife is in love with another man.
Sir Guy Charteris
A gambling queen uses blackmail to stop a British financier from closing her Chinese clip joint.
Thursday Ragan
A hunter happens upon a fugitive and his daughter living in a Georgia swamp. He falls in love with the girl and persuades the fugitive to return to town.
Captain Jacoby (uncredited)
샌프란시스코의 '스페이드 & 어처' 탐정 사무실에 원덜리라는 미모의 아가씨가 나타나 사건을 의뢰한다. 그녀는 새스비라는 사내와 사랑에 빠진 여동생을 찾아달라고 부탁한다. 샘 스페이드(Sam Spade: 험프리 보가트 분)는 동료 탐정 어처(Iva Archer: 글래디스 죠지 분)를 보내 사건을 풀어보려 하지만 해결의 실마리는 커녕 어처의 죽음이 그에게 전해지고, 곧이어 새스비가 살해된다. 한편, 경찰은 어처의 처를 사랑했던 스페이드를 의심한다. 스페이드는 우선 원덜리를 방문, 자초지종을 다시묻는다. 그러자 그녀는 그제서야 본명을 브리지드 오쇼네시(Brigid O'Shaughnessy: 메리 애스터 분)라고 밝히면서 여동생 운운한 건 가짜였고, 새스비와 어처를 죽인 건 누군지 모르겠다고 고백한다. 그리고 둘 사이에 사랑이 시작된다. 어느날 여비서 에피(Effie Perine: 리 패트릭 분)가 퇴근한 후 스페이드는 마치 여자같은 조엘 카이로(Joel Cairo: 피터 로리 분)의 방문을 받는다. 그의 등장은 사건에 접근하는 전기를 마련해 주는데 그는 샘에게 검은 새의 조각상을 찾아달라고 나선 것이다. 그것도 거액의 사례비를 주겠다는 조건으로, 조각상의 가치에 의문이 생긴 샘 앞에 이번에는 거트맨(Kasper Gutman: 시드니 그린스트리트 분)이라는 인물이 나타나는데.
Mr. Scratch
Farmer Jabez Stone, about to lose his land, agrees to sell his soul to the devil, known as Mr. Scratch, who gives Jabez seven years to enjoy the fruits of his sale before he collects. Over that time, Jabez pays off his debts and helps many neighboring farmers, then becomes an advocate for the upstanding Sen. Daniel Webster. When Jabez's contract with Mr. Scratch concludes, he desperately turns to Webster to represent him in a trial for his soul.
World War II propaganda short which focuses on the dangers of inadvertent dispersal of military information.
A London artist struggles to complete one last painting before going blind.
Ethan Wilkins
This is a story about family relationships, set in the time before and during the American Civil War. Ethan Wilkins is a poor and honest man who ministers to the human soul, while his son Jason yearns to be a doctor, helping people in the earthly realm. It is a rich story about striving for excellence, the tension of father-son rebellion, and the love of a mother that can never die.
Sam Dodsworth
도스워드 자동차 회사의 설립자인 샘 도스워스(Sam Dodsworth: 월터 휴스턴 분)는 미국 굴지의 사업가이다. 경제적으로 안정된 생활 속에서 중년의 삶을 살아가고 있던 어느날, 아내 프랜(Fran Dodsworth: 루스 채터톤 분)의 청으로 은퇴할 것을 결심한다. 사회적 책임에서 벗어나 자유롭게 새 인생을 시작하자는 아내의 소망에 따른 것이다. 샘과 프랜은 주위의 만류에도 불구하고 제2의 인생에 대한 희망으로 유럽 여행을 떠난다. 뉴욕항에서 이들을 배웅하는 친구들과 갓 결혼한 딸 에밀리(Emily: 캐서린 마로 분) 부부. 런던으로 향하는 배 안에서 프랜에게 첫 눈에 반한 아놀드(Arnold Iselin: 폴 루카스 분)는 그녀의 주위를 맴돌며 프랜의 마음을 흔들리게 한다. 처음에는 주저하던 프랜도 20년동안 나무랄데 없는 남편이었던 샘 대신 아놀드를 자신의 변화된 삶 속에 어울리는 동반자로 여기게 된다. 역시 배 안에서 만난 이혼녀 에디뜨(Edith Cortright: 매리 애스터 분)와 함께 샘, 프랜 그리고 아놀드는 런던에 도착한다. 그러나 아내 프랜과는 달리 계속되는 여행과 파티에 싫증을 내고 있던 샘은 집으로 돌아가길 원하고 결국 혼자 돌아가게 된다.
Winners of the Lucky Stars National Dance Contest - one woman from each state of the United States - are welcomed to Palm Springs. Palm Springs being the desert playground for the movie stars, the women are introduced to the cavalcade of stars vacationing in Palm Springs at the time.
Cecil John Rhodes
Rhodes of Africa is a 1936 British biographical film charting the life of Cecil Rhodes. It was directed by Berthold Viertel and starred Walter Huston, Oskar Homolka, Basil Sydney and Bernard Lee.
President of the United States
An engineer leads the building of a trans-Atlantic tunnel linking Britain and the United States.
This short documentary narrated by sportscaster Ted Husing explores the free-time activities of some of Hollywood's most popular celebrities. Big names such as Boris Karloff, Buster Crabbe, and Clark Gable make appearances, enjoying games of golf, field hockey, swimming, and many other fun hobbies.
Sgt. Benjamin E. Walsh
World War I drama about a soldier and the wild horse he befriends.
Edwin J. Bennett ("The Professor")
An ex-sailor turned boxer finds romance and gets a shot at the heavyweight title.
Barney Dolphin
After a love affair ending in an abortion, a young prison reformer submerges herself in her work. She then falls for a controversial and married judge and scandal looms again.
Mayor Dushan Radovic
Sarajevo June 28, 1914. Dushan, the Serbian mayor of a Hungarian town, has come to see the parade of Archduke Ferdinand. While there he runs into Geza, an old friend in the Hungarian Army and invites him to come to his house and visit him and his new wife.
Lieut. Comdr. T.J. Toler USN
On leave in Italy, Lt. Tommy Knowlton falls in love with Jean Standish, who's not only married, but is the daughter of his submarine's commander. Friction between the two officers becomes intolerable once at sea and after Commander Toler is forced to abandon Tommy's best friend topside while the sub dives to escape enemy planes, Tommy is no longer able to contain his anger.
Hon. Judson Hammond - The President of the United States
A political hack becomes President during the height of the Depression and undergoes a metamorphosis into an incorruptible statesman after a near-fatal accident.
Alfred Davidson
Due to a possible cholera epidemic onboard, passengers on a ship are forced to disembark at Pago Pago, a small village on a Pacific island where it incessantly rains. Among the stranded passengers are Sadie Thompson, a prostitute, and Alfred Davidson, a fanatic missionary who will try to redeem her.
The ruthless Flint, a disabled man, rules an isolated region of Kongo like an omnipotent god, through superstition and sadism, living only for the day when he can get revenge on the man who ruined his life.
Thomas Dickson
Socially-conscious banker Thomas Dickson faces a crisis when his protégé is wrongly accused of robbing the bank, gossip of the robbery starts a bank run, and evidence suggests Dickson's wife had an affair... all in the same day.
Judge Andrew J. Moffett
A corrupt night court judge tears an innocent young family apart in his efforts to elude a special prosecutor.
Pow Tarleton
The evils of alcohol before and during prohibition become evident as we see its effects on the rich Chilcote family and the hard working Tarleton family.
Frame 'Saint' Johnson
A legendary lawman and his cohorts set out to restore order to the dangerous streets of Tombstone, Ariz.
Capt. Jim Fitzpatrick
Police Chief Jim Fitzpatrick is after gangster Sam Belmonte. He uses his corrupt brother Ed to watch over Daisy who was associated with Belmonte.
Captain Corlaix
On the eve of WW-I the French Navy ship Lafayette returns to its Toulon base for one night. There is no shore leave, although wives are permitted to come to a party. The strain of command on the older captain and his new, young wife is very great.
On of a series of short subjects created for movie theaters in the 1930s, each an interview with a popular actor of the time.
Rare footage of Jean Harlow and Bela Lugosi discussing Dracula, as well as Walter Huston performing a musical number. It exists solely in fragmentary form.
Seth Law
A New England fisherman's second wife prefers his son.
Jack Bannister
A mob boss has a change of heart when his daughter convinces him to move on from crime.
District Attorney Whitlock
A tough District Attorney goes after a murderous crime gang, only to find that his witnesses, an innocent family, have clammed up in fear of reprisals.
Judge Walter Huston (uncredited)
Bobby Jones instructs a husband and the judge in his divorce proceedings on proper use of the Spoon.
Mark Brady
After young Robert Graham commits a murder while drunk and defending his girlfriend, he is prosecuted by ambitious Mark Brady and sentenced to 10 years. Six years later, Brady becomes the prison warden and offers the beleaguered Robert a job as his chauffeur. Robert cleans up his act, but, on the eve of his pardon, his cellmate drags him back into the world of violence, and he faces a difficult choice that could return him to prison.
A dialogue between director D. W. Griffith and actor Walter Huston on the subject of Griffith controversial 1915 film "Birth Of A Nation" and it's theatrical re-release in 1931.
Gregory Platoff
Marya gets friendly with General Platoff in order to save her husband Victor from being executed.
Pancho Lopez
Film version of a play about a Mexican bandit.
Abraham Lincoln
A biopic dramatizing Abraham Lincoln's life through a series of vignettes depicting its defining chapters: his romance with Ann Rutledge; his early years as a country lawyer; his marriage to Mary Todd; his debates with Stephen A. Douglas; the election of 1860; his presidency during the Civil War; and his assassination in Ford’s Theater in 1865.
Mr. and Mrs. Warner Bros. Pictures and their precocious offspring, Little Miss Vitaphone, host a dinner in honor of Warner Bros. Silver Jubilee, attended by most of the major players and song writers under contract to WB at that time.
Joe in Clark & White's Office (uncredited)
Gardoni, a down-on-his-luck vaudeville performer, is taken in by a fellow performer, a clown who has a bicycle riding act. Gardoni shows his appreciation by stealing the clown's act and his girlfriend, whom he marries.
A good-natured cowboy who is romancing the new schoolmarm has a crisis of conscience when he discovers his best friend is engaged in cattle rustling.
Robert Rossiter
Much to the disapproval of his snooty children, a wealthy widowed attorney takes up with a beautiful but "lower-class" woman.
Abraham Lincoln
Presents Lincoln's difficulties with Gen. McClellan and Secretary of State Seward, over the selection of a commander of the Army of the Potomac. Lincoln asserts his leadership and appoints Gen. Grant.
Wickland Snell
A newsman is drawn away from family life by the needs of his paper until a new woman enters his life.