Tota Pritsa

참여 작품

Assistant Costume Designer
그리스의 찬란함을 담은 섬, 크레타. 그곳에서부터 시작된 완전한 자유를 위한 여정. 전 세계인들이 손꼽는 스테디셀러 「그리스인 조르바」를 써낸 20세기 그리스의 가장 위대한 작가 ‘니코스 카잔자키스’. 그가 꿈꾸던 자유, 우정, 사랑에 대한 삶의 기행.
영원과 하루
Costume Assistant
비가 내리는 어느 일요일, 죽음을 앞둔 시인 알렉산더는 삶을 마무리하기 위한 마지막 여행길에 오른다. 하지만 딸을 찾아간 시인은 기르던 개를 돌봐줄 것을 부탁하지만 거절당하고, 사위에게서는 죽은 아내와의 추억이 깃든 집을 팔았다는 소식을 듣게 된다. 이제 그에겐 못다 바친 시 연구에 대한 후회와 죽은 아내가 남긴 편지가 남아있을 뿐이다. 그러나 어느 일요일 알렉산더는 우연히 한 알바니아 소년을 길에서 구해주게 된다. 알렉산더는 마피아에 의해 관리되는 수천 명의 불법 이민 소년들 중에 한 명인 이 소년을 알바니아의 고향으로 되돌려 보내기로 한다.
Dream Children
Costume Design
Young Giannis escapes from prison and hides in a deserted factory, with the dream of traveling far away. At the factory, a group of university students rehearse Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, and a girl from the group discovers him. The students accept him into their group, offering him a part in the play as well. One night, three young men try to destroy the props for the theatrical performance, and Giannis tries to stop them, ending up back in prison. The students manage to get him out of jail, and he embarks on a ship and leaves far away.
Dream Children
Set Decoration
Young Giannis escapes from prison and hides in a deserted factory, with the dream of traveling far away. At the factory, a group of university students rehearse Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, and a girl from the group discovers him. The students accept him into their group, offering him a part in the play as well. One night, three young men try to destroy the props for the theatrical performance, and Giannis tries to stop them, ending up back in prison. The students manage to get him out of jail, and he embarks on a ship and leaves far away.
Crystal Nights
Assistant Set Designer
In this supernatural-themed romance, a German woman in the between-wars period is being initiated into some kind of esoteric/psychic order and learns at that time that her ideal mate won't even be born for quite a few years. By 1936, she has moved to Greece with her Greek husband, and there she meets Alberto, a very young Greek man, a Jew, who is evidently the man she has been seeking. They are able to read each other's thoughts and do so in the midst of a sexual encounter. Despite the boy's attraction to her, he spurns her due to her age (she is forty). She commits suicide and is born almost immediately as someone able to protect her ideal mate from the Germans. Later, as a young woman, she again has a liaison with Alberto, who again spurns her due to their age differences. Flashbacks indicate that this situation has been part of their lives for many incarnations.