For as long as he can remember, Knuckles has preferred to operate on his own. As the guardian of the Master Emerald, he knows every corner of his island and every secret it holds…or so he thought. A sudden discovery is about to turn his world upside down.
강력한 파워의 ‘너클즈’와 함께 돌아온 천재 과학자 ‘닥터 로보트닉’에 맞서 지구를 구하기 위해 ‘소닉’과 새로운 파트너 ‘테일즈’가 전 세계를 누비는 스피드 액션 블록버스터.
This Sonic short is about one of Sonic's Chao literally dreaming about being a fighter pilot from space.
This Sonic short is about one of Sonic's Chao literally dreaming about being a fighter pilot from space.
This Sonic short is about one of Sonic's Chao literally dreaming about being a fighter pilot from space.
Storyboard Designer
사악한 웃음소리가 울려 퍼진다. 무서운 계획이 꿈틀댄다. 로봇이 행동을 개시한다. 딥에게 알려라, 우주 스파이 짐이 돌아왔노라고! 잠깐, 근데 플로퍼스 홀은 대체 뭐람?
Storyboard Artist
11-year-old Frolie moves into the Very Important House and suddenly finds herself in the role of caretaker of the universe.