Todd Hanson

출생 : 1968-10-10, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Todd Hanson is an American writer best known as the head writer of The Onion.

참여 작품

The People vs. George Lucas
The passion the original Star Wars trilogy inspires in its fans is unparalleled; but when it comes to George Lucas himself, many have found their ardor has cooled into a complicated love-hate relationship. This hilarious, heartfelt documentary delves deep into Lucas’s cultural legacy, asking all the tough questions. Has Lucas betrayed his masterwork? Should he just have left the original trilogy alone? Is The Phantom Menace so bad it should carry a health warning? Utilizing interviews taken from over 600 hours of footage, and peppered with extraordinary Star Wars and Indiana Jones recreations lovingly immortalized in song, needlepoint, Lego, claymation, puppets and paper-mâché, above all this film asks the question: who truly owns that galaxy far, far away—the man who created it, or the fans who worship it?
어니언 무비
미국 최고의 뉴스 정보 채널인 어니언 방송의 유명한 앵커 놈이 미국에서 벌어지는 황당한 소식들을 전달한다. 하지만 신성하다고 생각하는 자신의 뉴스를 진행하던 도중 갑자기 조그만 펭귄이 영화를 광고하며 훼방을 놓자, 방송국에 이를 따져 보지만 고지식하다며 자신의 말을 들어 주지 않는다. 결국 사임을 해야겠다고 결심한 놈은 생방송으로 진행되는 뉴스에서 자신의 얘기를 한다. 그러나 놈이 사임을 하겠다고 말하려는 찰나에 테러리스트가 놈의 머리에 총을 겨누는데...
Self (Staff of the Onion)
One hundred superstar comedians tell the same very, VERY dirty, filthy joke--one shared privately by comics since Vaudeville.