When frustrated movie studio mogul Adolph Zitz announces a talent search for a romantic leading man to rival the great Rudolph Valentino, thousands of hopefuls decend upon Hollywood. Rudy Valentine, a neurotic baker from Milwaukee, knows little about romance or acting. But when his wife leaves him for the real Valentino, Rudy goes to outrageous lengths to win the role of a lifetime and win back the love of his life.
Train Conductor
공포물 을 멜 브룩스 감독이 패러디하여 코미디로 만든 작품. 자욱한 안개와 폭풍이 마을을 휘감고 있는 가운데 산꼭데기의 트랜실비아성은 심상치 않은 기운이 감돌고 있다. 프랑켄슈타인 경의 유언이 친척들에 의해 읽혀지고 그의 재산이 증손자이며 촉망받는 뇌전문 외과의사인 프레드릭 프랑켄슈타인, 일명 '프롱켄쉬틴'에게 상속되어 있었다. 결혼을 앞두고 있는 프레드릭은 그의 상속분을 물려받기 꺼려하면서 탐욕에 가득찬 약혼녀 엘리자베스와 절교를 선언한다. 어느날 밤, 프레드릭은 잠결에 '자신의 운명으로부터 벗어나지 못할 것이라'는 목소리를 듣고 깨어난다. 그는 하녀와 함께 기괴한 음악 소리를 듣고 출처를 알아보기 위해 소리가 나는 곳으로 찾아가 본다. 그러다 책상 뒤의 비밀 통로를 따라 가다가 꼽추인 조수 아이고와 마주치게 되고, 그 곳에서 조부가 남긴 비밀실험에 관한 노트를 우연히 발견해 낸다. 책에서 읽은 대로 실험을 해보기 위해 프레드릭은 교수형당한 한 거구의 시체를 몰래 빼내서 성으로 가져온다. 다음으로 프레드릭은 조수 아이고에게 커다란 뇌를 가져오도록 시키는데 아이고가 그만 운반 도중 뇌를 떨어뜨리고 만다. 온갖 노력 끝에 생명을 얻는 마지막 단계까지 완성된 기괴한 모양의 인조 인간. 그러나 이 괴물은 움직이기 시작하자마자 다짜고짜 프레드릭을 죽이려고 덤벼드는데...
During the latter days of WWII an American Lieutenant accidentally falls out of an airplane into German territory. He is taken in by a Baroness who becomes smitten with him and doesn't want him to leave, so she doesn't tell him that the war has ended...for five years!
A man who completes compiling a dossier on a mysterious billionaire begins to get the feeling that he is becoming the victim of a conspiracy.
LeBon (as Rolphe Sedan)
When several women are found mutilated and murdered, the Paris police are baffled as to who the killer may be. All evidence points to Dupin, but soon it becomes apparent that it is someone (or something) stronger and deadlier than a human.
French Man (uncredited)
Aging advertising executive Alan Miller is a recovered alcoholic who now does interventions on behalf of Alcoholics Anonymous, is called by the elevator operator of a residential hotel to come and intervene in the case of one of the guests, struggling Broadway actress Jenny Carey. The two find they have even more in common than their taste for drink. But Jenny wants to put an end to their romance because Alan is a married man, who moreover is the father of two children. How will Jenny and Alan resolve their feelings without destroying Alan's marriage?
Tailor (as Rolf Sedan)
Jim Conway, who works on a South American rubber plantation, leaves to meet a girl from the United States whom he is to marry. But he receives a telegram from her telling him she has married someone else. He goes to a waterfront café where he meets a singer, Joan Madison, and tells her his troubles. He asks her to marry him and return to the plantation with him using the name of the girl he was to marry. This strikes her as a great idea as she is a wanted fugitive.
Art Dealer (uncredited)
A happily married woman sees a psychoanalyst and develops doubts about her husband.
Henchman (uncredited)
Banished from various U.S. protectorates in the Pacific, a saloon entertainer uses her femme-fatale charms to woo politicians, navy personnel, gangsters, riff-raff, judges and a ship's doctor in order to achieve her aims.
Maitre D'
Ad man Stephen Dexter asks his secretary Kendall to marry him as a loophole in order to protect his finances during an important business deal. Once the deal is completed, he asks Kendall for a divorce and is dismayed when she refuses.
Frankie Kelly, pageboy at the beauty salon ran by Madam Celeste, and his helper Jefferson find the routine broken when the body of one of the operators, Florence, is found in the dumbwaiter. She had been shot just before she was to give Detective Dan Haggerty information about a blackmail gang. Since Mary Baker, Frankie's girl friend saw her last, she is suspected, and Frankie determines to clear her using his own sleuthing methods. He has hardy begun when Pierre, another member of the staff, and Florence's fiancée is found dead.
Tailor (uncredited)
A girl decides to consult her natural father, whom she's never seen, for advice on her mixed-up love life.
Candy Shop Proprietor
Set against the backdrop of WWI Europe, a man and woman of different classes are brought together by their love of Lippizan horses.
Posing as the fabulously glamorous Countess Tanya Vronsky, a poor young ballet dancer and her two accomplices are really a team of skilled con artists! They mingle with Europe's high society, always looking for the next wealthy victim to fleece with their fake jewellery scam... Then Tanya meets the dashing young Paul Vernay. At first she wants to rob him. Then she decides she wants to marry him and to leave her criminal past behind her. Her accomplices agree but only if she'll join them in one last, big swindle...
Two reporters compete to discover a scientist living in hiding and win his daughter.
Hotel Manager
소비에트는 5개년 계획 수행 중 심각한 기아난을 겪게 되어 러시아 제국의 보석을 팔기 위해 세 명의 요원을 프랑스 파리로 파견한다. 보석의 원래 소유주 스바나 대공비는 보석을 되찾기 위해 애인인 레옹 백작을 요원들에게 보낸다. 레옹은 요원들이 보석을 팔지 못하도록 하면서 그들에게 자본주의의 온갖 쾌락을 제공한다. 모스크바에서는 냉정하고 완고한 열성당원 니노치카를 보내 보석을 회수하게 한다. 레옹은 니노치카를 유혹하여 이를 막으려 하지만 온갖 노력에도 불구하고 니노치카는 꿈쩍도 하지 않는데...
Hotel Clerk
Chan, in Paris for a reunion with friends from World War I, becomes involved in investigating the murder of a munitions manufacturer who was supplying arms to the enemy, even as the rising clouds of World War II force the city into nightly blackout status..
Emile Aubel
In 1911, minor stage comic, Vernon Castle meets the stage-struck Irene Foote. A few misadventures later, they marry and then abandon comedy to attempt a dancing career together. While they're performing in Paris, an agent sees them rehearse and starts them on their brilliant career as the world's foremost ballroom dancers. However, at the height of their fame, World War I begins.
Airline Officer
Agadez is a lonely French outpost baking under the desert sun and commanded by the cruel and oppressive Captain Savatt. To it comes, at his own request, Legionnaire Jim Wilson soon followed by his fiancée, Carla Preston, who has been tracing him from post to post. Legionnaires seize the fort and turn Savitt loose in the Arab-haunted desert with only a fraction of the water and food needed to get back to civilization. But Savitt gets through and returns to the fort at the head of an avenging troop of men. But Arabs surround Savitt and his men, and the mutineers, knowing that to leave the fort and aid them means their own death
Director Karl Brown's 1938 circus drama stars Marjorie Main as a tough, fur-coat-wearing circus boss who raises her orphaned niece to be a trapeze star.
Telegraph Clerk
After saving a tramp from suicide, a millionaire takes his clothing and disappears. Word is out that he will give a million dollars to anyone who is kind to a tramp.
미국의 억만장자 마이클은 휴양지에서 가난한 후작의 딸 니콜과 마주친다. 짧은 만남 뒤, 우연히 니콜의 아버지를 만나게 된 마이클은 호의를 베풀며 니콜과 결혼하고 싶다는 마음을 내비친다. 그러나 약혼 파티에서 마이클이 일곱 번이나 결혼한 이혼남임을 알게 된 니콜은 충격에 빠져 결혼을 취소하려 한다. 동명의 프랑스 희곡을 각색했으며, 샘 우드의 작품을 리메이크한 것이기도 하다. 흥미로운 이야기에 클로데트 콜베르와 게리 쿠퍼의 연기 호흡이 자연스럽게 어우러졌다. (2015 영화의 전당 - 에른스트 루비치 특별전)
Ballet Master
발레 스타 페트로프는 아틀란트를 건너는 배 위에서 우연히 톱 댄서 린다를 만난다. 하지만 페트로프는 그녀가 유명 스타인지 모르는 상황에서 감정이 통해 사랑에 빠진다. 린다에 대해 아는 사람들은 페트로프와 함께 있는 모습을 보고 그들을 부부로 오해, 이 소문이 기정사실화되면서 두 사람은 갈등을 겪기에 이른다. 1930년대, 프레드 아스테어와 진저 로저스가 제작사 RKO에 막대한 경제적 이득을 가져다주던 시기, 두 배우가 콤비로 호흡을 맞춘 영화들 중 일곱 번째 영화인 . 발레단의 스타인 페트로프, 재즈 댄스계의 스타인 린다를 연기한 프레드와 진저는 이 작품에서도 롤러스케이트 댄스를 비롯한 아름다운 댄스의 하모니를 보여주는데, 영화의 타이틀인 Shall We Dance는 동명의 음악이 라스트에 울려 퍼지며 우여곡절을 겪은 두 사람의 사랑이 이루어지는 상징성을 나타내는 것이기도 하다. 프레드 아스테어는 이 영화에서 우아한 발레와 스피디한 탭댄스까지 완벽하게 선사하는데, 미남형의 배우라고 하기엔 어려운 그가 춤을 추면 완벽하고도 매력적인 남성으로 보이는 것은 그가 가진 타고난 재능과 매력 덕분일 것이다.
Hotel Desk Clerk
A girl in search of a rich husband mistakes a millionaire for a male model.
First Waiter
A proud, pro-capital punishment district attorney with a 90% execution rate, finds himself wrongly convicted of murdering his estranged wife and sentenced to die. The woman he loves and his investigator rival for her affections rally to find the real killer, while he is confronted by the misery of life on death row.
Opera Aficionado
An aggressive agent turns a hotel porter into an overnight sensation.
French Chauffeur (uncredited)
The singing stoker and the vamp.
Mrs. Flaggenheim's Secretary
A taxi driver travels to Venice and poses as a gondolier to land a radio singing job.
Gendarme (Uncredited)
An insane surgeon's obsession with an actress leads him to replace her wounded pianist husband's hands with the hands of a knife murderer--hands which still have the urge to throw knives.
Afraid of marriage, Simone (Mary Ellis) breaks off her long term engagement with her fiancé Paul de Lille (Tullio Carminati). Paul heads to the top of The Eiffel Tower with thoughts of suicide. In another part of Paris and also afraid of marriage, Mignon (Ida Lupino) breaks it off from her young lover (James Blakely). Despairing, Mignon also climbs to the top of the The Eiffel Tower intending to leap to her death. There she meets Paul and the two compare stories. After discussion, Paul dissuades her from leaping and the two conspire to make their respective partners jealous by pretending to have an affair with each other.
Artist (uncredited)
A rich and famous singer disguises himself as a waiter in order to be near the woman he loves, a European princess.
3rd French Art Expert (uncredited)
Thelma tries to pass herself off as a famous French painter.
Waiter #1 (uncredited)
After being fired from his job at the Marriage License Bureau, a clerk turns to matchmaking.
Clerk (uncredited)
Gracie Allen assumes the "management" of the shop owned by her papa Horatio Allen, turning it into a radio station and then an aviary---with the usual Gracie Allen logic---while distracted Papa is trying to get younger daughter, beauty contest winner Florence, married before she can head to Hollywood and get into the movies.
은퇴한 형사인 닉 찰스(Nick Charles: 윌리암 포웰 분)는 부유한 집 딸인 노라(Nora Charles: 미나 로이 분)와 결혼한다. 그들은 주말에 뉴욕으로 여행을 떠나는데, 거기에서 그들은 도로시(Dorothy Wynant: 모린 오설리반 분)를 만난다. 도로시는 닉에게 자신의 아버지를 찾아줄 것을 부탁한다. 도로시의 아버지는 발명가로 특별한 프로젝트를 위해 은둔했는데 그 이후로 소식이 없는 것이다. 닉은 행복한 은퇴생활을 만끽하고 싶어한다. 그러나 스릴을 맞보기를 원하는 노라 때문에 그는 이 일에 뛰어들게 되는데...
Second Dodd's Salesman (Uncredited)
A young woman is involved with a married man, although she does not know that he is married. He kills his jealous wife and implicates her in the murder. However, a playboy character who had been flirting with the woman earlier turns amateur detective and clears her.
Bed Salesman (uncredited)
광고미술을 하는 길다는 파리행 기차에서 젊은 예술가 조지와 토마스를 만난다. 두 청년은 동시에 길다의 매력에 빠지고, 그녀를 사랑하게 된다. 두 청년 중 한 명을 선택할 수 없던 길다는 그들의 친구이자 뮤즈가 되어 셋이 함께 지내자고 제안한다. 그러나 그들의 플라토닉러브는 유통기한이 그리 길지 않고, 그들의 관계에는 균열이 생긴다.
노엘 카워드의 동명희곡을 각색한 작품으로, 루비치는 세 남녀의 모호한 관계를 통해 할리우드의 도덕성을 꼬집는다.
Stage Manager
Nora Moran, a young woman with a difficult and tragic past, is sentenced to die for a murder that she did not commit. She could easily reveal the truth and save her own life, if only it would not damage the lives, careers and reputations of those whom she loves.
Carnival Barker
When his bank fails, a young man loses not only all his money but his fiancée, deserts him, too. Depressed, he joins a circus.
Pants Presser (uncredited)
A charlatan posing as Baron Munchhausen is invited to be guest speaker at a girls' school.
Casino Man (Uncredited)
A former government agent in France, who has failed at an assignment and been disavowed, is deported back to the USA, where he can only find work at a low-rent detective agency. He soon gets involved with a woman with ties to a crooked gambling club owner, who is a client of his agency.
Man Who Will Be Late to Work (uncredited)
Fast-talker extraordinaire Tracy gives one of his quintessential wiseguy performances as a conniving ambulance chaser who falls in love with Evans, unaware she's a special investigator for a streetcar company he's repeatedly victimized.
French Waiter (uncredited)
Charley and his buddies are captured and imprisoned by an Arabian sultan.
When Cap's back pension finally comes in, he treats the gang to a day at an amusement park.
Pierre - Tailor (uncredited)
A Depression-downtrodden waif uses her brains instead of her body to rise from tyro con artist to crime boss.
French Radio Operator (uncredited)
Buckley is an unethical reporter who manipulates the news for his own benefit as much as he reports it. When he is in Paris to get a medal for being rescued from his alleged kidnappers, he finds that his boss, Stevens, at the Chicago Globe is going with his old gal Dolly. When Stevens learns that Dolly is staying with Buckley in Moscow, he fires Buckley. To get his job back, Buckley and Lefty stage a great news story about the shooting of the last Romanoff, but the plan backfires and they are now in line to be shot by the Commissar.
In-Room Waiter (uncredited)
Unscrupulous Chicago janitor Paul Kroll uses deceit to fund a return trip to his homeland of Sweden. There, via ongoing continuing deceit and manipulation, he gradually attains a monopoly on the matchstick market in several countries and becomes an influential international figure. Based on the true story of Ivar Kreuger.
Casino Patron (uncredited)
Two destitute New Yorkers meet cute in Central Park and then separate and independently get tangled up with some gangsters only to be reunited again in the end.
Juror Zasu accidentally swallows a piece of evidence which just happens to be a time bomb.
악명 높은 도둑이면서 상류 사회의 신사이기도 한 가스통은 베니스에서 아름다운 귀부인 릴리를 만난다. 그런데 릴리 역시 귀족 행세를 하지만 정교한 실력을 가진 소매치기였다. 서로의 실력에 반한 두 사람은 사랑에 빠지고, 함께 파리로 건너가 유명 향수 회사를 소유한 콜레 여사의 금고를 털 계획을 세운다. 그런데 콜레 여사가 신분을 위장한 가스통에게 관심을 보이고, 가스통 역시 여사에게 특별한 감정을 느낀다. 릴리는 금세 두 사람 사이의 이상 기류를 눈치채고는 질투심에 사로잡히는데...
지적이면서도 우아하고 유쾌한 농담이 빛나는 ‘루비치 터치’가 돋보이는 에른스트 루비치의 대표작이며, 로맨틱 코미디의 원형이라 할 수 있는 작품이다.
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
파리의 양복재단사 모리스는 바레즈 자작에게 값비싼 양복을 만들어주지만, 귀족의 허울뿐인 자작은 재단비를 지불하지 못한다. 결국 모리스는 자작의 성을 찾아가는데, 당황한 자작은 가족들에게 모리스를 남작이라 소개한다. 겁을 내던 모리스도 아름다운 미망인 자넷을 보자 그녀의 마음을 얻기 위해 남작 행세를 이어간다. 마물리언의 뮤지컬 코미디. 배우의 노래와 필름 편집을 절묘하게 결합한 방식이나 한 노래를 여러 배우들이 이어 부르는 방식은 당대엔 매우 혁신적이었다. (2015 영화의 전당 - 세계영화사의 위대한 유산 - 월드시네마 XII)
Art Student (uncredited)
Proper parents who treat their adult children as teenagers have a son who wants to go to Paris to study art, and a daughter in love with a married man.
Count Tobini
A young lady is wooed by two men
Boulevardier (uncredited)
When Stephen, the husband of Gerald’s mistress, Claire, discovers a pair of tickets for their planned trip to Venice, Gerald must invent a wife to cover their tracks. He is then forced to hire a woman to play “his wife” when Stephen insists he and Claire accompany them to Venice.
John Moore, a young sea captain has a romance with Kay Wheeler, daughter of a trusted trader, "Pop" Wheeler, on a Pacific island. He also acquire the enmity of "Shanghai" Morgan, a notorious sea captain who shanghais his crew and his women.
Beauty Salon Manager
When British mining engineer Robert Maury is sent to India on an extended business trip, his wife Elsie finds romance with a Spanish playboy.
Hotel Desk Clerk
A young American girl visits Paris accompanied by her fiancee and her wealthy uncle. There she meets and is romanced by a worldly novelist; what she doesn't know is that he is a blackmailer who is using her to get to her uncle.
Paris Taxi Driver
The Haddocks are going on a European vacation and from their reception at the station, where the whole town goes to see them off, it is clear who wears the pants in the family - it's their daughter Mildred. Her parents often proclaim she is a genius - but she is just smarter than them, which wouldn't be too hard! On the train, Finn meets shyster Harry who sizes Finn up as a sucker and quickly wires his partner Bessie, aka "The Princess" to make Finn's acquaintance and take him for everything he has.
Man Who Wants to Hear 'Poison Ivy'
Two gold diggers try a French dressmaker, two Mr. Smiths and Havana.
Gendarme (uncredited)
An addled Englishman's efforts to save three young women from eviction land them all in jail and leads to other adventures and mischief.
Opera Audience Member (uncredited)
A beautiful opera star kept by a rich older man falls in love with a young clergyman.
Waiter at Dinner Party
Young Mary Rainey takes the reins of her deceased father's failing circus. With the help of the Inimitable Smiley Johnson, she hopes to bring fortune back to her ragtag band of ragged shoeleather performers.
An aristocrat tries to prevent her sister's divorce by attempting to recover a diamond necklace, which is being used as incriminating evidence against her.
To avoid hostilities, Maryan, the ward of Doc May, a medicine show owner, induces Pop Garner, a circus owner, to join forces with her guardian. Doc May and Daphne, his wife, work as clowns; and Garry, a singing soldier of fortune, sings along with Maryan's act. Ruth, Maryan's partner, quits to get married; and Joe, who is jealous of Garry, replaces her with Trixie, his former assistant. When Garry announces his engagement to Maryan, Trixie persuades him to join a strip poker game in a drunken state and "compromises" him in the presence of his fiancée. Grief-stricken, Maryan falls during her act, and Garry, robbed of circus funds, is arrested. In spite of her injuries, Maryan, learning of Trixie's treachery, performs the act with her and forces a confession by threatening to drop her; Garry is released and is welcomed back to the show.
Headwaiter in New York
Broadway actress leaves New York to become a star in Hollywood, and succeeds despite sleazy directors and her own ego.
Party guest
Tom Dugan trying to go on a date behind his wife's back gets a surprise.
Charity Bazaar Auctioneer (uncredited)
A wealthy and powerful industrialist changes his identity to avenge himself on the wife that spurned him on their wedding night.
Passing herself off as a countess, glamorous Lucy Stavrin hobnobs with the rich and famous along the French Riviera. Aware that Lucy is a phony, jewel-thief Malatroff blackmails Lucy into helping him steal the valuable necklace owned by the young wife of phlegmatic American businessman Sylvester Corbett.
Maitre D'
Jay Rountree, a young, rising businessman and a son of a wealthy manufacturer gets caught up in a web involving an escort service or 'party girls' and trapped into an unhappy marriage.
Bit Role
Casey and Babe are sisters who work in a department store and each year the store puts on a show. As expected, things are going wrong with every act until Casey comes out to help Babe with her song. They are a hit, but in the final act, Casey again comes out and this time the president sees her act and fires both her and Babe on the spot. Benny is able to book Casey, Babe and Dean into Vaudeville and their act is popular. But before they have their shot at stardom, Dean and Babe leave Casey and the act.
Nightclub Announcer
Ham is interested in a girl named Marie and wants to impress her. First he buys a car and then he takes her out to a swanky nightclub. During the course of this disastrous date Ham realizes that Marie isn't the nice girl he thought she was: she only went out with him to make her real boyfriend jealous. The boyfriend is a dancer at the club, and when she sees him kissing his dance partner she becomes enraged and smashes up the place, while poor Ham is stuck with the bill.
A middle-aged magician is in love with his beautiful young assistant. She, on the other hand, is in love with the magician's young protege, who turns out to be a bum and a thief.
Ferris Wheel Barker (uncredited)
Sailors Pike and Shorty are on leave when a street woman swindles them out of some money by telling them she is looking for her long-lost brother, a sailor.
A chorus girl loses her job and thus the room she owes back rent on, and ends up being rescued from the street by a dashing rich man. But his family isn't over-accepting of chorus girls joining their family.
The Crying Wife's Husband (uncredited)
Charley falls for both a mother and her daughter.
Desk clerk
Stan and Ollie wreak havoc at an upper class hotel in their jobs as footman (Hardy) and doorman (Laurel). They partially undress blonde bombshell Jean Harlow (in a brief appearance) and repeatedly escort a stuffy nobleman into an empty elevator shaft.
Louis XIII
King Louis XIII of France is thrilled to have born to him a son - an heir to the throne. But when the queen delivers a twin, Cardinal Richelieu sees the second son as a potential for revolution, and has him sent off to Spain to be raised in secret to ensure a peaceful future for France. Alas, keeping the secret means sending Constance, lover of D'Artagnan, off to a convent. D'Artagnan hears of this and rallies the Musketeers in a bid to rescue her. Unfortunately, Richelieu out-smarts the Musketeers and banishes them forever.
French Restaurant Patron
In this early comedy from John Ford, Riley is a New York Irish cop sent to Germany to track down a young man who stole money from a local bakery.
Portrait Photographer (uncredited)
Peggy Pepper arrives in Hollywood, from Georgia, to become a great dramatic star. Things do not go entirely according to plan.
Card Playing Guest
The daughter of a wealthy industrialist wants to take over the company when her father retires, but the father--an old-fashioned sort who doesn't believe that "girls" belong in business--is planning on leaving the company to her wastrel playboy brother. In order to prove to her dad that she can handle the job, she disguises herself as an ordinary "working girl" and gets a job in her dad's plant. There she meets and falls in love with a clerk. She brings the young man home to meet her folks, but during the evening the family safe is robbed, and all signs point to her new boyfriend.
Two pals enlist in the army during World War I. Just before they complete training camp and are to be sent overseas, they're scheduled to marry their girlfriends. However, they get in trouble and wind up in the guardhouse. Their girlfriends are determined to get married, however, and in order to accomplish this, they disguise themselves as soldiers and sneak onto the base, where they unwittingly get mixed up with enemy spies trying to gather information.
Henry Bird
A cowboy begins to do such un-cowboylike things as dressing up and taking baths in order to impress a pretty young girl. He sees that a citified "dandy" is also after the girl, and the dude seems to be scoring some points with his "civilized" demeanor.
Beauty Expert (uncredited)
After being beaten to a story of scandal involving Countess Polasky, James W. Hornby assigns his son 24 hours to find an even more scandalous story about the countess. After spending the night in the wrong street looking for the wrong countess, he comes up with a plan: the butler will be seen in a comprimising situation with the countess, and then photographed. The countess, who is sick of reporters, has other ideas... Written by Paul L
Fop (uncredited)
루이 13세의 통치기. 바들리스는 부상으로 죽어가던 레스페롱과 마주친다. 그는 바들리스에게 사랑하는 여인에게 보내는 인사를 부탁하며 숨을 거둔다. 한편, 레스페롱이 반역자임을 알지 못한 채 바들리스는 성으로 향하고, 결국 그가 반역자로 오인 받아 체포되고 만다. 위기의 순간, 바들리스는 아름다운 록살란느의 도움을 받게 된다. 라파엘 사바티니의 작품을 각색한 로맨틱 시대극. 예고편과 에 삽입된 일부 장면만이 전해졌으나, 2006년 프랑스에서 거의 완전한 분량의 필름이 발견되었고, 사진 등을 활용해 소실된 장면을 추가하여 복원하였다고 한다.
Stage Manager (uncredited)
A young man puts on the play "Romeo and Juliet" as a fundraiser, but has to keep a close eye on his dad, who's had several drinks too many, and a pesky cab driver who's determined to collect his fare.
Barber (uncredited)
A sexy young manicurist living with her older backwoodsman husband in a small Canadian town finds herself attracted to a young, rich and famous divorce lawyer who comes to town on vacation.
The kids from Our Gang have to attend a wedding, and they bring along their flea collection--which gets loose.
Nose Doctor
After a homely married couple separately undergo plastic surgery, they unwittingly plan an extramarital affair with each other.
Silent family drama.
A Friend of the Family (uncredited)
A man finds out that his wife wishes he would act more like his twin brother, so he decides to impersonate his twin in an attempt to determine his wife's fidelity.
Jimmy's brother-in-law
Charley has in-laws that look down on him because he's not rich. So, to try to keep up, he rushes out to buy a car--but no matter, they still think he's a drip--as does his wife. Later, when he's given a simple job to do by his boss, he screws it up--and loses face once again with his family.
Bit Part Rolfe Sedan
A teenager with permissive parents gets too caught up in wild parties and the fast life.
Member of the Committee
A successful businesswoman falls in love with one of her (much younger) factory workers. She doesn't know that he is in love with her younger sister.
Bertie Loomis
Universal star Laura LaPlante stars in this lighthearted comedy based on Sophie Kerr's magazine story, Relative Values. Octavia Lowden (LaPlante) has virtually become a drudge in order to support her sponging relatives -- flapper sister Eloise (Lucille Ricksen), hypochondriac Aunt Minnie (Lydia Yeamans Titus), and storytelling Uncle Eph (James O. Barrows). Only Octavia's frail grandmother (Jennie Lee) really needs help. When Octavia's sweetheart, photographer Pritchett Spence (T. Roy Barnes), discovers the toll these bloodsuckers are exacting, he plots with the family doctor to rescue her.
Jimmy Wood, a chauffeur, is mistaken for famous racing driver Splinters Wood. Because he is deeply in debt, he enters a race on the advice of Betty Rockford, daughter of a wealthy automobile manufacturer.
Minor Role (uncredited)
A nobleman, posing as a necktie salesman, falls in love with the daughter of a circus puppeteer, even though he is already married to the daughter of his country's war minister.
Annette's Suitor (uncredited)
Young playboy Charles Grandet is sent to live with his miserly uncle after his father loses his fortune. He and his cousin Eugenie fall in love, but his uncle sends him away and tries to arrange a marriage more to his liking (and profit!). Will true love triumph?