제2차 세계대전이 한창인 1942년 겨울. 러시아로 진격하는 독일군에 의해 모스크바 상공은 새까만 전투기로 뒤덮인다. 공군용사 파일럿 ‘니콜라이’가 불구덩이 전선에 뛰어들지만 독일군의 폭격으로 그가 탑승한 항공기는 시베리아 한가운데 외딴 숲에 불시착하고 만다. 꼭 돌아오겠다는 말을 남긴 채 이별한 연인 ‘올가’와의 약속을 위해 ‘니콜라이’는 혹독한 추위와 극한 전쟁 속 생존을 위한 사투를 시작하는데… 운명의 기로에 선 파일럿의 처절한 서바이벌이 시작된다!
It’s a magical story about the incredible adventures of the young warrior called Koshi. There is only one goal in his life – to defeat the White Shadow, a monster who made him an outcast. But everything changes when Koshi meets a young dryad and circus actress May. By chance the destiny of all fairy creatures ends up in their hands, and now they have to make a tough choice between their own lives and saving the world from Ancient Evil.
Ambitious scientist Maksim Minaev is on the verge of discovery, thanks to which he can receive the Nobel Prize. In pursuit of fame, Maxim conducts a risky experiment on himself and shrinks to the size of an ordinary test tube. The young scientist desperately needs help, but his girlfriend abandoned him, his best friend betrayed him, and he has no one else to count on... Suddenly, the hero volunteers to help a 12-year-old boy chained to a wheelchair.
모험하기를 좋아하고 호기심 많은 공주 ‘바바라’는 사악한 마법사의 청혼을 거절했다가 마법에 걸려 어디론가 사라져 버린다. 고민에 빠진 공주의 아빠는 공주를 찾는 사람과 공주를 결혼시키겠다고 선포하는데… 한편 왕국 내에는 수상한 용이 나타나 소동을 일으킨다는 소문이 돌기 시작하고, 공주를 우연히 만나 사랑에 빠졌던 이웃나라 왕자 ‘이반’은 수상한 용과 함께 사라진 공주를 찾아 좌충우돌 모험을 떠난다. 과연 왕자는 공주를 무사히 구해낼 수 있을까? 수상한 드래곤에게 숨겨진 깜짝 놀랄 비밀은 무엇일까?
Two close friends working for a provincial TV channel dream of getting rich and popular in the capital. They persuade their cute colleague Nadia to participate in a TV reality show, the participants of which must find the lost treasures of Admiral Kolchak.
The trouble with businesswomen is that they have “business” in the first place and only “wumen” in the second. The heroine of this story in business concerns does not notice how she loses the closest person - her beloved husband. But fortunately, there is New Year's Eve with its miracles and the ability to correct any mistakes, even mistakes of love ...
Performing the traditional New Year's call on the unknown phone number Andrey didn't even suspected, that just after his return to Moscow, he had bought a magic starting pack of cellular communications operator. Getting through to the deserted in New Year's eve Alyona, Andrey almost falls in love with her, but there exists a temporal problem. Alyona is celebrating coming 2008 year and Andrey is going to meet 2009. Trying "to set a contact" with Alyona's «future variant» he comes to know the terrible truth about the events, that appended in the end of 2008. Now the main goal of Andrey and all his friends - to prevent the awful tragedy and to turn into reality the meeting of Alyona and Andrey...