Peter Bernstein

출생 : 1951-04-10, New York City, New York, USA

참여 작품

The Ten Commandments: Making Miracles
A documentary about C.B. DeMilles biblical epic 'The Ten Commandments' (1956).
플래닛 랩터
2066년 은하계 어딘가에서 구조요청을 받은 카터대위와 구조대가 과학자들과 함께 사람들을 구하기 위해 어느 행성에서 도착하여 작전을 펼치던 중 공룡에게 습격 을 받아 대원들이 죽게 된다. 과학자를 싫어하는 카터대위 계속되는 랩터들의 습격에 대처하면서 의문을 품게 되고 결국 과학자들이 소속되어 있는 회사에서 랩터가 군대로 쓰일 수 있는지 파악하기 위해 허위로 구조요청을 보내 구조대를 상대로 실험을 하고 있다는 사실을 알게 되고 랩터들의 습격 속에서 결국 탈출한다.
American Black Beauty
Original Music Composer
After her father dies in a horse riding accident, a displaced city girl named Cheryl is sent to live with a foster family on a farm in the country. Here she meets a magnificent horse. Cheryl learns to face her fear of horses and manages to race once again.
Raptor Island
A team of terrorist-fighting Naval officers in the South China Sea finds their struggle against the enemy taking a backseat to the fight of their lives when an horde of creatures thought to be extinct for millions of years descend upon them in an action-packed tale of man-versus-monster starring Steven Bauer and Lorenzo Lamas.
Sightings: Heartland Ghost
The crew of a reality-TV show about the paranormal visits a small Kansas town to investigate a house that may be haunted.
Dark Asylum
Asylum is a taut psychological thriller about a deranged fearsome killer running lose in an abandoned high security Asylum. Pitting the county psychiatrist Dr. Maggie Belham against the psychotic maniac, Dr Belham is trapped in a maze of corridors, and her only help is the janitor, Quitz who may in fact be a forgotten asylum inmate.
Megiddo: The Omega Code 2
Stone (the Antichrist) becomes President of the European Union and uses his seat of power to dissolve the United Nations and create a one world government called the World Union. Megiddo is a supernatural ride into a world teetering on the edge of the Apocalypse. It follows the rise of a Machiavellian leader bent on amassing the armies of the world for the battle of Armageddon while calamities of Biblical proportions pummel the Earth. Though both prequel and sequel to The Omega Code, Megiddo works also as a stand alone story for anyone who missed its predecessor. For at its emotional core, Megiddo is the Caine and Abel story of the two men enamored with the same woman, raised as brothers, who grew up to find themselves pitted against each other over the fate and souls of the entire world.
Mail To The Chief
Original Music Composer
A humorous and inspiring adventure about an ordinary middle school student who strikes up an online friendship with someone bearing the screen name Average Joe, only to discover that he's been corresponding with and giving political advice to the President of the United States.
Happy Face Murders
An eccentric older woman implicates her brutal & controlling lover in the murder of a young retarded girl. Absorbed with "Murder She Wrote" and "Matlock", she creates details of the murder from clues she picks up from the detectives on the case. Implicating herself and sentenced to jail, she then recants her testimony. But no one believes her until clues surface from the real killer that he is still out there, has killed before, and will kill again. He signs his messages with Happy Faces.
Susan's Plan
Original Music Composer
Susan wants her reprehensible ex-husband dead and, in several bungled attempts by henchmen, tries to accomplish the deed.
Atomic Dog
Original Music Composer
When a pooch is irradiated by a nuclear plant and threatens the town, only a teenage boy can redeem him.
Target Earth
Unlikely heroes must overcome incredible dangers to save mankind from the threat of an alien invasion.
Cyberscape: A Computer Animation Vision
Computer visionary Beny Tchaicovsky presents a new dimension in digital imagery in this fast-forward trip through human existence. The oddities of our species -- from primitive to modern man -- are on full display in this surreal history. Accompanied by Peter Bernstein's soundtrack, the video zips from the Garden of Eden to quantum mechanics with detours to explore the human obsessions of time, money and the opposite sex.
The Professional Man
Johnny Lamb is an elevator man by day and a hit man by night. He's very good at his job; he's a professional. The Boss sends him on a job that makes Lamb confront his conscience, maybe for the first time.
캐나다 베이컨
Original Music Composer
뉴욕 주의 나이아가라 폭포에 인접해 있는 해커 무기 공장은 냉전의 종식으로 문을 닫는다. 이 공장에 다니다 일자리를 잃은 부머와 허니는 이제 나이아가라의 보안관이 되어 있다. 대통령 국가 안보 고문, 스튜 스마일리는 해커에게 소련과의 냉전을 재개하면 공장 문을 열 수 있다는 아이디어를 내는데 서양 문명의 풍요로움에 빠져버린 소련은 냉전을 재개할 의도가 전혀 없다. 얼마 후, 온타리오주 하키장에서 벌어진 미국인들과 캐나다인들의 폭동 장면을 TV에서 본 스튜는 캐나다를 냉전 상대국으로 정하고 방송 매체를 통해 미국인들에게 캐나다에 대한 경각심을 불러 일으키고 국민들은 캐나다에 대한 적개심에 불탄다. 매스컴을 통한 백악관의 모략이 진행되는 동안, 군수 공장 사장인 해커는 스튜를 시켜 미국 내의 미사일을 한꺼번에 조작할 수 있는 해커 헬스톰이라는 자동 핵반응 시스템의 작동 코드를 알려주지 않은 채 캐나다에 파는데. 한편, 애국심에 불타는 부머 일행은 깨끗한 나라 캐나다로 건너가 마구 쓰레기를 어질러 놓다가 들 도망치지만 허니를 캐나다 땅에 홀로 남겨 놓고 오게 된다. 허니는 인질로 잡히게 되고 미국 측은 '캐나다 베이컨' 작전을 개시한다. 허니를 구하러 간 부머 일행은 허니가 잡혀 있는 기마경 사령부의 전력을 차단하려다 캐나다 전체를 정전으로 만들고 부머가 캐나다를 정전시켰다는 소식을 들은 국방성은 냉전이 무력 전쟁으로 이어질 것을 우려 오메가 부대를 파견, 부머 일행을 잡아오게 한다. 한편, 해커는 해커 헬스톰을 작동시켜 미국내 모든 미사일이 소련을 향하게 하고 소련을 불바다로 만드는 것을 막아준다는 조건으로 미국 정부에 거액을 요구한다. 그런데 병원에서 도망친 허니는 캐나다 국립 타워로 향하고 타워 정상에 해커 헬스톰이 장치되어 있는 것을 본 그녀는 그 장치를 박살내려 하는데.
She Stood Alone: The Tailhook Scandal
A dramatized account of a female US Naval officer's ordeal of being sexually harassed at a Naval convention and her legal retaliation.
Ed McBain's 87th Precinct: Lightning
Original Music Composer
In New York two detectives of the 87th precinct are initially baffled by the brutal, ritualistic slayings of several young women. Through good detective work and clues left at the crime scenes by the psychopathic killer, they are able to deduce who the killer's next victim will be. A tense chase ensues as they try to prevent him from continuing his bloody rampage
Original Music Composer
Weisser is a young college bound man whose future is threatened when his mother interferes with his love life and a pending scholarship. He also discovers that his mother's best friend wishes to get closer to him, even if it means murder.
Trouble Shooters: Trapped Beneath the Earth
A rescue team is looking for survivors in a sinking building after a devastating earthquake.
The Quiet Room
Sadistic Streeter and brutal Creighton are corrupt cops whose antics lead to a nasty and tragic end when a shakedown plan goes awry.
Original Music Composer
Two bickering mercenaries are hired by the CIA to overthrow a South East Asian dictator.
Sky High
Teens on a study program abroad have to learn survival techniques when they crash on an uncharted Malaysian island.
Dream Date
Billie's daughter is going on her first date. Since he was a real girl chaser in high school, he is sure her date will be the same. So he gets a date with the school nurse, (he a widower) so he can follow her around and make sure she doesn't get into trouble. Written by >
Remote Control
Original Music Composer
A video store clerk stumbles onto an alien plot to take over earth by brainwashing people with a bad '50s science fiction movie. He and his friends race to stop the aliens before the tapes can be distributed world-wide.
The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory
Against orders and with no help of relief Texas patriots led by William Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett defend the Alamo against overwhelming Mexican forces.
Morgan Stewart's Coming Home
Original Music Composer
After seven years in boarding school, Morgan Stewart is finally coming home. He discovers it's not the same happy home it used to be....
In the vein of "Harvey", an invisible creature befriends a 12 year old boy. Of course, no one else can see him nor believes in him.
Hamburger: The Motion Picture
Original Music Composer
Russell has been expelled from several schools for lewd, crude and nude conduct. Busterburger University is his last chance at education and satisfying his disappointed parents
The Richest Cat in the World
Leo Kohlmeyer is a talking cat who inherits $5 million from his late owner and is looked after by the owner's in-laws whose two children, Bart and Veronica, learn Leo's secret that he can talk, while a bumbling, but devious, couple called the Rigsbys plot to kidnap Leo in order for them to gain the inheritance money for themselves.
이웍: 엔도 전투
Original Music Composer
이웍들의 흥미진진한 모험이 계속된다. 우리의 주인공 위켓과 꼬마 친구 신델이 악랄한 마루더스의 손아귀에서 벗어나 새로운 친구인 심술궂은 은둔자 노아와 발 빠른 조수 티크를 만난다.
마지막 과학 숙제
Original Music Composer
Michael and Ellie break into a military junkyard to find a science project for Michael's class, and discover a strange glowing orb which absorbs electricity. When the orb begins to blend past, present, and future, its up to Michael and Ellie to stop the orb and save mankind.
The Rape of Richard Beck
Original Music Composer
The tables turn for cynical police officer Richard Beck when he's viciously attacked by two homicidal crooks. Having never been empathetic toward the victims he's dealt with on a daily basis, Beck must now confront the tough system he was a part of. As he struggles to regain his status at work, he also must make sure those responsible for his attack are prosecuted.
A wealthy man with a penchant for living on the edge and engaging in dangerous, life-threatening activities becomes romantically involved with a female university professor who has the same proclivities.
용기의 카라반: 이웍의 대모험
Original Music Composer
토와니 가문의 스타크루저가 엔도의 달의 숲에 추락하고 두 아이가 부모에게서 떨어지면서 네 살배기 신델 토와니와 오빠 메이스가 낯선 이웍의 세계에 들어가고, 이들 앞에 놀라운 모험이 펼쳐진다.
Original Music Composer
맥은 학교 공부에 전념하느라 뒤졌던 자유로운 삶을 찾아 졸업식이 끝나자마자 그녀는 자기 순결의 꽃을 꺾어줄 아라비아의 족장을 찾아 여행을 떠난다. 같이 동행한 사람은 그녀의 운전사 카튼과 친구 카타리나였다. 그들은 모로코 사막으로 가 족장을 만나게 되고 그의 텐트로 초대받아 이색적인 사랑의 유혹에 몸을 맡기나 족장은 술에 골아떨어져 그의 신성한 의무를 다하지 못한다. 맥은 족장에게 걸었던 기대가 허물어지자 스페인으로 떠나 그곳에서 정열적인 투우사 엔젤을 만나게 되고 그에게 자신의 순결을 선물로 주기위해 침실로 초대해 정열을 불태운다. 그러던 중 한밤 중에 난데없이 모로코 족장이 나타나 맥을 납치해 가나 엔젤이 결국은 그녀를 구출해내며 두 연인은 끝내 결혼에 골인하게 된다.
Summer Fantasy
Original Music Composer
After graduating high school, Carrie needs something to do for the summer. She goes to lifeguard try-outs and gets the job. In this hot Los Angeles summer, she will fall desperately in love with a much older lifeguard.
When a hopeful young American hot-dogger goes pole-to-pole with an arrogant Austrian pro, the snow really starts to fly! But as hot as it is on the mountain, it gets even hotter off when the pro's ex-girlfriend sets her eyes on the new blood. Who'll win the competition and the girl? Only a race to end all races can determine which skier can really cut the mustard!
서프 2
Original Music Composer
Surf II는 랜달 엠 배랏이 작곡 한 Eddie Deezen, Linda Kerridge, Eric Stoltz, Jeffrey Rogers 및 Peter Isacksen이 주연 한 1984 년 미국 독립 코미디 영화이다
별난 학교 동창회
Original Music Composer
리지보덴 고교 졸업생들이 10년만에 동창회를 연다. 졸업반 때 반장 로버트 스피네커의 짓궂은 장난으로 자기 동생과 키스하는 실수를 범했던 월터는 이에 앙심을 품고 동창 회장을 봉쇄한다. 게다가 정신과 의사 '영' 박사를 가장하며채 동창회장을 드나들며 죽이기 시작한다. 이에맞서 학창시절 약골이던 게리 내쉬가 여러모로 지혜를 짜내고 차력술을 하는 들로레스가 장풍을 일으켜 월터를 궁지에 몰아넣는데...
분노의 보안관
Original Music Composer
텍사스주의 보안관이 이유 없는 살인과 폭동의 주인공인 존 커비를 체포 도중 총을 쏘게된다. 만신창이인 그를 주치의인 필립 스파이어 박사가 데려가 그를 새로 발명한 약품의 실험용으로 사용한다. 유전 공학의 산물로 절대 죽지않는 불사신이 되어버린 존 커비는 필립 박사의 노벨상에 대한 집착으로 점차 더 강해지고, 살인이 이어진다. 그를 막을 수 있는 자는 누가 될 것인가...
This Year's Blonde
First he seduced her. Then he made her a star. He was Johnny Hyde, 52-year-old agent, friend, lover. She was an unemployed starlet — destined to be America's greatest sex goddess. Theirs was a sizzling romance — torrid, touching, tragic.
썸머 캠핑장에서 벌어지는 젊은 청춘들의 낭만과 사랑을 그린 코미디 히트작
The House That Cried Murder
Original Music Composer
Neurotic and newlywed Barbara finds her husband in bed with his old flame, Eva. Robin doesn't get mad — she gets even. Using funds supplied by her wealthy father, the scorned bride turns the couple's love nest into a dungeon of horror.