Linda E. Smith

Linda E. Smith

프로필 사진

Linda E. Smith

참여 작품

Hanukkah on Rye
A matchmaker connects Molly and Jacob, but their new romance is put to the test when they realize that they are competing deli owners. Will a Hanukkah miracle keep them together?
묵살되는 진실 중독성이 없는 진통제를 출시하려는 제약회사의 추악한 진실을 알게 된 대학 교수 무너지는 희망 싸늘한 시체가 되어 돌아온 아들. 그 죽음의 배후를 찾아나선 엄마 끝이 없는 싸움 걷잡을 수 없는 시장, 국제마약밀매단을 잡기 위해 언더커버가 된 요원 전쟁보다 더 많은 사람들이 죽어가는 시대 우리는 중독되고 있다
Apartment Client
크리스토프는 아직 완성되지 않은 아파트를 보러 왔다가 다리를 다친 곡예사 미카와 마주치고, 두 사람은 서로에게 강렬하게 이끌린다. 우연한 만남 후 크리스토프는 충동적으로 그 집을 사게 되고, 그곳에 있던 미카와 다시 마주친다. 공사가 더디게 진행되는 가운데, 두 사람은 점점 서로에게 깊이 빠져든다.
공포의 묘지
Rachel's Mother
갑작스런 사고로 딸 엘리를 잃은 크리드(제이슨 클락)는 죽은 것이 살아 돌아온다는 애완동물 공동묘지에 딸을 묻게 되고, 어딘가 다른 모습으로 돌아온 엘리는 무시무시한 공포의 대상이 되어 가족들의 숨통을 조여오는데…
Love Locks
Kathryn Daltry
Lindsey Wilson first found love in the romantic city of Paris when she was a university student studying art there. Now, twenty years later, she is returning to the City of Light to take her daughter on an adventure there. With a little inspiration from the city's famed "love locks" on its scenic bridges, the adventure proves to be a journey of romance and rediscovery for the divorced Lindsey when she reconnects with her college flame in Paris and finds that her first love just might be the lasting love of her life after all.
Meetings with a Young Poet
A young poet, Paul Susser (Vincent Hoss-Desmarais), meets his master, the great author Samuel Beckett (Stephen McHattie), in a small café. The two men initiate a complex friendship that spans the last two decades of Beckett's life and forever changes Paul's future.
Directrice parlor funéraire
Truck driving is all sixty-year-old widower Germain has ever known. When he is involved in a head-on collision that leaves a woman dead, his quiet life is suddenly thrown into a tailspin.
Ties That Bind
Claudia Webster
Hope finds herself leaving the comfort of her suburban life for New York City in order to settle the affairs of her best friend Rachel who has just been murdered. Little does she know that she is being sucked into a vortex of intrigue, where nothing is what it appears to be - including what happened to Rachel - a vortex that ultimately becomes a fight for Hope's life.
퍼니셔 2
Mrs. Cesare
복수의 화신, 퍼니셔가 돌아왔다! 지난 6년 동안 수백명의 악당들을 제거하며 갱들 사이에 공포의 대명사로 알려진 일명‘퍼니셔’ 프랭크 캐슬의 새 계획은 악명 높은 갱두목 가이타노 시저의 일당들을 소탕하는 일이다. 시저가 주최하는 파티에 침입한 프랭크는 조직원들을 모두 사살하는데, 그 가운데에 시저의 충복인 빌리 루소티가 큰 상처를 입고, 또한 조직원으로 잠복근무 중이던 FBI 요원 페드가 프랭크에게 목숨을 잃는다. 페드의 전 동료인 폴 버디안스키는 뉴욕 경찰청에 퍼니셔 추격팀을 구성하여 프랭크의 뒤를 쫓는다. 또, 얼굴에 끔찍한 흉터를 가지게 된 루소티는 직쏘라는 악당으로 변신, 퍼니셔에게 복수를 맹세한다. 한편 자신이 흉악한 악당의 모습으로 변해가고 있음을 깨달은 프랭크는 퍼니셔의 생활을 청산하기로 결심한다. 하지만 직쏘가 페드의 가족을 납치하자, 프랭크는 다시 총을 잡게 되는데...
강철 발가락들
Rage and intolerance collide with compassion Academy-Award nominated David Strathairn portrays Danny Dunkleman, a Jewish liberal humanist, and the court-appointed lawyer representing Mike Downey, a Neo-Nazi Skinhead on trial for the racially motivated murder of an East Indian immigrant. Steel Toes takes us into the intense and fiery relationship that develops between these two men as they explore their emotional and intellectual differences. Steel Toes is a provocative exploration of the inescapable and insidious presence of racial and religious intolerance in our society.
The Perfect Neighbor
Sally Innes
In Kansas City, the deranged middle-age Donna Germaine stabs and kills her lover, when he calls off their relationship to stay with his wife. Donna uses an excuse to move to the house of her aunt, and she becomes obsessed in their neighbor, the executive William Costigan. The sick Donna plots an evil scheme to take William from his wife Jeannie Costigan.
Tripping the Wire: A Stephen Tree Mystery
Everybody's guilty of something and Detective Stephen Tree has to use his gut to figure if their guilt is worth his time. Tripping the Wire goes beyond the classic whodunnit. It's a story of loyalty, betrayal and the secrets people will die for - or kill for - to protect.
Lies and Deception
Gladys Lambert
Six years after her husband's suicide, Jean Bruckner is dumbfounded by the news that he has recently been murdered! With the help of a private investigator, she heads to Chicago to uncover the truth behind her spouse's charade. The deeper she digs, the more danger she puts herself in. The truth may be out there, but she may get killed before she finds it!
Another Guest #2
조각같이 아름다운 외모, 총명한 두뇌, 그리고 부모로부터 물려받은 막대한 재산으로 20세의 나이에 억만장자가 된 하워드 휴즈. 그러나 그는 현재에 만족하지 않는다. 그는 모두가 불가능이라고 부른 영역에 자신의 야망을 건다. 가장 먼저 선택한 것은 영화. 기라성같은 할리웃 제작자들의 비웃음과 영화계의 냉대에도 불구하고 2년의 촬영기간, 1년의 후반작업 기간이라는 어마어마한 자본과 제작공정 끝에 을 발표한다. 그리고 할리웃의 모든 흥행 역사를 갈아치운다. 세상의 감탄, 그러나 놀라움은 출발에 불과했다! ‘영화계의 마이다스’로 떠오른 하워드 휴즈는 당대 최고의 섹스심벌로 추앙받는 여배우들을 차례로 발굴해낸다. 그리고 그녀들은 금새 하워드 휴즈의 매력에 사로잡혀 연인이 돼버린다. 진 할로우, 캐서린 헵번, 에바 가드너... 서로 다른 매력의 여배우들이 그의 주변에서 맴돌고 각종 잡지와 매스컴의 표적이 된 휴즈. 그러나 사랑에 머무르기엔 그의 야망은 너무 거대했다! 어려서부터 비행기 조종 취미를 가졌던 하워드는 최고의 엔지니어들을 모아 새로운 비행기들을 생산해낸다. 마침내 세계 비행기록을 경신하며 ‘전 세계에서 가장 빠른 남자’의 타이틀을 얻는다. 그리고 오늘날까지 가장 긴 날개를 가진 비행기로 기록되는 ‘헤라클레스’를 완성하기에 이른다. 전 세계에서 가장 큰 항공사중 하나인 TWA 항공을 인수하며 세계 굴지의 항공재벌이 되지만... 생각지 못했던 음모와 시련이 그를 괴롭힌다. 그리고, 아무도 모르는 그의 내면의 비밀이 서서히 베일을 벗는데...
A Different Loyalty
Woman with Fay Tolland (as Linda Smith)
In January 1963, British journalist Leo Cauffield suddenly disappears from his home in Beirut. His wife Sally knew that he was working part-time for British intelligence, but was not prepared to be told by the British embassy that they suspect he has defected to Communist Russia. As his wife puts together the pieces of the mysterious jigsaw of the past, tracking her passionate relationship with her husband and his history as former head of MI6’s counter-espionage section, her relentless search for the truth takes her to London, New York and finally Moscow.
셰터드 글래스
1995년부터 1998년까지 3년 간 미국의 시사주간 '더 뉴 리퍼블릭(The New Republic)'에 몸 담았던 저널리스트 스티븐 글래스의 이야기다. 혜성과 같이 나타나 20대에 이미 최고의 명성을 날리던 그가 썼던 41개의 기사 중 27개가 부분적으로 혹은 완벽하게 조작된 것으로 드러나 충격을 주었던 실화를 소재로 만든 작품.
Slow Burn
Barbara Pieczkowa
The murder of the ex-wife of Doctor Sam Charney (Rutger Hauer) leads Detective Della Wilder (Pam Grier) to uncover a series of women's murders somehow linked to a big pharmaceutical company.
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Mrs. Laura Lyons
The mysterious death of Sir Charles Baskerville is blamed on a longstanding curse that has followed the Baskerville family for two hundred years. Enigmatic sleuth Sherlock Holmes is on the case to uncover the truth about a monstrous, supernatural hound who roams the moors, waiting to attack the latest heir to the Baskerville estate. Written by Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
Ladies Room
In an ethereal, high-ceilinged room, women stand, waiting. Perhaps it's Purgatory and they're dead. In the room, two young women, one an actress and the other a psychologist, watch the last few days of their lives on a TV screen. Both are having affairs with married men, each has a long encounter with her lover's wife, and both these scenes take place in a ladies' room, one backstage at a play that's about to preview, the other at an opera house during the first act. The relationships between each pair of younger and older women take surprising turns, and in the room with the TV, a sylph asks probing and challenging questions of the two young women as they watch.
Judy Grover
A kidnapped businessman, finding out that no one is willing to pay the ransom to save his life, befriends his aggressor.
A Cry in the Night
A divorced mother suspects that she and her two children may be in danger because of her insanely jealous new husband
The Phone Call
Joanna Henderson
A married man calls the wrong number for phone-sex and winds up being stalked by a psychotic man.
Walter and Carlo in America
The steward Walter and the cobbler Carlo is tasked to provide not the Little, but the High Mermaid to two agents in Kennedy airport in New York. Already on arrival complicate the hapless heroes into a series of spy intrigue involving agents from both sides of the Iron Curtain
Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller
Jane James
When the joker Tommy Tricker plays some practical jokes on some of his friends, his best friend Ralph, a stamp collector, discovers the secret of "stamp travel" to make him travel around the world on a stamp to bring back the mysterious Charles Merriweather, who never returned on a stamp for 75 years.
Liberace: Behind the Music
A gifted classical pianist, fueled by poverty, Wladiziu Valentino Liberace was already playing with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra at the age of 17. Through a variety of his highs and lows, chaptered in TV-style format, Liberace's life from his early years through his death are chronicled.
Shades of Love: The Rose Cafe
Courtney Fairchild
Courtney is head chef in a prestigious restaurant. She has a dream that is on the verge of realization: with the help of her fiance, Mike, she will soon open her own restaurant, the Rose Café. The work is going well and the wedding day is approaching when an old classmate, Josh, rekindles a spark of love she doesn't feel for her future husband. Courtney realizes she must face this painful emotional dilemma before she can bring her professional ambitions to fruition. She solves it with determination.
Miles to Go…
After discovering that her cancer has returned, Moira Browning launches a quiet campaign to find a potential replacement for herself in her family's life.
Shades of Love: Little White Lies
Lily Reynolds
Lawyer Lilian Reynolds would like to become a judge, an ambition which obliges her to work hard during a complex trial-at least,that is, until she falls hopelessly in love with Roberto Fiori, a cabinet maker who is remodeling her office. Roberto threatens Lilly's career, but Lilly is not concerned about this as she overcomes the social barriers posed by their love.