Suzan Anbeh
출생 : 1970-03-18, Oberhausen, Germany
Gesche Gottfried
1828 in the German port city of Bremen: Two very different women collide in an age that has no place for either of them. One strives for a career in law, at a time when women aren't even admitted to universities. The other has lived life outside the law and may now have to pay the tab. One of them needs to get her head together – while the other would do anything not to lose hers. -- Based on a true story.
Helga Kautz
Maria Chipper
The film follows a 30-year-old man named Gabriel, a French war reporter who was taken to hostage in Syria and then heads to India after months in captivity.
Veruschka Meerstein
Yvonne Achenbach
Confirmed bachelor Paul falls for Iris, who’s unfortunately as good as married. Although his friends have women problems of their own, and all end up moving into Paul’s apartment, they concoct a daring plan to help Paul save Iris from marrying the wrong man.
Long-forgotten scandals from the Aird clan's ancestral history continue to be exposed, and the chain of revelations reaches a shocking conclusion.
지저분한 거리에 오랫동안 버려진 극장에 사로잡힌 한 여자가 극장으로 들어선다. 약간 열린 정문을 들여다보는 그녀의 눈앞에 으스스한 무대가 펼쳐져 있다. 무대 위에는 마리오네트 분장을 한 남자가 각기 다른 으스스한 여섯 가지 이야기를 보여준다. 7명의 감독들이 선사하는 핏빛 호러의 향연! (2012년 제16회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Marianne Grimberg
Shortly after Swedish police detective Gunnar Barbarotti receives at home an anonymous letter during his holiday announcing the murder of some Anna, the bloodily stabbed corpse of Anna Palme is found. It's the first of a few murders with clues ahead, one naming Gunnar as mark. Barbarotti lists 60 possible vindictive persons from his past. Considering some of them proves dangerous, but probably futile as he stumbles onto the twins Kalle and Ole Borg's family intrigue.
American executive Conrad Tucker sees a photograph in a magazine of the wealthy Aird family's youngest daughter, and begins a quest to discover if she is the result of his affair with her mother Virginia. Determined to learn the truth, he sets out to uncover the family's long-kept secrets along the way.
Kristin Petzold
Actually, the young Berlin doctor Jan Büchner wanted to go directly to the Baltic Sea for a week. But a detour forces him to drive over land. And then his car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, just behind a small town called Marienhagen. The residents of Marienhagen take care of Jans Wohl and make the stay as pleasant as possible. A comedy about rural doctors and people who fight for their pride and self-respect and take their destiny in their own hands in their own hands.
Marianne Grimberg
Dr. Elaine Mercury
Two family owners of important horse stables living faced by old rivalries. When one of them asks the help of a doctor of horses to treat the disorder one of the most outstanding equine, the conflict passes into the field of the personal.
Maria Berger is an attorney who lives alone and delivered to her work since her divorce. One day her sister Clara tells her that she is going to marry a young lyricist of songs from Thailand. Maria tries to dissuade her sister, but she is so in love with her fiancé that celebrates the marriage against the wishes of Maria.
Susanne Wiegand
5년 전, 자신의 실수로 딸이 죽게 되자 부인과 이혼 후 망가진 삶을 살던 ‘다비드’(매즈 미켈슨 분)은 과거로 통하는 ‘문’을 발견하게 되고 그곳에 들어가 끔찍한 과거를 되돌리려 한다. 그러나 다시 딸 ‘레오니’와 아내 ‘마야’와 행복한 삶을 살기 위해서는 5년 전, 그 시간을 살고 있는 과거의 나를 죽여야 한다.
Paige Duvall
New York publisher Paige Duvall travels to New Zealand to accept a mysterious inheritance. A certain James Abott has bequeathed her a considerable piece of land, for which there is also an interested party. The hotel investor Steven Armstrong wants to build a wellness facility. But local sheep farmer Adam Leary is opposed to the sale. Paige quickly finds confidence in the attractive man. Emotional melodrama based on a novel by Emilie Richards. With Suzan Anbeh, Christoph Kottenkamp, Brandon Cook.
Susanne Pascheidt
Karen Burkhardt
Tessa Berger
A famous conductor named Frederick falls with his plane in the house of a woman who spends a few days with her daughter. He was feeling increasingly disappointed with his fiancee, love of fame, and there is a crush at the time.
Concierge Paris Hotel
삶의 희망이라고는 전혀 찾아볼 수 없을 것 같은 ‘페이 그림’. 그녀의 남편 ‘헨리’는 우발적인 살인사건을 저지르고 7년 동안이나 소식 두절이고 14세 아들 ‘네드’는 학교에서 사고뭉치로 낙인 찍힌 문제아이다. 게다가 시인임을 자처하는 동생 ‘사이먼’은 남편의 도주를 도왔다는 이유로 교도소에 수감 중이다. 어느 날, 야동을 친구들에게 보여주는 등 악행을 일삼았다는 이유로 아들 ‘네드’는 퇴학을 당하게 되고 소년원에 수감될 처지에 놓이게 되자 ‘페이 그림’은 남편 ‘헨리’를 대신해 ‘사이먼’이 출소하여 ‘네드’의 후견인이 되어주어야 만 하는 절박한 상황에 처하게 된다. 그런 그녀 앞에 어느 날, 들이닥친 CIA요원들. 이들은 남편 ‘헨리’가 스웨덴에서 사망했으며, 사실은 그가 미국의 스파이로 활동해 왔고 암호해독 전문가였던 그가 생전에 썼던 음란소설들은 그가 암호화 한 미국의 정치, 군사 기밀들이라는 사실을 그녀에게 알려주면서 생전에 쓴 소설이 담겨 있는 6권의 노트를 프랑스에 가서 회수해 줄 것을 요청한다. 이에 프랑스로 날아간 ‘페이 그림’은 그곳에서 만난 다른 나라의 스파이로부터 ‘헨리’가 죽지 않고 살아 있다는 충격적인 소식을 듣게 되는데...
Paula Andersen
Susanna Samel
When little Tim learns that his mom is about to marry the boring Peter Pfefferle, he asks God to send him an angel and he is already in sight, as the fleet lawyer Johannes Martin before the little Tim protected from the attacks of some hooligans. A charming love comedy starring Walter Sittler and Suzan Anbeh.
Nina Becker
Competition rider Nina Becker and movie star Niklas Tremsaal are a happy couple without a marriage certificate. Marrying is not an issue for the two - until the little niece India holds cheap plastic jewelry on Nina's finger for an engagement ring and so gets an avalanche rolling, which can not be stopped. - "Marry makes me nervous" is a joke-staged romantic comedy. Suzan Anbeh plays marrying Nina, who has to choose between her fiancé and her childhood sweetheart.
Focuses on three very different siblings, all searching for happiness. Hans-Jörg is a sex addicted librarian, who is interested in young students. Werner is a successful politician with a dysfunctional family. Agnes, a trans woman, works as a table dancer in a night club. The three brothers just have one thing in common: their longing for a happy life.
Martina Ahlers
After a successful coup in a luxury hotel in Lichtenstein, the jewel-thief Claire hardly dares her eyes: among the guests are her old "colleague" and former lover Vinzenz Kröger, who now leads a middle-class life. Actually, Claire does not want to have anything to do with the charming rascal. However, he is not ready to let Claire disappear again after he has finally found her again. From a spectacular jewel robbery to sophisticated arrogance, the duo experiences a lot of turbulence - and the emotional life of the two gets really up in the air ...
순진한 역사 선생 케이트(Kate: 멕 라이언 분)는 의사인 찰리(Charlie: 티모시 허튼 분)와 약혼한 사이로 그와 새 가정을 꾸밀 꿈에 부풀어 있다. 고소 공포증으로 비행기 타기를 무서워하는 케이트는 세미나 차 파리에 가자는 찰리의 제의를 거절하고 집에 홀로 남는다. 얼마 후, 케이트는 찰리로부터 사랑하는 여자가 생겼다는 전화를 받는다. 그길로 비행기를 집어타고 파리로 가던 중 건달같이 보이는 뤼크(Luc Teyssier: 케빈 클라인 분)라는 남자가 케이트에게 관심을 보인다. 뤼크는 어린애 같이 순진무구한 케이트에게 자꾸 끌리는 자신을 발견한다. 뤼크의 전략대로 찰리와 만난 케이트는 찰리가 새로 사귄 여자를 버리고 다시 자신에게 돌아오겠다고 하자 그에게 환멸을 느낀다. 그리고는 포도밭을 경영해서 건전한 삶을 찾겠다는 뤼크의 원을 이루어 주기 위해 이제까지 저금해온 45,000여 달라를 톡톡 털어서 뤼크가 훔친 다이아몬드 목걸이 값을 지불해 주고 떠난다. 이 사실을 알게된 뤼크는 케이트를 뒤쫓아가 사랑을 고백하고, 케이트 또한 이번 경험을 통하여 진실한 사랑이 뭔지 깨닫고 뤼크를 받아들인다.
The arrival of Madeleine, daughter of Maurice, will upset the upcoming off-season of Marcelin, Raoul and Yoyo, three southern half-thug, half-lazy, under-proletarian boys, who live off unemployment. In contact with this young woman the three friends will question their sad life and decide to leave. But one does not escape so easily from Baie des Anges...