Joseph M. Setele
출생 : 1968-02-02, Parma, Ohio, USA
Director of Photography
A television reporter is attacked by a monster while investigating an environmental disaster in Florida.
A television reporter is attacked by a monster while investigating an environmental disaster in Florida.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Alexa and Jason are competing for a position at an advertising firm when their partners break up with them. Alexa mistakenly texts Jason, and they start a phone-only relationship. When they meet and the truth comes out, will true love prevail?
Director of Photography
Alyssa Manning was abducted as a small child and spent seven years living with her kidnapper before she was returned safely to her parents.
Director of Photography
Annie, who in a desperate attempt to bring up her grades, joins a cheating ring and, under its influence, starts a relationship with her lacrosse coach, and a student uses blackmail to prevent her from leaving the group.
Director of Photography
Julie has been forced to leave her old school and cheer squad behind when her mom gets a job as assistant principal at Wilson High School - a well-funded magnet school for the athletically gifted. When Julie’s tumbling nails her a top position on the champion Wilson Wolf Pack cheer squad, excitement turns to trepidation as her new cheer friends start turning on her. Feeling lost and alone she has to get to the bottom of Wilson’s dirty secrets if she’s going to survive.
Director of Photography
Alyssa is a successful author who was kidnapped as a child before making a safe return seven years later. When her young daughter gets abducted from a local park, Alyssa must rely on her former captor -- just released from prison -- to help save her
Director of Photography
After being dumped, a group of high school cheerleaders seek revenge on their boyfriends, only to suspect that their new cheer coach is actually behind all their troubles.
Director of Photography
Fearing her boyfriend is cheating on her, Nicole tests him with a fake social media profile she's made under the name "Heather Harris." But when a girl named Heather Harris enrolls at her school, Nicole suspects something sinister.
Director of Photography
After re-vamping a home, beautiful interior decorator Ava becomes madly obsessed with the handsome owner. She sets out to eliminate his family and live in the house she created with the man she loves.
Director of Photography
After losing the use of his legs in a car crash, Tony is helped to walk again by Daphne his physical therapist. But Daphne's loving care soon morphs into a sick attempt to possess Tony forever.
Director of Photography
Podcaster Samantha Desouza is assigned to host a show that reunites lost loves. Even though Love is the last thing on her mind, Samantha falls for charming Jake who calls in with a problem. Will Samantha follow he heart this time?
Director of Photography
A single mother risks her life to save her starstruck daughter from the clutches of a talent agent's sex trafficking ring, on a secluded island.
Director of Photography
A teenage girl visits her mom on death row and gets lured into a dangerous trap to take the fall for her mother's crimes.
Director of Photography
A young woman finds her life in danger when an emotionally disturbed police officer she bullied in high school targets her in a twisted plan of revenge.
"A" Camera Operator
Jackie hires a mistress hunter to come between her husband and his mistress. But when the mistress and her husband wind up dead, Jackie becomes the number one suspect.
Director of Photography
Jackie hires a mistress hunter to come between her husband and his mistress. But when the mistress and her husband wind up dead, Jackie becomes the number one suspect.
Director of Photography
When teenager Kendra lies about her age to get into a Hollywood party, she meets handsome reality TV star, Brad. But when she discovers that Brad is not as charming as he seems, Kendra rejects him, only to realize that he has become obsessed with her and will stop at nothing--including dating her widowed mother--to be near her.
Director of Photography
A teen becomes the target of a stalker after she joins a club where participants play a game that grows increasingly sinister.
Director of Photography
A daughter acuses her mother for killing her boyfriend but was it really the mother who did it or was it someone who has always been there?
Director of Photography
A Madison Avenue executive, Amy, discovers an unusual Christmas surprise when she inherits her Aunt’s hometown bakery. The real surprise comes when she learns the other half of the bakery was left to her long-ago boyfriend, Jack. Unresolved personal issues resurface between them, as the exes return home to co-manage the store, along with its traditional holiday cookie bake-off.
Director of Photography
As a top student at St. Adeline's Catholic Boarding School, Zoe senses that something is not quite right about the school's new nun-- a sense proven to be true when it is revealed the "good' nun is an imposter with a fatal attraction to Zoe's brother.
When Zeus (Mario Lopez) accidentally destroys an important party, he gets sent to obedience school at the worst time! A trio of bumbling burglars is planning a heist. Can Zeus save the day?
When Zeus (Mario Lopez) accidentally destroys an important party, he gets sent to obedience school at the worst time! A trio of bumbling burglars is planning a heist. Can Zeus save the day?
Camera Operator
A woman accused of murdering her husband is found innocent, only to be terrorized by the real killer once she is set free.
Director of Photography
The world of Mixed Martial Arts isn't just for the men anymore! Fatal Femmes Fighting was created with a single solitary mission: bring together the best female MMA fighters from around the world and determine the best of the best!
On this historic night, 16 women would have the opportunity to make MMA history with the first all-female, no-holds-barred cage-fighting card sanctioned by the State of California!
And, for 6 women, it was a night that would give them the opportunity to become the first Fatal Femmes Fighting champion in their weight class as Jen Case battled Yoko Takahashi for the FFF Middleweight Title, Cassandra Blasso went to war with Roxanne Modaferri over the Lightweight Title, and Japan's feared Masako Yoshida steps in the cage against US women's MMA standout Lisa Ward to crown the first FFF Flyweight Champion!
First Assistant "B" Camera
Criminology professor Jonathan Maxwell investigates a murder at a new age retreat where the leader is killed in a locked room surrounded by people in a deep trance.
First Assistant "B" Camera
Nadine (Garofalo) is a contradiction in terms; she runs a dating service despite being incredibly unlucky in love. Now, facing serious business problems, she needs to find the right guy to turn her fortune around.
Camera Operator
감독이자 이 영화에서 배우로 맹활약한 토미 웨소(Tommy Wiseau)가 2003년에 제작한 영화. 곧 결혼할 커플과 예비신랑의 절친 사이에 벌어지는 삼각관계를 다루는 멜로드라마...라는데 전개며 줄거리가 정말로 뜬금없다. 인물들이 전혀 이해할 수 없는 행동을 하는 건 기본이고, 성격 또한 지속적으로 바뀌며 스크립트도 엉망으로 꼬여있다. 그 중에서도 시도 때도 없이 나오는 불필요한 섹스신은 도저히 이해할 수가 없는 수준이다. 로튼 토마토 지수는 36%로, 배트맨과 로빈이나 그린 랜턴: 반지의 선택보다도 다소 높은 수치이나 실제로는 그 작품들보다도 괴작으로, 그나마 있는 호평들은 "이건 너무 못 만들어서 예술이다"라는 의미로 높은 점수를 준 것이다. IMDB에도 더 룸이 역사상 최고의 작품이라는 개그 리뷰들이 상당수 존재한다. 세계 최악의 영화 10위로 당당히 선정되었으나 이것은 순전히 예산낭비, 극취향, 아까운 시간을 날려버린 팬들의 분노 등을 이유로 더 룸보다 불편함을 선사하여 순위에 높게 선정된 영화들 때문이지, 실상으로는 대체적으로 더 룸보다는 논리적이고 연기도 괜찮은 작품들이다. 하지만 이러한 괴상한 점들로 인해 입소문이 퍼지기 시작하며 어느새 이 영화는 컬트 영화의 반열에 등극했고, 외계로부터의 9호 계획를 뒤잇는 역사상 망작 영화의 대명사로 유명해졌다.
First Assistant Camera
Brett is a high-school outcast who doesn't run with the in crowd, unlike Samantha, the cheerleader he has a desperate crush on. Then one day, he gets a parcel in the mail -- a totem with the power to grant his deepest, darkest desires. Brett wishes for Samantha to love him, and she does, although after a while her affection starts leaning toward obsession. Then murders start occurring in the school, which Brett gradually starts to connect to the totem.
First Assistant "A" Camera
When a passionate but turbulent affair with an emotionally troubled girl results in pregnancy, a struggling writer and his tight-knit family are forced to decide how the story will end.
First Assistant Camera
그녀를 스쳐간 열세명의 남자? 케이트는 여성지 '모니끄'의 기자다. 그녀는 내키지 않는 섹스 테크닉에 대한 기사를 쓰라는 강요를 받으며 자신을 스쳐간 남자들을 되돌아 보게된다. 지금까지 케이트가 사귀었던 남자는 총 13명! 하지만 이들 중 3주 이상 관계가 지속된 사람이 없다. 한마디로 그녀의 연애사는 시행착오와 섣부른 판단으로 점철된 아픔과 상처, 후 회 투성이었던 것이다. 아담같은 남자는 처음이었다.. 어느날, 그녀는 그림 전시회에서 화가 아담을 만나고 곧 사랑에 빠진다. 그녀 인생에서 처음 으로 그녀를 이해해주고 말이 잘 통하는 남자를 만난 것이다. 둘은 사랑에 빠지고 동거에 들어가지만 시간이 흐르자 이들에게도 어김없이 권태기가 찾아 온다. 아담은 케이트가 싫어서라기보다는 혼자만의 시간을 가지고 싶어서 케이트에게 헤어 지자고 한다. 하지만 마음의 준비가 돼있지 않던 케이트에게 아담의 결별선언은 엄청난 충 격으로 다가온다. 그걸로 끝인 줄 알았는데... 케이트와 아담은 헤어졌지만 여전히 서로를 사랑하고 있음을 뒤늦게 깨닫는다. 하지만 그 마음을 차마 내색 할 수 없는 두 사람은 오히려 경쟁적으로 데이트 상대를 바꿔가며 서로를 자극하는데... 안돼! 케이트, 제발.... 그 남자만은... 자신의 의도와는 다르게 아담과의 재회가 요원해지고 케이트는 공통점이라곤 단 한가지도 없는 무식한 3류 영화배우 조이와 사랑에 빠진다. 뒤늦게 이 사실을 알게 된 아담은 자신 이 얼마나 케이트를 사랑하는지를 깨닫고 그녀를 다시 찾으려 온갖 노력을 하는데...
City Bus
세계적인 슈퍼스타의 본거지. 스타를 꿈꾸는 세계의 수많은 젊은이들이 모여드는 헐리웃. 18세의 젊은 미남청년 카를로스는 화려한 스포트라이트를 받는 헐리웃의 스타가 되는 것이 유일한 꿈이다. 2년 동안 멕시코에서 할아버지와 생활한 카를로스는 가족들이 생활하고 있는 로스엔젤레스로 돌아오지만 그를 기다리는 것은 지독한 가난과 생계 걱정 뿐이다. 능력없는 아버지와 건강이 악화된 어머니, 그리고 정상적으로 자라지 못한 여동생과 형은 카롤로스의 인생을 압박한다. 거리에서 스타들이 사는 집의 지도 '스타맵스'를 팔며 하루하루를 연명하던 카를로스. 그는 가족들의 생계마저도 책임져야 하는 처지에서 인생을 뒤바꿀수 있는 희망으로 헐리웃 스타가 되려는 결심을 굳힌다. 자신도 안토니오 반데라스 같은 대스타가 될 수 있다고 확신하는 카를로스. 그는 자신의 꿈을 위해, 자신의 가족을 위해 모든 것을 걸기로 한다. 어느날, TV배우인 제니퍼와 그의 남편인 프로듀셔 마틴을 만난 카를로스. 그는 결국 단 하나의 배역을 타기 위해 몸을 팔기도 하고, 호모와 관계까지 하는 등 갖은 고생을 하며 하루하루를 보낸다. 그러던 카를로스에게 어느날 작은 배역이 맡겨지는데.
First Assistant Camera
Edward is busy trying to unlock the secrets of reading and recording people's thoughts. He is very involved with his work leaving little room for girlfriend Britt. Longstreet comes along and offers Edward a place to do his research and have unlimited funding. There are, however, ulterior motives as Edward is also somehow unlocking the secrets of eternal life.
First Assistant Camera
A serial killer's trail of dead bodies leads to the haunting past of two brothers and one woman's love for both men. The fact this features some fairly well known actors (one of whom died in 1997), yet took at least seven years to release, probably isn't a hallmark of high quality.
First Assistant Camera
A desperate attraction. A beautiful homicide cop goes undercover in the steamy world of modeling to catch a serial killer and becomes enmeshed in a torrid affair with the prime suspect in this erotic thriller.
First Assistant Camera
Janna Riley is the awkward and shy girl nobody ever seems to notice. Not being able to live up to her mother's expectations of popularity, Janna walks through the school hallways alone, though her eyes are always on a certain football player, Bo Callahan. Laughed at and made fun of by the in-crowd, Janna sees her opportunity to become accepted when a fateful motorcycle "accident" lands Bo into her arms and under her doting care. Bo's vulnerable condition enables Janna to kidnap Bo and, in the style of Stephen King's "Misery," the viewer is held captive for every thrilling second.
Second Assistant Camera
New Mexican warlock Cerio goads working mother Leigh Lindsey into a sexual affair.
Second Assistant Camera
Charles is bored with being a wealthy, successful architect. He takes a temporary job photographing undressed women and falls for Pamela. His wife, Elaine, has little sympathy for this mid-life crisis.
Second Assistant Camera
Fast-food mogul Harry Buford serves up the best barbecued bunny sandwiches, and the hottest waitresses, in town. His only son, Jeeter, will inherit the empire only if he can overcome his life-long fear of women. When Buford offers $100,000 to the first of his sexy employees who can turn shy-guy Jeeter into a red-blooded he-man, the summer heat sizzles as Amber, Boopsie and Lauren pour on the charm in their efforts to win Jeeter's heart.
Second Assistant Camera
A con man seeks lonely women pretending to be "mister right" and seduces them, stealing their hearts and their assets. He finally meets his match when he rips off a savvy single mother and finds out the true meaning of a woman scorned.
Camera Loader
뉴욕시 경찰이었던 매트 코델은 억울한 누명을 쓰고 감옥에 수감되었다가 그에게 원한을 가졌던 죄수들에 의해 처참히 살해된다. 자신에게 누명을 씌우고 죽음으로 까지 몰고가게 한 부패한 경찰에게 복수를 하기 위해 부활한 그는 동료인 맥키니가 그의 명예를 회복시켜줌으로써 죽음의 안식을 되찾는다. 그러나 휴간이라는 사교집단의 무당이 코델을 불러내면서 공포는 다시 시작되는데, 그때 맥키니의 동료 케이티가 마약 중독자의 인질극에 투입되었다가 인질을 죽이고 자신도 부상을 당해 식물인간 상태에 빠진다. 그러나 특종을 노린 기자들이 케이티가 죄없는 인질을 죽인 점만 기사화시켜 사건을 왜곡시키자 코델은 케이티의 복수를 해주고 그녀를 자기의 세계로 데려가려 한다.
First Assistant Camera
Judge Rhinehole orders the Sunny Buttocks Nudist Camp closed down as an affront to the community. The members of the camp enter into a suicide pact, but vow to return for vengeance. Five years later, a group of campers on a retreat argue with each other about religion and sing big production numbers as the group begins experiencing an attrition problem.