Sterling Sims
An examination of the aftermath of Desert Storm and how servicemen and women were affected by it medically.
Man #2
Domestic violence drama, with Gail O'Grady as a distraught young mother, finding herself stalked by her newly paroled ex and armed with a loaded gun, and Ami Pietz as a journalist volunteering at a crisis hotline to do an "inside" story.
세상이 온통 폭력과 싸움으로 물들어 가는 시대. 다크맨(Darkman/Peyton Westlake: 아놀드 보슬로 분)에게 참패했던 듀란(Robert G. Durant: 래리 드레이크 분)은 1870여일 만에 부활하여 부하들에게 새로운 총기와 폭력으로 도시 전체를 휩쓸도록 지시한다.
한편, 다크맨은 지하철역을 연구실 삼아 인조피부에 관한 실험을 계속하던 중 브래트먼 박사(Dr. David Brinkman: 제시 콜린스 분)가 쓴 연구 기사를 보고 관심을 갖게 된다. 두 사람은 서로 연구결과를 주고 받으며 함께 뜻을 모으고 다크맨은 그의 연구를 브래트먼 박사에게 주면서 계속 연구를 부탁한다. 그러나 공교롭게도 듀란의 부하들은 브래트먼에게 건물을 팔라고 협박한 후 잔인하게 살해한다. 이 사실을 뒤늦게 안 다크맨은 듀란의 부활을 직감하여 그를 잡기 위해 다시 일어서는데....
Nasty Cop
A white lawyer finds his values shaken when he is paired with an angry Indigenous activist who insists on kidnapping the head of a logging company to teach him the price of his destruction.
The Deacon
Consumed by hatred, recruited by the devil, a loner is given the power to destroy.
Policeman #2
Harvey Keitel plays Penfield Gruber, a once great scientist, reduced to managing a sleazy hotel. Gruber monitors the daily comings and goings of his tenants, mainly for his own interest, until underworld figures ask him to spy on a suspected double-crosser. While watching the man, Gruber overhears a murder plot.
Adam is cursed: one of his ancestors played a game and fell victim to a sorcerer or possibly Satan. The curse manifests through Adam and the game, making him attend strange amateur theatre where immensely talentless people try to do farce and a janitor wanders around with a game of Tic-Tac-Toe on his back.