Location Sound Mixer
In this reenactment of a propaganda documentary, a woman is falling prey to the role assigned to her in slow motion. Upon her arrest, diplomat Mária Kerényi is interviewed by the state television. Her story in espionage confronts the mechanisms of autocracy and the concept of guilt in a closed society.
Sound Mixer
A coming-of-age story set in the contemporary Hungarian countryside, where teenager soloist Dávid decides to stand up for Nóri, 13, a cellist in their youth orchestra who is having a suspiciously close relationship with their 60-year-old conductor. While looking for the truth, Dávid's life soon starts to spiral out of control as he faces tough decisions and the adult society's negligence.
제2차 세계대전 직후 헝가리 부다페스트. 부모가 행방불명 된 소녀 ‘클라라’는 홀로코스트로 가족을 모두 잃은 의사 ‘알도’를 만나 나이를 뛰어넘는 친구가 된다. 점점 딸과 아버지처럼 서로를 돌보며, 오랫동안 잊고 살아온 삶의 달콤함과 따뜻함을 다시 맛본다. 하지만 스탈린 지배 하의 경직된 헝가리 사회는 둘의 관계를 차갑게 예의주시하는데… 시대의 비극 속에서도 온기를 잃지 않은 아름다운 사람들의 이야기가 시작된다.
Sound Mixer
During a professional conference in Prague, two interpreters in the Hungarian booth hilariously vie for the attention of one listener.
This story tells about a woman in her mid-twenties who tries to revive her childhood memories. In order to relive the last moments with her mother, she rapes and murders another woman. The story inquires, not judges, the imperfect soul. Beauty tainted by unusual parental love.