Vera Gebuhr

Vera Gebuhr

출생 : 1916-05-15, Odense, Denmark

사망 : 2014-12-22

프로필 사진

Vera Gebuhr
Vera Gebuhr

참여 작품

Dark Horse
Dame i bagerbutik
A young man spurs romance and helps his friend and himself go through the struggles of their ordinary life in Denmark.
The Tenth Muse
Asta Nielsen
Set in Copenhagen in 1964, a personal drama evolves as a young film director tries to make a film about aging film star Asta Nielsen.
킹덤 2
'죽음의 신', '철새', '거인', '악마전'. 이렇게 4부로 구성된 는 코펜하겐의 습지대에 세워진 음울한 종합병원의 모습을 그리고 있다. 병원에서 유일하게 죽은 메리의 상처를 알고 영혼을 달래려던 드루쎄 부인(크리슨 롤프)이 어느날 병원을 나서다가 앰뷸런스에 치인다. 꾀병이라도 부려 킹덤에 머물고자 했던 드루쎄 부인은 심각한 중상에 뒤이은 죽음으로 킹덤을 떠나게 된다. 영혼과 악령의 추격은 킹덤의 미궁같은 복도를 통과하며 계속되고, 킹덤의 앰뷸런스는 미친 듯이 질주한다. 병원의 피로에 찌든 모그와 병원 사람들은 죽음을 담보로 중앙선을 가로지르는 앰뷸런스의 스피드 기록에 내기를 건다. 헬머(에른스트 휴고 예어가르트)는 자신의 과실을 세상에 알리려는 모나를 세탁물 컨베이어에 숨기고 킹덤은 점점 더 답이 없는 의문들로 뒤덮힌다.
Let's Get Lost
Fru Rothstein
Three friends, Steffen, Thomas and Mogens spend a lot of time together in Julies apartment while they talk about soccer and how to get enough money for tickets to the big game next week. At the same time Julie is trying to get in contact with her boyfriend René who she thinks is having an affair. They all talk a lot about whats on their mind during this week.
Werner's mother
A composer with a straining birth name is caught between his mother fixation and his need to father his own ambitions. Oscar nominated short film from 1997
Davids bog
Fru Schønemann
Henrik helps his uncle clear out a rich man's villa after the owner went bankrupt and committed siucide. During the clearance he finds a book that gives minute details of perfect crimes.
Black Harvest
Family drama set in the Danish countryside in the turn of the century. A wealthy landowner is an evil and corrupt womaniser with several illegitimate offspring in addition to his beautiful family. Nobody stands up to him except his feisty 17-year-old daughter.
Depot Assistant
2차 세계대전 후 독일, 독일계 미국인 청년 레오폴트 케슬러(장 마크 바)는 전쟁이 끝나자 독일로 돌아온다. 큰아버지(에른스트 휴고 예어가르트)의 소개로 철도 침대칸에서 일하게 된 레오폴트. 그는 우연히 철도회사 사장(유도 키에르) 딸 카타리나(바바라 수코와)와 만나 사랑에 빠지고 결혼하기에 이른다. 그러나 연합군의 지배아래 독일 테러리스트 집단과 연합군의 대립이 격해지자, 레오폴트는 미국장교로부터는 독일의 정보를 캐오라는 요구를, 독일 테러리스트 집단으로부터는 기차를 폭파하라는 지시를 받는다. 레오폴트는 아무 것도 하지 못한 채 테러 집단의 일원이었던 아내로부터도 방관자라는 말을 듣는다. 평범하고 선량하게 살려는 의지가 흔들리기 시작하는 레오폴트. 정신분열을 일으키던 그는 스스로 죽음을 맞이한다.
Elvis Hansen, en samfundshjælper
Aeldre Terne
It is an adaptation of the Greek tragedy Medea from Euripides, a version where the Gods willing and intervations are absent. Medea is the tragic character that after helping Jason in the Voyage of the Argonauts (myth says that she has even sacrificed her own brother for Jason's success), she gets from him only betrayal, as he arranges to marry the King's of Corinth daughter. The king decides to exile Medea, as she is a danger for his daughter happiness, but Medea asks from him just a day… before she goes outside the borders. That day Medea gets her revenge.
Sidste akt
My Granny's House
Fru Agerlin
Danish author Soya's acidly funny turn-of-the-century memoir novel turned into a robust black comedy. After his mother's death, tiny tot Søren goes to live with his wilful, rich and stingy Granny, who wants to improve his manners. She also wants to make him sole heir to her fortune, which everybody else covets. Mutual respect, even love, develops between the two. And death by poison enlivens things.
Kurt & Valde
Your Money or Your Life
The Olsen Gang Never Surrenders
Minister's Wife
Egon plans to exploit knowledge gained during his latest term of incarceration. By stealing the unmanipulated financial records of DanInvest he obtains the majority of the stocks in the department store Magasin du Nord, just in time for their closing sale. The attempt to get the red suitcase that will save the day they rob the main vault at the EEC headquarters in Brussels and end up hijacking a tank.
Watch Your Back, Professor!
Husholdersken Trunte
When a boring collage professor is mistaken for his cousin, he gets into all kinds of trouble, with hilarious results.
Me, Too, in the Mafia
Mafiaen, det er osse mig er en dansk komediefilm fra 1974 og en fortsættelse af Mig og Mafiaen. Filmen har manuskript af Lise Nørgaard og er instrueret af Henning Ørnbak.
Me and the Mafia
Charmørsvindleren Victor "Viffer" Hansen (Dirch Passer), laver sammen med vennen Richard Abelsteen (Klaus Pagh) et Millionkup i Sverige, forklædt som svensk diplomat, repræsentant for kongehuset, franarrer de en italiensk forretningsmand Vittorio Fercci (Poul Bundgaard) 10 millioner svenske kroner, ved at arrangere et giftermål mellem kongen og Vittorio's datter Marcellina (Susanne Heinrich).
Dangerous Kisses
In this Danish suspense film, the foibles of the psychological helping professions are wryly surveyed. A woman has murdered her husband. That's clear enough. Now the woman is in a psychiatric hospital because it seemed clear to the judges that she was not fully competent. Her doctor, who is helping her a great deal, has problems of his own. First, he is against the cookie-cutter treatment practices of his hospital, second, he is on shaky mental ground himself. Then he violates his therapeutic ethics by carrying on an affair with the woman he is treating.
The Missing Clerk
Two men disappear at the same time, with one of them committing suicide using dynamite. The police try to figure out which one died and what happened to the other.
Father of Four: In High Spirits
Fru Sejrsen
Uncle Anders and tiny Per has won a caravan in a contest. It's summer vacation, and the family takes in high spirits off to Jutland with their new home towed behind the car. One morning they discover that the Benneweis circus is setting up tents near the campsite
Gertrud Toresen
Audun’s son is killed in an accident while the mother is in bed with her lover. Ten years later is Audun on the road living as a salesman and on the lone women that he meet and steal money from.
The Key to Paradise
The Key to Paradise
은퇴한 오페라 가수인 게르트루드는 남편인 변호사 카닝과 애정 없는 결혼 생활에 염증을 느끼던 어느 날 그에게 자신의 속마음을 털어놓는다. 이 일을 계기로 그녀의 조용하지만 뜨거운 열정이 서서히 드러나게 된다. 그녀는 시인, 젊은 피아니스트, 그리고 마지막으로 파리에 사는 작가와의 연애를 통해 열정과 초월을 추구한다. 한정된 공간에도 불구하고 놀랄만한 시각적인 완성도를 자랑하는 이 영화는 칼 테오도르 드레이어의 영화 스타일이 가장 순화된 지점을 보여준다고 할 수 있다.
A Day Without Lies
Thyra Jantzen
A Day Without Lies
Evas mor
Oskar? That's my driver. And Tina, my maid, must have taken my suitcase with her to the baron - the one my daughter should have been engaged to. But now she is having a child with Oskar. And one of my people has stolen more than 300,000 DKR from me, because he wants to marry my daughter, who is not my daughter. And now the has girl run off with all of my jewels ..
A sort of forerunner to Hollywood's Boogie Nights (1997), this Danish melodrama is set in the world of strip clubs. A medical student (Frits Helmuth) earns money for tuition working in a burlesque joint. He falls for one of the girls (Malene Schwarz), but she is also involved with a movie director (John Price). The director and Helmuth get into a philosophical debate about love and Darwinism, and the film ends with a duel (the film's title). Duellen was met with mostly incomprehension when it premiered and is no more lucid when viewed today. The striptease scene featuring full-frontal nudity is tame by modern standards.
A Hullaballoo at the Castle
The cheerful, traveling musicians Flink and Villy meet sweet music in the form of two girls. Unfortunately, the chrome nut is tone deaf and chases them away. Luck smiles on them, however, because the nearby castle Bullerborg is abandoned. Flink and Villy move in - and get mixed up in a fight between a cunning lawyer, a bankrupt count and a sausage maker family.
Krudt og klunker
Fru Wilhelmine Jacobsen
Fru Larsen
Finn and Claus are best friends and both have a thing for their cute friend Eva. They both go to Copenhagen to study law but Claus would rather study music/piano and takes private lessons and Finn isn't the academic type. Who gets Eva?
Be Dear to Me
The Danish Ingen tid til Kaertegn (Be Dear to Me) is heavily reliant on the appeal of its star, 8-year-old Eva Cohn. Our heroine is the neglected child of a businessman father and actress mother. Feeling that happiness lies well outside her own backyard, Eva goes on a search for that happiness. The longer she stays away, the more her parents realize that they've unfairly ignored her. The plot is nothing new: it's what is done with it that pleases the eye and ear. Ingen tid til Kaertegn was one of the more popular entries in the 1957 Berlin Film Festival.
The Blinded
Charlotte Kerner
The young mechanic Borge Rasmussen works in Salling Harbour and lives with the slightly older Marinus Frederiksen, who chairs the city's port workers. Marinus sees in Borge, who has lost his parents, his only friend and is easily influenced by his extremist views.
Kriminalsagen Tove Andersen
Sofie Albertsen
Familien Schmidt
dansk film der skal ses
For frihed og ret
Kampen mod uretten
Take What You Want
Marianne Beyer
Discretion Wanted
Kirsten Bjerre
In order to supplement the family income, Marius Bastrup rents his unused rooms to young women looking for a "discreet stay." The drama in the film revolves around the young women and their circumstances, especially as it relates to one girl's abortion.
Hans Store Aften
Vera Jørgensen, skuespiller
En Hotel-Stuepige
Den midaldrende manufakturhandler Jens Steen er på vej til sit sommerhus ved Vestkysten for at slappe af. Helt alene. Imens er 20-årige Else Petersen på spanden - og hun vejrer en ferie med alt betalt. Med klassisk kvindelist fedter hun sig ind hos Jens Steen, der bliver besat af hendes skønhed og ungdom. Men da den lokale, jyske cykelmekaniker skruer op for charmen, kommer der kurrer på tråden. Og inden længe har Jens Steen en skandale på hånden, som han kun kan gøre ét for at afvige Selveste Bodil Ipsen instruerede i 1944 et af den danske filmhistories få film-noir dramaer. Besættelse er en fremragende film om følelsernes yderpunkter og tilværelsens ulidelige lethed.
Lev livet let
Elly Petersen
Frk. Vildkat
Danish movie
Flaadens blaa matroser
Kontordame hos Holm
A marine musical comedy from Denmark.