Mark Beck
출생 : 1965-01-11, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sound Effects Editor
Geeky 14-year old Ethan is left to babysit his younger sister, Jane, with his best friend Benny but after Ethan inadvertently puts Jane in harm's way, his parents hire a professional babysitter, the beautiful yet mysterious 17-year-old Sarah who, unbeknownst to them, is actually a fledgling vampire.
Sound Effects Editor
In God's Country is a modern day story of slavery. Young women ignored by the police and protected by "freedom of religion" are trapped in polygamous communities scattered throughout North America. Judith Joseph is one of them. Despite being raised under the watchful eyes of "God's Keepers" and knowing no other life, Judith realises she cannot watch her sixteen year old daughter succumb to the same fate she was born into. Desperate, with no other resources and no connections, Judith sets her house on fire and escapes with her five children. Alone, on the "outside", Judith is ill equipped to handle the challenges facing her, but she's determined to build a life.
Sound Effects Designer
때는 가까운 미래.... 크리스탈 레이크 연구 기관의 정부 과학자들이 드디어, 그 악명 높은 불사조 킬러, 제이슨을 잡았다. 그리고 그를 안전히 잡아 두기 위해 극저온 장치에 냉동시키기로 했다. 그러나 늘 그렇듯이 상황은 무시무시하게 변해, 그는 도망치고 잔혹한 방법으로 다시 살인을 시작한다. 그가 미쳐 날뛰는 현장에서 유일한 생존자인 로완은 가까스로 극저온실로 제이슨을 유인한다. 그러나 냉동과정을 완수하고 탈출하기 바로 직전 치명적인 상처를 입게 되고 결국 제이슨과 함께 냉동된다. 그 후 400년이 흘러 2455년... 지구는 그동안 격렬한 폭풍과 함께 대륙과 바다가 유독 물질로 오염되어 수세기 동안 방치되어 왔다. 그런데 인간이 버린 이 죽음의 땅에 인간들이 다시 돌아 왔다. 살기 위해서가 아니라, 단순히 이 어마어마한 환경 재앙을 초래하고 사라져 버린 문명의 유물을 조사하기 위해서. 마지막으로 착륙한 행성 탐험가들이 원시 기술시대의 특이한 물건을 우연히 접하게 되었을 때, 그들은 앞으로 어떤 운명이 그들을 기다리고 있을지 거의 짐작도 할 수 없었다. 악마가 다시 살아난다.... 고고학자인 로우교수가 이끄는 학생 탐험가들과 인조인간 KAY-EM 14는 지하의 크리스탈 레이크 연구 기관의 고대 유적 안으로 들어갔다. 거기서, 중요한 고고학 유물을 발견한다. 두 명의 냉동된 조상- 미모의 젊은 여자와 이상한 가면을 쓴 거구의 남자. 그런데 한가지 문제가 있었다. 어떻게 해서인지 자동 재생 장치가 작동하기 시작한 것이다. 냉동 저온 물질이 얼음처럼 녹고, 곧 두 시체도 녹기 시작했다. 탐험 시간이 끝나고 탐험가들은 우주선으로 돌아와 지구 II로 향했다. 그들은 지구 II에서 놀랍게도 로완을 다시 살려 낼 수 있었다. 그러나 머지않아 이 학생들은 제이슨이 살아 돌아오는 것과 함께, 충격적이고 이제까지 경험해 보지 못한 새로운 형태의 악과 대면하게 될 것이다.
Sound Effects Editor
A boy learns to deal with personal loss by making friends with a wild animal in this drama for the entire family. Jesse is a 16-year-old who is trying to put his life back together after the death of his father, who died while trying to rescue him in the wilderness. Jesse goes to live with his Uncle Roy, who lives in the rugged mountains of Washington State. While exploring, Jesse finds and rescues a wolf who has been seriously wounded; Jesse bonds with the animal, and while Roy understands the dangers of trying to tend to a wild animal, reluctantly allows Jesse to keep him. Jesse, who is fond of snowboarding, teaches the wolf to be his partner in skijoring, a sport in which a dog is used to haul a man on skis. John Rockwell the owner of a ranch, has different plans for the animal; he sees the wolf as a threat to his stock and is determined to see that the animal is put down.
Sound Effects Editor
Sharon Bell is back, this time she must stop a terrorist plot to smuggle Nazi nerve gas.
Sound Effects Editor
항상 사용하는 화학 약품과 향수, 그리고 매일 접하는 매연들로 인해 중산층 여성인 캐롤은 발작과 구토, 호흡곤란 등 심각한 장애를 겪는다. 치료를 위해 뉴 멕시코를 떠나는 캐롤, 하지만 그녀의 여정은 그녀의 내면으로 향하게 되는데...
Sound Effects Editor
A beauty contest turns into a hostage situation, when the Miss Galaxy competition is taken over by a gang, demanding a ransom of diamonds. Sharon, a kick-boxing actress, is the host of the show, and the thorn in the terrorists side.
Sound Effects Editor
Time stops at midnight at the Senior Prom for five students, one murderous counselor, and John. They must find the courage to face themselves or, when time starts again, they may find that they are joining John's Club. All you have to do is commit murder... or suicide.
Sound Effects Editor
A street prostitute takes in an abused young woman on the run from her misogynist boyfriend, leading to both facing off against the prostitute's dreaded pimp and a relentless police detective out to arrest all of them.
Sound Effects Editor
Mark Cahill is a good family man with a loving wife and two wonderful children. Mark also happens to be a hit man who is haunted by his last victim, a blonde, who keeps appearing in his bedroom at the worst of times. His life becomes even more complicated when he becomes caught up in the schemes of two business partners, one of the partner's spouse and her boyfriend(s).
Sound Effects Editor
After her mother is killed by a car bomb, a 17-year-old girl lives a reckless and decadent lifestyle. She begins having sex with a boy who works at a local ski resort. He falls in love, and she tells him of her suspicions that her strict father was responsible for her mother's death and wants him to help her out of her situation. He must decide whether she's telling the truth or using him to her own ends.