An Ogawa

An Ogawa

출생 : 1998-03-29, Tokyo, Japan

프로필 사진

An Ogawa
An Ogawa

참여 작품

After his shot at a record deal falls through, Jun transfers to sleepy Nagoya and begins busking songs by his favourite 1970s glam rock band, Exne Kedy. The music catches the eye of fellow fan Ibuki and the pair soon fall in love over their shared musical taste. But as responsibilities mount, they drift apart… Until Exne Kedy announces a reunion tour. Part teenage romance, part fictitious vehicle for Ide Kensuke and producer Yo Ishihara’s latest project (of Boris and Ogre You Asshole fame), Daisuke Miyazaki’s Plastic is a colorful, rock-inflected coming-of-age tale.
There is a Stone
A young woman spends a day in some non-place between town and countryside, has random encounters and watches stones skip over the surface of the river. Tatsunari Ota’s film explores a world without productivity and finds joy in idle time and playfulness.
Sweet Bitter Candy
Sanae (An Ogawa) is a high school girl preparing to take university entrance exams. She isn't very good at socializing. She wants to hurry up and become an adult, but it isn't going very well. Over summer vacation, Sanae's sister comes home from college in Tokyo, and her parents decide to hire a housekeeper. Yusuke (Hoshi Ishida), is rough around the edges and a little scary. The people close to him find him a mystery. As Sanae gets to know him, she begins to feel they have something in common. A journey through sweet love and bitter memories.
A New Wind Blows
This is the question posited by director Nakamura Yutaro at the start of his latest film, a series of vignettes that bleed into each other. Memories? dreams? Whatever they are, they belong to highschooler Hikari who, along with a friend named Yujiro, get involved with an emotionally unstable man named Takaya. Flash-forward a decade or so and they are all 20-somethings bumbling around on New Year’s Eve night. Hikari has picked up an admirer, Kotaro, while Takaya is shacked up with a young woman named Anzu. A tumultuous night together leads to a quarrel and a truly bizarre New Year’s Day. It’s not a straightforward experience as we surf through these experiences and question whether they are imagined but the feeling of airy freedom and endless possibilities at the end is pleasant.
이십일세기 소녀
(segment "Projection")
젊은 여성 감독과 배우들이 모여 여성들의 이야기를 담은 옴니버스 영화. 일과 사랑에 대한 고민, 소수자에 대한 억압과 차별, 일상적인 고뇌와 행복들…. 21세기의 여성들이 어떻게 살아가고, 생각하는지를 스스로의 눈으로 바라보고 질문을 던진다.
Aoi, an aspiring filmmaker/ assistant director who visits the office of Toriumi, an independent film producer, seeking an opportunity to collaborate with him. Toriumi likes her screenplay and shows his interest in producing her directorial debut film. However, despite Aoi’s delight, the discussion starts to derail. When Aoi refuses to accept the producer’s irrational demands, he shows doubt in her ability to act on unexpected situations. Is he testing her aptitude or just trying to take advantage of her? Confused, she gets lost between doubt and desperation to believe in her dream opportunity.
나는 빛을 움켜쥐고 있어
「폐점합니다」라고 붙여진 벽보, 하룻밤 사이에 부서지는 건물, 골목길에서 사라져가는 아이들의 목소리− 지금 일본은 발전과 재개발이라는 명목 아래 크게 변화하려 하고 있다. "사라져가는 무언가"를 감사한 마음을 담아 소중하게 떠나보내는 것으로 앞으로 나아가려 하는 본작의 주인공은, 현대에 사는 우리들에게 소중한 무언가가 끝나갈 때쯤 어떻게 그들과 마주하는지를 진솔한 시선으로 전해준다. 본작의 감독은 데뷔작부터 지금까지 해외 영화제에서 다수의 상을 수상해 프랑스의 일류 영화잡지 카예 뒤 시네마(Cahiers du cinéma)에서 그 날카로운 감성을 절찬받아 전작 「섬머 블룸스」가 모스크바 국제영화제에서 2개의 상을 수상한 나카가와 류타로가 맡는다.
In the summer of 2001, Ryo Hagio, a high school student living in a country town by the sea, is spending his last summer vacation in high school with his classmates Manabu, Kosugi, and Hotta. One day, he meets Wang Jia-ling, a foreign exchange student from Taiwan who dreams of becoming a dolphin trainer. Ryo, who hates dolphins and the ocean, is at odds with Ling, but when he learns of her true feelings about coming to Japan, they begin to have a heart-to-heart talk...
For Rei
Rei is unable to express her opinions well due to her introverted nature. Her time with her boyfriend, NAKAMURA, is calm but nothing passionate. One night, Rei strongly wishes that she could meet her real father, who was separated from her at an early age by her parents’ divorce. From that night onward, introverted Rei’s heart burns with an enduring passion. Through conversations with her mother, complicated memories, dreams and her reunion with her father, Rei’s thoughts about her family are gradually revealed.
Go to see Pinkerton
Yuko Kanzaki (Idol era)
Yuko, a former leader of the five-member idol group Pinkerton, with the help of man named Matsumoto, tries to reunite the now-disbanded group.
천국은 아직 멀어
AV 영화 모자이크 작업으로 생계를 유지하는 유조는 어느 날, 한 여인에게서 인터뷰 제안을 받는다. 그는 17세에 죽은 동급생 유령과 기이한 공동생활을 하고 있는 중이다. 의뢰자는 그녀의 여동생으로, 죽은 언니에 관한 다큐멘터리를 만들던 중 그에게 언니가 빙의되었다는 사실을 확인하고 싶었던 것이다. 그녀는 유조의 증언을 믿지 않지만, 그에게 빙의된 언니의 말에 반응하면서 마음이 흔들리기 시작한다. 제목이 암시하는 ‘천국과의 거리’는 유령과 신체에의 빙의, 존재하는 것과 존재하지 않는 것, 스크린에 비치는 것과 보이지 않는 것, 만질 수 없는 접촉 불가, 증언의 불확실성의 테마를 보여준다.
The Sleeping Family
Toru, a high schooler, decides to leave his grandmother's home in the mountains and moves in with his aunt. There he meets three sisters at his welcome party. On his way to his new home, he is struck by one of the sisters' beauty. A boy who spent his life quietly like a plant starts to take action on his own.