Roi Cooper Megrue

참여 작품

Theatre Play
자신을 자유로운 야생마라고 생각하며 결혼을 회피해온 총각 지미의 인생관이 비상사태를 맞는다. 하루 안에 결혼하지 않으면 돌아가신 할아버지가 남긴 유산 1억불을 받지 못하게 되는 것이다. 이미 애인인 앤에게 청혼했다 차인 적이 있는 그는 기억이 가물가물한 옛 여자들을 찾아 청혼하지만 번번이 실패하는데...
It Pays to Advertise!
Theatre Play
Mr. Miller is the CEO of a big soap company whose son Henry like to spend his father's money but isn't interesting in working. Henry's laziness makes Mr. Miller upset and stressed out, so he assigns his young secretary (who the son also is in love with) to figure out a way to make Henry work and she will get 10,000 crowns ($1000). But things doesn't really to turn out the way Mr. Miller imagined.
Shout It from the House Tops
Theatre Play
The son of a rich soap manufacturer gets himself in predicaments trying to prove to his father that he's responsible enough for marriage.
It Pays to Advertise
Theatre Play
To prove his thesis that any product--even one that doesn't exist--can be merchandized if it is advertised properly, a young man gets together with his father's savvy secretary to market a non-existent laundry soap. Complications ensue when his "product" turns out to be more successful than even he imagined--and now he has to deliver.
일곱 번의 기회
파산 위기를 맞은 주식중개인 지미 쉐넌은 할아버지가 자신에게 7만 달러의 유산을 남겼음을 알게 된다. 하지만 그 돈을 상속받기 위해서는 27살 생일의 저녁 7시까지 결혼을 해야만 한다. 쉐논의 27살 생일은 바로 오늘이다! 이제 그는 남은 몇 시간 동안 신부감을 구하기 위해 동분서주하게 된다.
Fighting Odds
Theatre Play
A woman determines to clear her imprisoned husband of false charges by entrapping the real culprit herself.
Under Cover
A woman returning from a trip to Paris must help U.S. customs inspectors find a valuable necklace suspected to be in the possession of a fellow traveler. The film is presumed lost.