Lamin Oo

참여 작품

10년: 미얀마
<10년: 미얀마>는 다섯 명의 감독이 다섯 개의 이야기를 들려준다. 이전 시리즈가 직관적이고 명쾌한 메시지를 그렸다면 미얀마 편은 보다 절제되어 있으며 관객의 더 많은 상상을 요구한다. 그럼에도 각 에피소드에서 연상되는 의문사, 정치범, 저항군, 폭력, 검열 등의 키워드는 2021년 군부 쿠데타 이후 미얀마의 엄혹하고 암울한 현실을 상기시킨다.
Three Strangers
Gwa To, a transgender man from a remote village in Rakhine, plans for relationship impermanence, assuming all women will eventually move on to “real” men. Ma Soe, a high school dropout with a traveling troupe, has sworn off marriage because she doesn’t want to end up with a drunk like her father. At a village event, Gwa To sees Ma Soe sing and falls in love. After a brief period of courtship, Ma Soe and Gwa To live together as a couple. Their relationship is tested when Gwa To brings home a two-month old boy, Phoe Htoo, put up for adoption.
Executive Producer
Aung Naing’s health is deteriorating, and he has to be transferred to a hospital due to inadequate facilities at the local health centre. While his friend is desperately searching for the money needed, he is losing the will to live.
“Acceptance” is a story of resilience in the face of economic hardships. The tense relationship between an elderly woman and her daughter-in-law acts as a micro example of the financial difficulties of the working class in Myanmar and exposes a conflicted family where generations can no longer connect. Nyi Zaw Htwe masterfully links the micro with the macro in this social and familial drama.
“Acceptance” is a story of resilience in the face of economic hardships. The tense relationship between an elderly woman and her daughter-in-law acts as a micro example of the financial difficulties of the working class in Myanmar and exposes a conflicted family where generations can no longer connect. Nyi Zaw Htwe masterfully links the micro with the macro in this social and familial drama.
Documentary short about a lesbian couple who have lived together in Myanmar for 15 years.
Now I'm Thirteen
Ma Aye Kaung is girl who was born during the reign of military government. Now she is living in middle part of Myanmar. Her father is an alcoholic and neglects family duties. At the age of nine, she started as a child labour. Now she is thirteen and a herd of goats. Ma Aye Kaung wants to read and write. Though the primary education is free but she had no chance of schooling. Now our country in the political transition period too, the girls like her, have no chance of going to school.