12월이 되면 서구의 아이들이 목이 빠지게 기다리고 있는 전통이 있으니 바로 대림절 달력이다. 12월 1일부터 크리스마스까지 작은 선물이 숨겨진 스물네 개의 작은 방을 하루에 하나씩 열어보며 기대를 키워가는 것. 대림절 달력에서 착안한 은 전세계 24명의 감독들이 각 10분짜리 단편을 맡아 완성된 옴니버스 콜렉션이다. SF에서 유령의 집, 슬래셔에서 고어 애니메이션까지 다채로운 하위장르를 망라하는 영화는 호러 영화 팬들에게는 더할 나위 없는 한여름의 크리스마스 선물 같다. 단편이라고 해서 방심해서는 금물. 상당수의 작품들이 꽤나 높은 수위를 넘나든다. 다소 긴 듯한 엔딩크레딧이 시작됐다고 자리에서 일어나지 마시길. ‘보너스’ 단편이 그 뒤를 잇는다.
Pyrtadis Station Commander
Over the course of centuries the early colonies have evolved into giant empires, battling for supremacy. In the last 57 years, the death toll has risen to the billions. Rick Walker, former fighter pilot turned disillusioned freelance flyer is hired to transport a mysterious woman to the site of a secret peace negotiation. Cynthia Perkins claims to be a special ambassador who was called upon in secrecy to bring the stalling negotiations back on track. On their way, Walker and Perkins are ambushed by a group of attack fighters and are forced to crash land on a remote planet called Nydenion. Their way to the peace negotiations becomes a fight against time and an enemy that seems to come from the ranks of their own military, an enemy that Walker knows all too well.
Over the course of centuries the early colonies have evolved into giant empires, battling for supremacy. In the last 57 years, the death toll has risen to the billions. Rick Walker, former fighter pilot turned disillusioned freelance flyer is hired to transport a mysterious woman to the site of a secret peace negotiation. Cynthia Perkins claims to be a special ambassador who was called upon in secrecy to bring the stalling negotiations back on track. On their way, Walker and Perkins are ambushed by a group of attack fighters and are forced to crash land on a remote planet called Nydenion. Their way to the peace negotiations becomes a fight against time and an enemy that seems to come from the ranks of their own military, an enemy that Walker knows all too well.
Over the course of centuries the early colonies have evolved into giant empires, battling for supremacy. In the last 57 years, the death toll has risen to the billions. Rick Walker, former fighter pilot turned disillusioned freelance flyer is hired to transport a mysterious woman to the site of a secret peace negotiation. Cynthia Perkins claims to be a special ambassador who was called upon in secrecy to bring the stalling negotiations back on track. On their way, Walker and Perkins are ambushed by a group of attack fighters and are forced to crash land on a remote planet called Nydenion. Their way to the peace negotiations becomes a fight against time and an enemy that seems to come from the ranks of their own military, an enemy that Walker knows all too well.
A waiter/writer living with his dad and a neat freak who's just landed a job as a reporter in New York, meet by colliding on the Brooklyn Bridge, and romance ensues.
Ronald White
CSS Hunley tells the incredible true story of the crew of the manually propelled submarine CSS Hunley, during the siege of Charleston of 1864. It is a story of heroism in the face of adversity, the Hunley being the first submersible to sink an enemy boat in time of war. It also relates the human side of the story relating the uncommon and extaordinary temperament of the 9 men who led the Hunley into history and died valiantly accomplishing this feat.