Amélie Juan

참여 작품

Albrecht Dürer, le mystère des autoportraits
Nazi Death Marches
Due to the ruthless advance of the Soviet Red Army, from the spring of 1944 until the capitulation of the Third Reich in May 1945, the Nazis evacuated the labor, concentration and extermination camps, factories of pain and death which, over nightmarish years, they had established in the occupied eastern territories. Forced to travel enormous distances, thousands of people died along the way from hunger, thirst and exhaustion.
Des traîtres dans la Résistance
In May 1943, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the new head of the Reich Central Security Office, gave Hitler a report describing in detail the organization of the French Resistance. Indeed, during the Second World War, most of the Resistance networks had been infiltrated by traitors, the "V Man" (trusted men) in the service of the occupier. The Germans had established treason as a system and recruiting Frenchmen ready to inform on them was one of their priorities. It was these Frenchmen, whose number is estimated at between 20,000 and 30,000, who dealt terrible blows to the Resistance.
Trintignant by Trintignant
A portrait of a man of rare elegance and enigmatic charm, versatile and successful: Jean-Louis Trintignant, one of the most critically acclaimed French actors of the last sixty years, known for his numerous roles on stage and screen.
Airbus vs Boeing: The Jumbo Jet Race
The story of the rivalry between Boeing and Airbus is no doubt one of the greatest human and technological adventures of the 20th century. A modern-day western, with the protagonists trying out every underhand trick and bluff possible to achieve their aims. But it is also a story of power and influence, driven by geopolitical ambitions and struggles, where deals and contracts define a country.
Jacques Brel, fou de vivre
Presents archival material as well as interviews with those who were close to Jacques Brel, who died way too young, at age 49. Jacques Brel sings "Madeleine" over the opening credits of this film and immediately the audience is drawn into the intense theatricality of his performance. Left without a choice, they follow his lead, join the chanson and are left sweaty and breathless, just like Brel. Philippe Kohly, a documentary filmmaker who is renowned for profiling artists, created a fascinating portrait of the legendary singer of Flemish descent who became a master of French chanson.
The Jack King Affair
England, 1940, during World War II. An MI5 officer, codenamed Jack King, infiltrates a network of conspirators, a British fifth column sympathetic to Nazi Germany, in order to control the organization and destroy it in the event of a German invasion. But who was he? A single person or several?
Changer la vie !
A documentary drama retelling the shift of Mitterand's policy. In May 1981, F.Mitterrand is elected President of the Republic, after more than twenty years in the opposition. He wants to change the life; he believes in the supremacy of politics over economics. He wants it to be fast and executes his programme to realise the socialist transformation. Two years later, Pierre Mauroy and Jacques Delors introduce an unprecedented austerity plan and open the parenthesis of austerity... that would never be closed.