GOOD OL GIRL follows three young Texas cowgirls tasked with carrying on their families' legacies amidst a volatile landscape and industry. The film explores the modern West: a place where the male cowboy mythology must answer to a new, honest, and some would say subversive, female story. The jarring transition between generations illuminates the weight of heritage and tradition. As the old guard wanes, these three women stand amidst the vast ranchlands of Texas. Who has the authority to claim our traditions when only those who have been overlooked are left to carry them on?
Executive Producer
브룩클린에 사는 러시아계 유태인 할머니를 돌보는 일을 하며 사는 필리핀 이민자 여성은 그린 카드를 얻기 위해 위장 결혼을 하려고 하지만 녹록치 않다. 그녀는 도축장에서 일하는 할머니의 손자와 사랑에 빠지는데, 그녀에겐 말 못한 비밀이 있다.
Returning to his home town in backwood Vermont, Dink is determined to reclaim control, ending his legacy of alcoholism and constructing his own log cabin by hand. However, Dink’s troubled past, including his gambling mother, Jean and damaged ex-partner, Sierra, threaten to blow him off course.