Tatsuya Fuji

Tatsuya Fuji

출생 : 1941-08-27, Beijing, China


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tatsuya Fuji (藤 竜也 Fuji Tatsuya, born 27 August 1941) is a Japanese film actor. He has appeared in 50 films since 1964, and was the first Japanese actor to appear in full-frontal nudity with explicit sexual scenes in a non-pornographic Japanese film, In the Realm of the Senses, which was released worldwide in 1976, but has yet to be shown in Japan itself. He has starred in two films (Empire of Passion and Bright Future) that have been entered into the Cannes Film Festival. Description above from the Wikipedia Tatsuya Fuji, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

프로필 사진

Tatsuya Fuji
Tatsuya Fuji
Tatsuya Fuji

참여 작품

The Wolves of the East
Akira is a hunter in a village where wolves disappeared 100 years ago. After he overspends community money on his obsessive hunts, his coleagues spurn him. He decides to go into the forest to kill a wolf.
바람나무는 거문고처럼
중국인 청년 첸량은 일본에서 사는 불법체류자이다. 어느 날 그는 다른 사람에게 걸려온 일자리 제안 전화를 받고, 자신이 당사자인 것처럼 그 일을 맡는다. 첸량은 결국 전통 소바 식당에서 나이 든 소바 장인과 함께 일하지만, 신분이 들통날까 봐 늘 두려움에 떤다.
Ittetsu Suzuki
Ittetsu and Maitsuko are married, but they are not just any normal couple. They robbed a bank and took a cool million or two from the capitalists. Then they duly vanished. Years have passed and their children have congregated to divide their parents' money, but first there is the matter of arrangements and a funeral.
항공모함 이부키
Commander Tsugeharu Yui
The story takes place over a 24 hour period. In the southernmost part of Japan, 20 fishing boats of an unknown nationality suddenly fire upon and occupy parts of the Hateruma archipelago. Members of the Japan Coast Guard are detained. Under the extremely tense situation, the Japanese government sends Aircraft Carrier Ibuki and an escort fleet to the area. Ryota Akitsu is the captain of the Aircraft Carrier Ibuki and Toshiya Niinami is second-in-command. It is now 6:23 am. and Japan faces one day which they never have before.
첫사랑 ~ 여보, 치비가 없어졌어요
세 명의 자식은 독립, 인생의 말년을 고양이 한 마리와 함께 생활하는 부부 마사루와 유키코. 평온한 매일을 보내고 있다─고 생각했지만, 갑자기 유키코가 딸 나호코에게 「헤어지려고 생각 중이다」는 말을 털어놓는다. 그러던 어느 날, 기르던 고양이 치비가 모습을 감추는데……?!
Kitabayashi / Juzo
시력을 잃어가는 포토그래퍼 나카모리는 앞을 볼 수 없는 이들을 위해 영화 음성 해설을 만드는 모임에 참여하고 해설을 쓰는 초보 작가 미사코를 만난다. 사사건건 의견이 부딪치던 두 사람은 점점 서로의 아픔을 이해하게 되고 함께 아름다운 라스트 씬을 써 내려가는데…
아버지와 이토씨
Aya's Father
34세 ‘아야’와 그녀의 남친 54세 ‘이토씨’가 사는 집에 무단 입주(!)하신 74세 아야의 ‘아버지’ 어쩌다 함께 살게 된 세 사람이 만들어가는 무릎 탁! 코끝 찡! 눈물 똑! 가족 시트콤
8인의 수상한 신사들
아들 부부가 여행으로 집을 비운 사이 걸려 온 보이스 피싱 전화 한 통에 순진하게 속아 넘어갈 뻔한 류조. 그는 한때 이름을 알렸던 야쿠자의 옛 동료들과 함께 자신들을 무시했던 사기범을 쫓기로 한다. 하지만 사기범 뒤에는 깡패 조직이 뒤를 봐주고 있음을 알게 되는데… 과연, 그들은 옛 명성을 잇는 활약을 펼칠 수 있을까?
자쿠로자카의 복수
Kazue Akimoto
At Sakurada Gate in 1860, the shogun’s chief minister and his retinue of bodyguards are ambushed and annihilated. Bearing the responsibility and shame for this failure is Shimura Kingo, master swordsman and chief of the guard. Forbidden to take his own life in atonement, he is instead tasked with hunting down the remaining assassins; however, fate intervenes and now only one is left. Devoted to his late lord and his duty, he relentlessly pursues the sole remaining assassin for the next thirteen years. But times are changing in Japan and the way of the sword has become outlawed. What does this mean for Kingo?
내 남자
준고는 쓰나미로 고아가 된 하나를 자신의 집에 들인다. 딸로 입양한 하나는 결국 그의 연인이 된다. 이들의 비밀이 탄로나자 그 동안 살던 홋카이도의 작은 마을을 떠나 아는 사람이 없는 도쿄에서 평화로운 생활을 시작하지만 과거에 알던 사람이 찾아오면서 평화도 끝이 난다.
Blossoms Bloom
Shuntaro Osaki
Work life for Shunsuke Osaki has been success after success, but at some point his family began to slip by the wayside. As his elderly father begins to show signs of dementia, Shunsuke takes the family on a trip in a desperate attempt to pull them together before it is too late. Director Mitsutoshi Tanaka's adaptation of Masashi Sada's short story of the same name received the awards for Best Director, Best Actress and Best Music at the 1st Asia International Film Festival in Taipei.
It's a Beautiful Life - Irodori
Teruo tokumoto
A group of elderly women come together to sell vegetable leaves.
하야부사 아득한 귀환
Yasunobu Marukawa
In May 2003, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (or JAXA) launched an unmanned spacecraft of their own development to retrieve samples from an asteroid. Seven long years later, Hayabusa achieved its goal and was the first of any kind of craft launched from Earth to safely return samples of this kind to home base. The story was one of such great national pride for Japan, and in the wake of the tsunami and resulting tragedies in Japan it’s strong nationalistic message became the subject of no less than three rival films. Yukihiko Tsutsumi’s high-profile effort, simply titled Hayabusa (2011) starred the incomparable Toshiyuki Nishida. Most recently, Welcome Home, Hayabusa (2012) was released to Japanese audiences. Slipping in between those two was Hayabusa: The Long Voyage Home, concentrating on the people on the ground who helped return the probe safely.
Chūzaemon Inui
A samurai Sakunosuke gets an order from clan chamberlain to kill another samurai who is married with his own younger sister. As a loyal samurai he has to accept the mission even though he has inner conflicts.
별을 바라보는 개
신분이 확인되지 않은 한 남자의 죽음과 개의 이야기에 호기심을 느낀 홋카이도의 한 사회복지사가 남자의 신분을 알아낸다. 도쿄에 도착한 쿄수케는 십대 유키의 지원을 얻어 남자와 개 사이의 충성심과 운명에 얽힌 이야기를 풀어낸다. (2011년 제16회 부산국제영화제)
수프 오페라
Tony Tanaka
Sakai plays Rui, a 35-year-old single woman forced to live alone after the aunt who raised her suddenly decides to get married and move out. Through an unexpected set of circumstances, she winds up becoming roommates with an aging ladies’ man named Tony and a timid younger man named Kosuke.
행복의 향기
Wang Qing Kuo
작은 바닷가 마을에 위치한 중식당 ‘소상해반점’은 언제나 단골 손님들로 북적거린다. 중국 출신 요리사 왕씨의 마음과 영혼이 담긴 일품 요리는 사람들에게 행복한 맛을 선물하는 것으로 유명하다. 백화점 식품부 직원 타카코는 왕씨에게 소상해반점의 백화점 입점을 제안하기 위해 찾아온다. 왕씨는 다카코의 제안을 매몰차게 거절하지만 왕씨의 요리에 매료된 다카코는 그의 요리를 먹기 위해 매일같이 소상해반점에 들른다. 그러던 어느 날, 왕씨는 쓰러지고 위험한 고비는 넘겼지만 마비증세로 더이상 요리를 할 수 없게 된다. 이 소식을 들은 다카코는 다니던 회사를 그만두고 왕씨를 찾아와 소상해반점의 맛을 잇기 위해 요리를 가르쳐 달라고 제안하는데...
미드나이트 이글
Primeminister Takafumi Watarase
다카시마 테츠오의 동명소설을 영화한 산악영화. 일본 전역을 휩쓸어버릴 정도의 위력을 가진 특수 폭탄이 탑재된 스틸스형 전략폭격기인 미드나이트 이글이 북 알프스에서 자취를 감추게 되는데...
Twenty-three-year-old Ken has difficulty coping with the death of his father. His mother send him to his uncle Takuma in Japan.
Takeo Kanno
1950년 9월. 역도산은 순수 일본인이 아니면 최고의 자리에 오를 수 없는 현실에 스모를 포기한다. 술과 싸움으로 나날을 보내던 역도산은 운명처럼 레슬링을 만나 미련 없이 태평양을 건넌다. 2년 후 프로레슬러가 되어 돌아온 역도산. 생소한 스포츠에 흥행사들과 국민들도 반신반의하지만 역사적인 첫 경기가 열리던 날 상황은 역전된다. 가라데 촙으로 미국 레슬러를 때려 눕히며 패전으로 상실감에 빠져 있던 일본인의 국민적 영웅으로 떠오른 역도산. 그러나 세상을 다 가졌다고 생각한 순간, 역도산의 삶은 점차 어긋나기 시작하는데...
Chief Taro Minamoto
해난 구조 일을 하기 위해 해상 보안청 잠수기술과정 연수에 참가한 센자키 다이스케는 쿠도와 한 팀을 이루어 훈련을 시작한다. 다이스케가 마스터 라이센스까지 가진 뛰어난 실력인 반면, 쿠도는 번번이 훈련에서 낙오한다. 그러나 쿠도의 순수한 마음에 호감을 가지게 된 다이스케는 그를 성심싱의껏 이끌어 준다. 그러던 어느 날, 우연한 기회에 칸나를 구해준 다이스케는 그녀와 가까워지는데...
마을 사진첩
Takahashi Kenichi
댐 걸설로 인해 결국 사라져 버리게 된 도쿠시마현의 작은 마을, 그곳에 살고 있는 사진관 주인이 마을 주민들 전체의 가족사진을 찍기 시작하는데... 사라져가는 마을의 아름다운 풍경을 남기기 위해 사진을 찍는 완고한 남자와 그의 아들이, 부모자식간의 인연을 회복해 나가는 드라마를 축으로 가족의 따뜻함을 그린 감동적인 작품. 제8회 상하이국제영화제에서 최우수작품상을 수상했으며, 주연인 후지 타츠야는 최우수 남우주연상을 받았다. 무대가 된 도쿠시마현 산간지역 마을의 자연에 둘러싸인 정감어린 풍경이 따뜻한 이야기를 가득 채운다. 극중에 사용된 사진가 다츠키 요시히로의 많은 작품들도 볼거리.
The Man in White Part 2: Requiem for the Lion
A rowdy, young yakuza takes revenge against a gang of thousands for the death of his boss.
The Man in White
After his father figure like mafia boss is murdered, Azusa Moribe (Masaya Sato) goes on a one man killing spree to exact revenge.
애매한 미래,  구로사와 기요시
Initially, Ambivalent Future was intended as a film about the production of Kiyoshi Kurosawa's "Bright Future". But director Fujii has taken the "behind the scenes"-concept to unprecedented heights with this unique documentary offering a close look into the world of Kiyoshi Kurosawa, the auteur. Scenes from the surprisingly low key and relaxed production of "Bright Future" are of course sprinkled liberally throughout the documentary, but between these we are treated to interesting and revealing interviews with actors, producers and Kurosawa's many other collaborators. And perhaps the most surprising thing of all is how much of Kurosawa there is, talking candidly about his working methods and the philosophy behind it all.
밝은 미래
Shin'ichirô Arita
특별한 꿈 없이 평소 잠자기를 좋아하는 스물 네 살 청년 '니무라 유지'. 물수건 세탁 공장에서 임시직으로 일하게 되면서 그는 자기보다 세 살 많은 '아리타 마모루'와 친해지게 된다. 얼마 후 정식직원으로 채용하고 싶다는 사장의 제안에, 뭐가 더 좋은 건지 헷갈려 하자 마모루는 충고가 필요할 때마다 그에게 특이한 사인을 해주겠다고 한다. 엄지 손가락을 가슴 쪽으로 향하면 '기다려라', 엄지와 검지를 바깥 쪽으로 향하면 '가라'는 뜻으로. 그 후 니무라는 마모루 집에 자주 놀러가 그가 키우는 해파리를 좋아하게 된다. 볼 땐 반짝반짝 빛나서 아름답지만 손을 대면 위험한. 그런 어느 날, 사장이 마모루 집을 방문한 뒤 마모루는 해고당한다. 한편 마모루를 해고시킨 사장에 대해 화가 나있던 니무라는 사장이 빌려간 자기 음악 CD를 돌려받기 위해 쳐들어갔다가 시체가 된 사장을 발견한다. 당황한 그는 마모루의 집에도 찾아가고 전화도 해보지만, 연락은 되지 않고. 누군가의 신고로 마모루는 잡혀간다. 그리고 감옥에 간 지 얼마 후 마모루는 '가라'는 손가락 사인을 남긴 채 자살한다. 유일한 벗이었던 마모루를 잃은 니무라. 언제 올지 모를 밝은 미래를 향해 가야할 지 기다려야 할지...
Gun Breath A Perfect Night to Die
Ultimate Gun Action!
ACRI: The Legend of Homo-Aquarellius
A scientist desperately wanting to prove that mermaids exist is ostracized from the scientific community in Japan. He settles down in Australia steadfast on his hypothesis. When a Japanese student visits him in Australia with strange questions about mermaids, how the young man survived in the ocean, and why he doesn't remember anything.
A hard-boiled touch love story that depicts the momentary love between a hitman and a woman who had a dangerous escape together.
Yuta Suzumori
As famous photographer, Yuta Suzumori's (Tatsuya Fuji) health is worsening he tells a childhood story of when he saw a kappa in his hometown village of Kitagawa.
Break Out
Ryusuke Kaji
An accidental shooting on the job and a recent divorce take a toll on the personal and professional life of a Japanese detective. Just as it seems he can't go any lower, he is suspended from the force for disregarding orders to halt his criminal investigation of a Congressman. However, even this setback won't stop the determined cop from getting to the bottom of the scandal.
Guys Who Never Learn
Comedy based on a book by Joji Abe, about a man in prison for the 12th time.
A sensuous movie based on a literary work. Hitomi Kuroki stars as the film’s heroine.
Let Him Rest in Peace
shindou tsuyoshi
A man returns to his seaside roots to confront a yakuza boss. Along the way, he charms young men, softens a hard woman and busts a few heads.
숀벤 라이더
세 명의 말썽꾸러기 조조, 지쇼, 브루스는 동급생 데부나가에게 괴롭힘을 당하는 중이다. 그런데 어느 날 학교 주차장에서 데후나가가 야쿠자에게 유괴 당하는 현장을 목격한 뒤 데부나가를 구하기 위해 길을 나선다. 그리고 이 이상한 여행 과정에서 야쿠자, 부패 경찰, 선생님 등과 복잡한 관계에 놓인다.
Golden Partners
A motorcycle cop and a freelance photographer, having learned the location of 1 billion yen's worth of the Imperial Navy's gold, team up to salvage it.
열정의 제국
산골마을을 넘어서 일터를 향해 가는 인력거의 발걸음이 분주하면 분주할 수록 집으로 돌아오는 그의 지친 몸은 천근 만근이다. 술 한잔으로 피로를 달래 보지만 역시 아내와 잠자리를 갖기에는 무리다. 젊은 아내는 아직도 팽팽한 육신으로 아기의 젖만 물릴 수 없었던지 마을의 낯선 남자와 정을 통하고 만다. 한 번 정을 통하게 된 이들은 수시로 관계를 갖게 되고, 이제는 걸림돌이 된 남편을 죽이려 한다. 부인은 술로 남편을 취하게 한 다음 정부와 함께 남편을 목졸라 죽인다. 그리고 남편의 시체를 숲 속 우물에 버린다. 남편의 죽음은 실종으로 처리되고 두 남녀의 사랑 행각은 계속 이어진다. 하지만 아버지를 찾는 딸 아이와 남편을 찾기 위해 호시탐탐 부인의 주변을 맴도는 순사로 인해 여자의 죄의식이 점점 고개를 든다. 그리고 그 죄의식은 남편의 망령을 통해 점점 거세화된다.
감각의 제국
Kichizo Ishida
나가노의 요리점 <요시다야>에서 일하는 여종업원인 사다는 그 곳에서 주인인 이시다 기치조를 만나게 된다. 그녀는 순식간에 그와 격정적인 정사를 나누고픈 욕망에 빠져든다. 첫눈에 반한 두 사람은 늦은 밤 응접실이나 객실 등에서 지속적으로 밀회를 나누다가 기치조의 아내에게 발각된다. 결국 사다는 요리점을 나갈 수 밖에 없는 상황에 놓이자 기치조의 부인을 속이고 도망을 나와 요정 마사키에 틀어박혀 격렬한 사랑을 수 차례 나누게 된다. 두 사람의 사랑은 애정을 넘어서 서로의 육체에 대한 집착으로 나타나고, 결국 사다는 기치조를 영원히 자신의 남자로 만들고 싶다는 욕망에 사로잡히게 되는데...
Light of Africa
Two semi-slackers with an ultra-intimate friendship work, slack and drink in a freezing Hokkaido town.
A Single Flower Withered
Yakuza Wolf: Extend My Condolences
Tetsu Nakagawa
Attacking Asao Uchida's lonely, clifftop mansion in no-holds barred massacre.
Yakuza Skirmishes
In the gaudy world of 1930s Shinjuku, a violent youth known as Bakudan Match tangles explosively with prostitutes, politicians and the police.
Chase That Man
The story of the desperate struggle between the police and a large crime syndicate.
The Bad Boss: Wholesale Roundup
This is the thirteenth film in the series.
Bad Girl Mako
Patronized by a gang ruling the city, Mako delinquently plays around a night club every night with her bad company. One night, a guy Hideo gets closer to her for one-night stand, and they consequently fall in love. However, Hideo is killed by the gang. Mako swears vengeance on her beloved's murderer.
Blood Vendetta
Seiji Nakai
The film tells about Masayoshi, a noble Yakuza who lives by the laws of honor and humanity, and who is bound by an oath to his brother in a conflict between the Gamblers' family and the Tekiya family.
Blood For Blood
The Akiba and Shimura crime families run the streets of “K City”. With the construction of new buildings and new factories underway, the city has sprouted into a boomtown and business is good. Two of the most infamous mobs of Tokyo want a piece of the pie. As out-of-town yakuza flood the city overnight, the crime boss of the Akiba family, Tezuka (Joe Shishido), is released from prison after a five year sentence. He does not like the "change" he sees.
Onna no Iji
2 years ago, Kumi broke up with Shuhei and decided to forget everything about him for good. However, after being told that her younger sister, Junko, fall in love with a man and is currently living with him. She was determined to discover who was the man who won her sister's heart. But what will happen when she found out that the man in question is Shuhei, her first love?
Secret Zone of Tokyo
Pinku from 1971.
Stray Cat Rock: Beat '71
The series swansong, Beat '71, sees Kaji framed and sent to prison by her boyfriend's father and with the help of some hippies she strives to be re-united.
Stray Cat Rock: Machine Animal
Two Japanese men help a Vietnam war deserter escape from Japan for Sweden. They plan to fund the escape by selling LSD pills. After word of the drug deal gets spread around they find themselves fending off rival gangs.
Dangerous Games
Drama is afoot at Shirobara Middle School when the bold Henmi Ryoko transfers into Class A, 9th Grade. She immediately picks a fight with, Masuda, the head of the preparation committee. The girls' battle for control of the gang soon grows out of control as it sweeps up the entire school. Brawls. Seduction. Yazuka. And more!
길 고양이: 섹스 헌터
Mako and her girl friends enter a dispute with rival street gangsters The Eagles, a band of racist macho pigs led by the evil Baron, who hate half-breeds. When one of the girls start dating a half-breed, they start a terror campaign to take all of them out of town. Mako and her gang fight back, helping their new friend Kazuma find his long gone sister.
Stray Cat Rock: Wild Jumbo
Wild young people kidnap a wealthy woman and she becomes attracted to one of them. When she tells the man that she is the mistress of a religious leader, he and his posse make plans to rob her partner.
Melody of Rebellion
Seiji Takigawa
The disbandment of the Tanno clan left gang member Tetsu to stray from the crime family's fold. He roamed the streets as a one man band, wearing a denim jacket and long hair with sunglasses to cover his piercing eyes. Befriending a like-minded lone wolf by the name of Gebasaku, Tetsu builds a coalition against higher forces. A graphic portrayal of irrepressible anger and a friendship worth dying for.
Cherry Blossoms in the Air - The Suicide Raiders - Oh, Buddies!
In 1943 Japan is facing defeat. This makes Shinkichi, a straight, selfless student-patriot, ever more restless. He can no longer stand his soft "behind-the- gun" role of munition factory worker. School-mates one after another are going to the front, where he feels he should be. The last straw is an official report of his father's death in the Battle of Attu in the Aleutian Islands. He rushes to the naval air corps training camp at Tsuchiura along with his close school-mates Naito, Yamada, Saito and Tagawa as Volunteer pilot trainees leaving his mother and sweetheart weeping and helpless.
Stray Cat Rock: Delinquent Girl Boss
A wandering tough biker girl aids a female delinquent gang in their battles against an all-male Seiyu group over a fixed boxing match.
Showdown in Gangland
Rivalry between two young gangster groups who seek to extend their influence.
A Gangster's Morals
Yakuza movie directed by Yasuharu Hasebe
The Cleanup
A real all-star cast turns out for this modern yakuza yarn.
Red Sword Sheath: Code Of Honour: Recieving Orders
Japanese crime film
Vermillion Sword: Scabbard Code Sword Amidst the Swirling Cherry Blossoms
Tappei Kominato
Beginning of the Showa era, Takasaki City in Joshu (Gunma Province). Gambler Inufushi Yoichi continues to lose at Takamasa's gambling house. The authoritative female gambler Ai gives him money and advises him to think seriously about his life. She has to leave Takamasa because of him. She travels to Tomioka for advice from Matsumiya Seiji, who previously helped her. However, the latter is killed due to a conflict with the Kaizu-gumi yakuza family, making his wife Tane a widow...
Gambler's Dilemma
Kakizawa Takatsugu
The love story between a traveling guest and a geisha who inadvertently becomes the leader of her father's yakuza clan, after his death.
博徒百人 任侠道
가지오카 기요타로는 인연이 닿아 시코쿠 다카마쓰의 이시즈 두목 앞으로 몸을 기댄 채 술잔을 나눴다.이시즈는 다카마쓰의 주였던 곳을 억제하는 실력자였지만, 마찬가지로 다카마쓰를 세력권으로 하고 있는 산본·사사이가 스키라면 대체하려고 기회를 엿보고 있었다…. 무리를 통하려는 우두머리들에 항거하여, 인협도를 관통하는 남자의 이야기
The Fatal Raid
Kazama and three others defeated Yoshie Sangyo, but the Nishio group was disbanded due to public pressure, and the territory belonged to the Hirata group.
Bloody Territories
Shigeo Minato, Oonogi Clan member
A once-powerful yakuza clan disbands as a result of a police crackdown, but one small group refuses to bow to police pressure, and launches a campaign to take over Tokyo's drug, prostitution, and gambling rackets. Someone wants to stop them. Is it the police? Rival gang members? Or is it an entirely new group of hired killers who will stop at nothing to gain complete control of Tokyo's "bloody territories"?
Rising Dragon: Soft Skin Gambler
Japanese crime film
The Rough One
A tale of wannabe yakuza youths. When not cooking up scams with his buddies, Zenkichi develops a crush on Taro's disgusted sister, Miki. But soon the young hoods run afoul of their underworld idols when they rob the wrong gang, led by brutal boss Konno. When Zenkichi's pals start to bite the dust, he hooks up with a more traditional yakuza, Tetsugoro, to retaliate.
Women's Police: Part II
Masaaki Kagari (Akira Kobayashi) is the recruiter and protector of hostesses at the Club Rose. One day he visits Club Aron, to complain about attempts to lure hostesses from Club Rose. Aron's madam Hisayo reminds him of a tragic experience five years before, when a lovely girl named Kumi committed double suicide with a man in a hotel. For Aron's madam is Kumi's elder sister. Kagari's friend Hayazaki introduces him to Chie, the young sister of the man who died with Kumi, who has come to Tokyo to learn the truth about her brother's death. Kagari sends them both away. But he continues to be haunted by the warmed-over memories. When Club Aron is found selling bootleg whisky Kagari learns that Hisayo has been a tool in the hands of the Akune group who are also responsible for trying to steal his girls, and that Fujikura, the public prosecutor who presided over the case of Kumi's death and ruled it suicide, is now the personal lawyer of the Akune group...
Prisoner of Lust
Pinku from 1969.
Rising Dragon: Red-Hot Iron Skin
Japanese crime film
Savage Wolf Pack
A professional hunter, Tetsuya, returns from Alaska to find that his hometown had become a lawless slum. He is shocked to learn that his younger sister had committed suicide after being raped by unknown men. One day, he rescues a girl from being attacked by some gang, and discovers that the same gang had driven his sister to death. Using his lethal hunting skills, Tetsuya begins to take revenge…
Women's Police
Around Ginza there is a night-city of bars and cabarets, hostesses, customers. Assisting to keep order here is Kagari (Akira Kobayashi) who specializes in the women, their problems and troubles. He has saved many a girl from blandishments of pimps, makes customers pay up and women play straight. So he is called 'the woman's police-man' and he takes his job seriously. One day, Chiyoko (Yukiyo Toake), a former hostess, comes to him. Her husband has been murdered and she wants help. The man had been a college classmate and Kagari decides to do what he can. In his investigation he overturns a whole nest of intrigue. Men he had thought irreproachable turn out to be corrupt; solid citizens are seen as the worst kind of scoundrels. Until now, Kagari has specialized in women and their problems. But, realizing the real state of affairs, he rolls up his sleeves for a good cleaning- up-at the same time discovering the murderer of his friend.
Youth Bell
A college student comes to a wealthy family as a tutor for their son, an elementary school student, he cheerfully encourages his student, captivates him with the spirit of sports and falls in love with the daughter of the owner of the house. A masterpiece of youth drama starring the eternal idol Kazuo Funaki.
Outlaw: Goro the Assassin
Masahiko Murata
On a cold winter day, Goro Fujikawa (Tetsuya Watari) and Masahiko murder the mob boss of Meishin-Kai. The deed costs them time in prison, but Goro had no shred of regret. When Goro is released 2 years later, Masahiko is dying in prison hospital and entrusts his last wish; "find my sister and take care of her." Goro leaves as a free man with a mission, but soon finds that he might have been better off in jail.
Two years before they collaborated on the immortal Stray Cat Rock series, director Yasuharu Hasebe and soon-to-be-superstar Meiko Kaji teamed up for this potent gangster flick that also stars the great Joe Shishido (Branded to Kill) and Akira Kobayashi, who would shortly thereafter star in Kinji Fukasaku's epic yakuza series Battles Without Honor and Humanity. Emerging from a stint in prison, yakuza lieutenant Sumukawa (Kobayashi) discovers that his gang has disintegrated while he was in the pen. An ambitious type, he quickly hooks up with another gang (led by Shishido) who promise him a prominent position if he helps them deal with a rival family. But bonds are made to be broken, and pledges of loyalty soon give way to competition, betrayal and — naturally — retaliation. Tough, cynical and violent, Retaliation cheerfully overturns romanticized notions of underworld honour, paving the way for Fukusaku's revisionist yakuza pictures of the 1970s.
Song of my Life
Ryuichi Rouki
갱스터 VIP
Goro had grown up in the yakuza world. As an active member of the Mizuhara family crime syndicate, he expressed his loyalty by always putting himself in the forefront of every battle. Violence never bothered him. However, after being sentenced to three years in prison for stabbing a rival gang’s hit man, he becomes disenchanted with the Yakuza life style. Goro is determined to start anew, but karma catches up. His two closest friends are murdered by his ex-boss. He is left with two options: to kill or be killed.
붉은 유성
동경에서 상대편의 보스를 죽인 스기우라 고로는 고베로 도망치고, 그 곳에서 경비원으로 일하며 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날, 평소 알고 지내던 보석상인 고지마가 행방불명이 되자 고로는 고지마의 약혼녀인 게이코와 함께 그를 찾아 나서는데...
Massacre Gun
Eiji Kuroda
Kuroda (Jô Shishido) is a mob hitman who turns on his employers after being forced to execute his lover. Joining forces with his similarly wronged brothers, hot-headed Eiji (Tatsuya Fuji) and aspiring boxer Saburô (Jirô Okazaki), the trio escalate their mob retaliation to all-out turf war where no one will stop until one faction emerges victorious.
대괴수 갓파
George Inoue
외딴섬으로 탐험을 떠난 사람들은 원주민이 신으로 숭배하는 갓파라는 존재의 알을 발견하여 도쿄로 가지고 온다. 알이 부화한 뒤 나타난 것은 날개 달린 도마뱀의 모습이었다. 고질라와 가메라에 필적할 갓파의 국내 첫 공개.
The Stormy Man
Eiji Kokubu
A remake of the 1957 classic "Man Who Raised a Storm" with Watari Tetsuya in the title role.
Three Wild Cats
Three women, deceived by a man, make full use of their feminine weapons, replete with daring and unbridled seduction strategies.
Blood Shed
Ginjiro was born to a family of nobility, though he yearned for freedom. To earn this freedom, he affiliates himself with the worst of the worst. Swearing his allegiance to the notorious Kuroiwa crime syndicate, the yakuza family known for its thirst for blood, Ginjiro equips for battle. When a rival family raids their gambling parlor, he slashes a masked henchman. Unbeknown to him, his victim was no henchman.
Night of Sorrow
Kazuya Yoshida
A young lawyer looking for a true culprit to save his innocent friend. But behind the case is the father of a woman he loves.
The Four Loves
Yoshio Nagata
A father gives his four daughters his substantial retirement allowance on the stipulation that they leave him alone, as he wants some freedom. Each of the daughters has a romantic interest and it's noticeable that the father, too, has someone in mind.
Woman Gambler
Detective Endo
Mourning the death of her boyfriend, Yukiko wanders aimlessly from one city to another. During her mourning, she becomes addicted to gambling. One day, a man that resembles her deceased lover asks for help. He's being pursued by a dangerous gang of yakuza.
Gambling Kitten
Detective Endo
Arikawa runs a transport company. But this is only a front for his gambling house. Yuriko is a regular on the scene, and she is fascinated by the dice and the one who throws them. A year before, Yuriko's father died in mysterious circumstances; she decides to go in search of the truth.
Ryuji's Journey: The Crest of Man
The new head of a powerful family faces danger from an evil rival out for blood.
Taking the Castle
The Sengoku Era was coming to an end. The monopoly of the ever powerful shogun, Ieyasu Tokugawa, was at a near. Only one man was brave enough to stand in Ieyasu's way - A lone wolf samurai by the name of Kagekatsu Uesugi. Inspired by Uesugi's courage to revolt, a young samurai warrior, Touzou Kuruma decides to join the fight. Their target: the Tamonyama Castle.
Black Sun
Akira's Buddy
Akira, a young, jazz-obsessed drifter, returns to his squat, a ruined church, and finds Gill, a wounded African-American GI, on the run after the death of a white GI. Despite terrible misunderstandings and culture clash, Akira agrees to help Gill escape towards the sea, dodging military police along the way.
An original warrior directed by Toshio Takagi, directed by Eisuke Takizawa of “Kiriko's Tango” by Toshio Yasumi, a comedy, cheerful widow. The photo was taken by Minoru Yokoyama from “Asakusa no Toko Odoriko Monogatari”
Today is a new day with hopes. A youth hymn that depicts a young truck driver growing up in love with a dream while being supported by his friends who are always close to him. A movie adaptation of a hit song by Kazuo Funaki.
Prince of Wolves
As the post-war turmoil continued, Take, the boss of the waifs, stole the money of US soldiers and lived with friends. They were like children of wolves. By chance, they were found by and became a members of a yakuza family. Five years later, Take dominated the port town as a young boss.
The Guys Who Put Money on Me
An unofficial sequel to Million Dollar Match (1961) which also starred Koji Wada as a young energetic boxer. This story deals more with betting action surrounding a boxing match, concentrating mostly on the high-powered Yakuza gambling dens.
하이틴 야쿠자
쾌활한 성격의 고등학생 지로는 불의를 참지 못하는 성격이다. 지로는 야쿠자들이 동네 상인들을 괴롭히는 것을 보고 친구인 요시오와 함께 싸워 야쿠자를 쫓아낸다. 하지만 요시오가 야쿠자의 꼬임에 빠져들고, 동네 상인들은 지로에게 야쿠자와 계속 싸워줄 것을 부탁하자 지로는 곤란한 입장에 처한다.